Did Michael and Steve Harvey remain friends....

Jan 17, 2004
Just seen this...


And well..he's right about things, but i also think it was kinda harsh, then again, those are comedians and it doesn't go near Chris Rock's jokes, which are very tasteless and unnesscary. Anyway, right after Invincible's release Mike was on the phone with Steve, and it was all great and friendly.

But i was wondering...did MJ and Steve stay friends after the trial, after this comedy show and everything? I mean...some things Steve says in the video are kinda weird. It seems he's mocking or criticising that MJ had a special room for sick children in his house, with beds and oxygen tanks and stuff, i see that as a great gesture...not negative, so i don't really get that.

Long story short...did they stay friends?
It seemed they did. Steve Harvey on his morning show had Mj on there and they talked as if they were still friends. And, on his morning show after MJ died, he deicated many shows to MJ, talked highly of him, and had his family on the show for interview.

In this video, he starts off by saying Mj is a good dude. Also, Steve wasn't making fun or criticising MJ for helping sick kids to me. I think he was saying that MJ had to look out for MJ sometimes. And, once those kids started making accussations he would have closed up shop.
It seemed they did. Steve Harvey on his morning show had Mj on there and they talked as if they were still friends. And, on his morning show after MJ died, he deicated many shows to MJ, talked highly of him, and had his family on the show for interview.

In this video, he starts off by saying Mj is a good dude. Also, Steve wasn't making fun or criticising MJ for helping sick kids to me. I think he was saying that MJ had to look out for MJ sometimes. And, once those kids started making accussations he would have closed up shop.

Ah my bad then, i probably misunderstood it. This is the kind of humor about MJ that i can apreciate, i mean...looking like captain crunch and all that. that's simply good humor, nothing insulting, nothing tasteless, i can't enjoy much Mj jokes..but these are fine.
Yeah Steve and Chris have some good Mj jokes. There is one where Chris says what if MJ was a pimp. I would post it, but the language prevents me.

Here's a photo of him and MIke together in 2004.

And here are two vids of Steve defending Mike when Bill O riley said some bad things about Mike:

WOW, incredible. Lots of respect for Steve after that...and sigh..Bill o reilly...a bigger piece of shit has yet to be born, really.

Here's a photo of him and MIke together in 2004.

And here are two vids of Steve defending Mike when Bill O riley said some bad things about Mike:

I remember that when steve ripped out on bill...i was like YEH U GO STEVE! :clapping::punk:
Man...it's incredible what a stupid effin' soul...no wait..he ain't got one...that bill o reilly is. All that nonsense about skin bleaching...and what...Michael selfish? Oh my..nah, this ain't even worth my time! This IS though --->


HOW can you show Youtube videos like that? :)

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Steve is jus' being Steve. He got mad respect for Mike, n has shown Michael alot of love over the years. Especially against Oreilly rachety self.

Steve is funny n was just using common comedic exxageration, I wouldnt take it to heart. He's already shown his colors and is a cool guy in my book.

P.S. he gunna perform in Oakland in the summer.