Did anyone else lose money on mj tix


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i bought 3 tix for mj opening nite from topseats for £1300, tix were for me and my sisters,
when i called topseats for a refund they told me they dont do refunds, so i phoned my credit card ppl and they said they'll look into it and that they'll get back to me within 10 days, no one bothered calling back so i called them(cc) and they told me that they cant help me, i feel so angry how could topseat do that not give a refund, so did anyone else lose their money on mj tix or if anyones got any advise plz help
Hay thay so sorry to hear waht has happen to u i was con twice with mj tickets and have lost alot of money makes me very very angrey,also so far still havent had my tm refund yet so not sure wat is happening with that :cry:,do u have a c.a.b citzen advice bureu hun as u should get ur money back thats wrong,i thought all credit card cover ppl just in case things happen?xxx
tell your credit card company too get the money from ticket company tell them they are conning you.
thx, i hv told my cc but they say they cant do anything about it, michaelloverforever i think dats a good idea, i think i will go to advice bureu, i'll go on monday thx
Aww that's terrible.. I wish I knew how to help... Maybe if you keep persisting the credit card company. Otherwise maybe you can file a report with police.. I'm sure you're not the only one that this happened to, so maybe there may other people in the same boat that called the cops...Let us know how it works out... Good luck.
Just keep making persistent phone calls to the credit card company, threaten further action if you aren't helped! Especially if you were not informed about the non refund policy before/during your purchase! I can't believe that they wouldn't refund your money, especially given the situation. Continue to keep calling the site you ordered from also, tell them that you are being conned/scammed and threaten further action. No one wants the legal system getting in their dirty businesses, especially businesses!