Did anyone catch...


Proud Member
May 25, 2004
Did anyone catch Cicely Tyson talking to Don Lenon of CNN? She had brought up Michael's vitiligo and how the Glove had originally covered it up on his hands...

I had heard that before but I can't remember where.

But she had very nice words. :)
No, I didn't see that, but God Bless Cicely for speaking the TRUTH!!!!

In due time, the haterz will be shut down.
Cicely Tyson was so broken at the memorial; she was bawling.
Cicely Tyson was so broken at the memorial; she was bawling.

I think everyone was.

I did through out the whole thing. So did my Mother.

I just simply love that family. The Jackson's are the Nicest family out there.
God bless his soul. I can't imagine the struggle he was going through with that condition.

From what I studied about 'vitiligo, the reason why he may have used the oxygen chamber, was to help slow down the affects of it. They use these devices in burn units in hospital; it's main purpose is to increase the count of white blood cells, which help maintain strong bones etc and the pigmentation of the skin. It seems to be a favourable treatment.

One of my friends knows a woman from India who is trying to fight her battle with vitiligo, and sadly she's loosing. Most of her body is now a mily white. The skin first turns a pinkish colour, then when that fades, white is the final stage. It's very sad to see someone loose something that they love so dear; their culture, their colour. :(
It's nice to know that there are still many respectful people in this world. I just have to wonder, how does a parent so go incredibly wrong so as to raiser a hater? That's just bad parenting.
:no:I cry quite often for Michael now when I think of what my baby went through. I remember wondering why he would wear his makeup so thick back then when what must have been the beginning stages of the disease. We had no idea what he was going through and he certainly didn't tell us at that time. If only he had let us know, I think the world may have been more sympathetic towards him on this and maybe shown him some compassion. I'm sorry Michael, but when you didn't speak up, the door was open for ridicule. It must have been the way God wanted it so he could receive the glory through your pain. Thank you again for being God's vessel through which he can work miracles.
If only he had let us know, I think the world may have been more sympathetic towards him on this and maybe shown him some compassion. I'm sorry Michael, but when you didn't speak up, the door was open for ridicule.

Even if he had said earlier, I still think people would have been as mean. Unfortunately.
He felt shame. His body was betraying him. He was riding the high from Thriller when it happened.
Imagine having the whole world eating from the palm of your hand. Imagine getting sick right before everyone's eyes.
How do you explain something like that to everyone? How do you make people understand that your body is doing it to you? Do you drag your doctor into the light to speak on your behalf? Do you hide it as best you can, for as long as you can? There's no right answer.
I always knew that the vitiligo on the hand was why Michael started wearing that single glove. I knew it because my uncle has vitiligo and the hands and genital areas are the first areas to show the condition. C Tyson shared Harry Winston with Michael and she said he told her why he was making that glove for Michael. The guy asked her how she knew this and she said, "because I was there".

Unlike the media who is never there yet always talking about Michael. Someone they don't even know.

And you know what? Vitiligo is also the reason why Michael started wearing the armguards too.