Did Michael feel the way we feel now when James Brown died?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I think we all know how much he loved James Brown, I mean he was to Michael the way Michael is to us.

I was just thinkin about this.. I don't know why I'm posting it really, I just wanted to share it with you guys.

How do you think Michael felt? Its my guess but I think he might have felt the way a lot of us feel now..? Or do you disagree?
Good question

I thinkful he was very sad and did mourn for James Brown. I think what we are going through hurts differently because Michael left us so suddenly.
This remembers me about Michael saying, and I quote:

"I dont wanna be 80 year and die on stage like James Brown did."

How ironic..
This remembers me about Michael saying, and I quote:

"I dont wanna be 80 year and die on stage like James Brown did."

How ironic..

Oh gosh I know. :cry:

I remember seeing how upset Michael was at the funeral. That was heartbreaking. :(
This remembers me about Michael saying, and I quote:

"I dont wanna be 80 year and die on stage like James Brown did."

How ironic..

Yeah, I was trying to track that quote a few days ago. Couldn't remember when it was though. Was it the Ebony interview in 07?
Yeah, I was trying to track that quote a few days ago. Couldn't remember when it was though. Was it the Ebony interview in 07?

Yeah it was Ebony. there were even soundclips released from the interview if I remember correct.
I'm not sure in quite the way we have, particularly, as mentioned above, because it was so so very sudden!

and well if Michael did, then he hid it well.:(
Oh I know he did.
That was his childhood idol.
Look at the clips of them together over the years.
That light in his eyes any time he looked at James Brown never died.
That flame was lit and wasn't goin out any time soon.
He hurt just as much as we do.
He cried and mourn just as much as we do.
I was very surprised by how well he kept his emotions in check at the funeral. On the other hand, he's always kept them in check when the cameras were rolling.
I'm sure he felt the way we all are feeling now. When you lose someone dear, it's always hard. MJ seemed to be concerned about whether James Brown got to really enjoy life. When you're a performer, you are constantly giving, and you need that time and balance where you can live and enjoy life without being on stage. I wonder if MJ really got to do the same. I know his kids were probably the joys of his life, but it would make me happy knowing that outside of his work, he was able to make the most out of his life and truly enjoy it (but I guess I'll never know that).
Oh I know he did.
That was his childhood idol.
Look at the clips of them together over the years.
That light in his eyes any time he looked at James Brown never died.
That flame was lit and wasn't goin out any time soon.
He hurt just as much as we do.
He cried and mourn just as much as we do.
I was very surprised by how well he kept his emotions in check at the funeral. On the other hand, he's always kept them in check when the cameras were rolling.
I agree.
Who would've thought they'd be together again so soon..