Did fans close to Michael tell him they'd love him to sing live?

Remington Steele

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I wonder if those fans that were friends of Michael over the years ever talked about that issue with him. My impression is that many of the fans were always so happy seeing him sing live, although I do know some don't care.

Personally, I'm so happy about every little new live snippet I see (e.g. "Black or white" in TII).

Did any fan ever tell him - and if so, how did he react?
Why single out "Black or White"?

Wasn't most of TII non-lip synced?
Most of TII was live.

This Is It would have been better than the best! It would really have been IT !!

Still very very sad he died before he could do the concerts. :(
A lot of TII wasn't live, actually. It was either mimed or dubbed over - I'm leaning towards dubbed.

I know that one fairly important figure not within MJ's camp but who had been close to him over the years sent an email to him and his management straight after the concerts were announced, telling them that MJ had to sing live because if he didn't the media would tear him to shreds.
A lot of TII wasn't live, actually. It was either mimed or dubbed over - I'm leaning towards dubbed.

I know that one fairly important figure not within MJ's camp but who had been close to him over the years sent an email to him and his management straight after the concerts were announced, telling them that MJ had to sing live because if he didn't the media would tear him to shreds.

lol , seriously???
Dubbed means that the audio has been edited on top of the footage, ie. taking the original vocal from Thriller and laying it over the film.

Jam has been obviously dubbed. I think Thriller was dubbed as well. I think the Earth Song and Billie Jean demos were dubbed over the top as opposed to mimed to.
lol , seriously???


Miming does not go down well in the UK at all.

Did you see the furore in the British press when Alexandra Burke mimed on X Factor? The public were complaining to newspapers, to ITV, to OFCOM - all over the place. And that's something they're watching for free in their living room.

Imagine the reaction if they'd paid for tickets!

Look at the British reaction to Britney's concerts. She was mocked and derided for weeks because of her miming. Given that this is Michael Jackson, whatever happened to Britney, you can multiply it by at least ten. It could have been a total disaster.

So this person wrote to MJ and his team imploring him to sing live at the O2, knowing that if he didn't then the press and public alike could easily turn on him.
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My god, people. If you dont like talk about lip synching. Just dont come into the thread! Its as simple as that!

Some people CLEARLY do want to talk about it.
@mjlover - really interesting...

Look at the British reaction to Britney's concerts. She was mocked and derided for weeks because of her miming.

Good thing. I can't stand playback, I wish it would be a taboo...

As far as I'm concerned, a singer could drop the microphone or sing as bad as it would hurt my ears, I would still far more enjoy it than listening to the CD recording at a live concert.
i dont think anyone would say that words to Michael......even fans.....

i think MITM (the version we heard in the trailer) is live vocal,but when it comes to the film,i dunno,i found they are different