Did Michael ever put his hands in cement at the Chinese theater?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does anyone know for sure if Michael ever put his hands/feet/signature in the cement at the Chinese theater in California? I'm thinking he did but I can't find anything definite.
No, he didn't. That's only for movie stars whose films were premiered in the Chinese theater.
On a similar note, I'm wondering did Michael attend the unveiling of his star on the Walk of Fame?
^ Thanks for replying. I found a pic. :)

Joseph and Katherine and other family members were there too. It was in 1984.
^ Thanks for replying. I found a pic. :)

Joseph and Katherine and other family members were there too. It was in 1984.

gorgeous Michael Jackson :wub::wub::wub:
By the way, I know that Michael's hand prints ARE somewhere in LA, if I am not mistaken. I just don't know where exactly. Doesn't anyone know where they are and how to get there?