Did anyone just see MCfly sing black or white on T4?

i'm so blinded with rage right now, those stupid "pop punk" posers! i must break them!
Oh Id like to see it!

Does McFly consist of former BUSTED band members? One of the Busted boys are completely utterly obsessed with Michael Jackson...very cute...so it would be quite natural if he was to do a cover.
I think it's nice that they are paying tribute to Michael but what i hate in these situations is that them stupid teeny boppers will start going on about how much they think Mcfly's version of Black or White is better than MJ's version and i can't stand that.
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i like it:) and it's another tribute, another generational intro to MJ and more kaching for MJ. and while i may underestimate the audience..they might already know it's MJ's song, like him, and McFly
I think it's nice that they are paying tribute to Michael but what i hate in these situations is that them stupid teeny boppers will start going on about how much they think Mcfly's version of Black and White is better than MJ's version and i can't stand that.

Yes, because someone like McFly more than MJ is horrible right? Everyone has to love MJ more than anyone right?
I think it's nice that they are paying tribute to Michael but what i hate in these situations is that them stupid teeny boppers will start going on about how much they think Mcfly's version of Black and White is better than MJ's version and i can't stand that.

Ditto. I don't care how "immature" it is, but that's the first thing that comes to mind when I hear those covers, and it's annoying. People are looking for any excuse possible to enjoy Michael Jackson's music, and a "cool" band covering his stuff is a pretty good excuse. The downside of course being that almost anyone can add a little contemporary flavor to a Michael Jackson classic, and suddenly you'll have stupid teenage girls (not that there's any other kind) and other assorted stupid people claiming it's better than the original. "Smooth Criminal" has essentially been raped from conversation for me, since any time I bring it up in front of people, you'll DEFINITELY have someone chime in with, "did you hear the Alien Ant Farm one? It was even better!". Ugh. Die, die, die, die.

I was pleasantly surprised when the majority of the general public was smart enough to realize that Fall Out Boy's "Beat It" sucked ****, though. I would've started ripping my hair if the general consensus became that that travesty was superior to MJ's.

Rant done.

But, objectively, this here was a cool listen.
I just realised that i called Black Or White Black and White lol
i've never even heard of mcfly in my entire life.

and to Grand Master S - i have SO been there on the smooth criminal/alien ant farm deal. and i'm just like yeah.. uh, no. and dear god that version of beat it was so horrendous i can't even think straight. i was so angry with john mayer for that and i usually love john mayer. and i already hated fall out boy so don't even get me started.
so i feel ya. even though i'm a teenage girl.