Did Anyone See Cold Case Sundaynight ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
East New York ,Brooklyn N.Y,USA
I know that most of you watch the overtime of a football game of The NY Giants And The Buffalo Bills on WCBS TV Sundaynight but you also know that CBS would show 60 mintues,The Amzing Race and Three Rivers but not COLD CASE.
The storyline was about the mysterious death of a Soulsinger from the 70s and beyond. He recorded for one record company, then he recorded for Philladelphia International. Sounds Familiar ? The line I heard was if it wasn't for him, none of what's going on would be possible.(Something like that) and it all looked like what was going on with Michael(Somewhat). I don't think they'll show it next Sunday.Did anyone see it ? The title of the show is Called SOUL.Do you think that CBS did that on pupose?I'm curious.:agree:
Hmm...I didn't see it but it could be about Mike. Many plots are taken out of the headlines for tv shows such as Law & Order or CSI. Can you give more details about the plot?
Hmm...I didn't see it but it could be about Mike. Many plots are taken out of the headlines for tv shows such as Law & Order or CSI. Can you give more details about the plot?

Exactly. Why are you guys getting so mad, these shows often draw from the things in the news, and michael has been in the news alot lately.
I just want to know why they didn't show Cold Case that night when they showed the other shows and in the past,CBS has shown Cold Case after an Overtime Football game or Rematch Golf game. I find it curious. As I looked at the trailer,it did remind me of Michael's death case.
This story reminds me of Marvin Gaye,Michael Jackson and other artist that went down that same road. Cold Case was a mixture of A talented Person, A Talented Church Boy Musician, who had the other talent that he had to hide from his Reverand father and his church. The Churchboy wanted his father blessings and respect but it didn't happen unless he was doing for the church. He played secretly in clubs and Recording sessions when he was alittle older. He Played several instruments and play like he was a sight reading musician,He played like a pro. And his ideas he had brought to the owner of a certain record excutive that went on records but The Churchboy didn't get the Credit And Women and enablers ,2 Women who One loves him secretly but the other was after his cash and tricked him into a trisk had found herself preggars thinking he was getting the money and the credit inwhich he wasn't really paid the salary he was owed. Jealousy and Weight and looks Discrimination, everything that went with the business of music
And it turned out at the end that The Now choir director who this guy tried to help back in the day with putting her on record thought their friendship was going to be more than a friendship killed him with the one thing you never guessed, A Heavy Wine Bottle.. The Guy that was the head of The Record company took all the credit of all the songs that The Churchboy had produced and The Owner recieved the lifetime achievement award for work that wasn't his .it reminded me of all the headlines that happened from the early 60s to the present.. The Music was being play was some of The Gamble and Huff Collection ,like Backstabbers. Really Sad.

Michael was right "Don't trust anyone in the Music business".He was so right about that.