Dick Zimmerman, one of MJ's photographers, totally defends Michael on 'Dr. Drew 10/12


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Jul 25, 2011
Valley Stream, New York
Dick Zimmerman, one of MJ's photographers, totally defends Michael on 'Dr. Drew 10/12

CNN.com - Transcripts

PINSKY (on-camera): Dick Zimmerman is a world-renowned celebrity photographer and artist. He shot some of Michael Jackson`s most remembered photos and created this portrait of Michael and Lisa Marie for their wedding. His 1982 cover for Michael`s "Thriller" album is iconic.

Dick Zimmerman joins us tonight. Dick, after you took the wedding portraits, you went, I guess, to Lisa Marie and Michael`s suite. What did you see there?

DICK ZIMMERMAN, PHOTOGRAPHED MICHAEL JACKSON FOR "THRILLER" COVER: Well, it was a funny story. You know, I got there really late. Oh, it was about midnight. And, the maid let me in. And I hung around. It was kind of dark in there. And I asked when Michael was coming down. And I waited. It was a good half hour, and no Michael. So, I`m wondering what`s going on.

I noticed there was a fellow standing next to a pole not too far away. And, I went over just to see, I thought maybe he was a bodyguard or something. And I said do you have any idea -- and I went closer and closer. I said, do you have any idea when Michael is coming down? You know, it was late. And, all of a sudden, I get closer and he starts laughing, and it`s Michael.

He was wearing a mustache and a beard. So you know, very playful. Very surprising. We laughed. It was really fun.

PINSKY: Did you eventually sort of develop a friendship with him after working with him for a while?

ZIMMERMAN: I did. Well, that particular night was a very, very good night. We spent quite a bit of time, you know, having -- he opened up a bottle of wine, and he -- you know, we just talked. We talked about life. We went over the photographs that I created for him and Lisa. And he basically -- I got to know him more than ever that evening because he actually had tears in his eyes and he had just finished an interview with Diane Sawyer.

I don`t remember. It was "60 Minutes" or something, and he took him around Neverland. and he said, I poured my heart out and I told the truth. I told them everything about me, and they twisted it around, you know? And he says, I don`t know what to do anymore, you know? I can`t -- I tell the truth, and it doesn`t work, you know? So, that`s --

PINSKY: So, Dick, you sort of -- in a way, you have an opportunity to set the record straight. What is the truth? How do we understand this man?

ZIMMERMAN: The truth about what? The truth about what he was like as a human being?

PINSKY: Yes. I mean, let`s put it -- let me, let me -- let`s break it down, first of all. He had some charges about having been a pedophile. And, I guess, you`re quoted as having said he was very child-like. But that`s not necessarily healthy.


PINSKY: Right? Being child-like? In my world, that`s pathology. So, how do I understand all these -- these aspects of him?

ZIMMERMAN: Well, you know, I would like to answer that question after I -- I wrote something down here regarding Michael and the trial and what he was like. And if you don`t mind, I`d like to read it to you.

PINSKY: Please. It can`t be to long, but -- it`s live television.


PINSKY: I don`t have a couple minutes. I have like 30 seconds.

ZIMMERMAN: Thirty seconds? Oh, wow. OK.

PINSKY: Let`s see what you can do.

ZIMMERMAN: Michael Jackson was an incredible artist, probably the most talented and dynamic entertainer in history. You know it`s tough enough for an average entertainer to maintain a successful career, but then, imagine maintaining the enormous magnitude of Michael`s.

Having to continue to create perfection but having the obstacle of the media looking for ways out of jealousy or whatever with criticalness in order to fill up blank pages and newspapers. To suppress rather than to validate his talents or find ways to inspire it. Suppression, unfortunately, in this country, usually leads to drugs.

Sure, Dr. Murray is guilty of negligence and should be punished and take responsibility for his negligence. Dr. Murray just happened to be there at the end, the fall guy. But Michael started to die years ago, from trying to handle the suppression from his media attackers. They were constantly looking for ways to bring him down.

We lost too many iconic performers to the media leading to suppression, leading to drugs, leading to death. Lady Gaga will most likely be next. I certainly hope not. I`m almost finished.


ZIMMERMAN: Michael was highly misunderstood. He loved children, was totally concerned for their future on this environmentally strained planet. But compassionate. Very compassionate. Michael --

PINSKY: I`m going to interrupt you.

ZIMMERMAN: One second.

PINSKY: I appreciate your comments.

ZIMMERMAN: Please -- I`m almost there. I`m almost there. The media couldn`t have it any other way. OK? Michael is compassionate. No one can be that compassionate. So, let`s see how we can twist that into a negative. Oh, how about turning it into child molestation? Well, yes, that works.

Anyway, I`m glad that these drugs, slurred words from Michael are there to be read. Just turn off the volume and you will finally understand who Michael Jackson really was. So, thank you for letting me get that in there.

PINSKY: You`re quite welcome. I understand you`re also very passionate about a tribute painting that we`re going to actually put up on the screen.


PINSKY: I see now what your motivation is. Just explain to us what it means for you, and then, we have to go out on break.

ZIMMERMAN: OK. Basically, I created this --

PINSKY: There it is now.

ZIMMERMAN: OK. I basically created this tribute painting for Michael. It has -- it`s a montage filled with the images of the three photo sessions that I had with him, the "Thriller" session, the Spielberg session where he narrated the E.T. album, and my portraits, my exclusive portraits when he married Lisa Marie.

I put that together in a painting. On the bottom right-hand corner is an 8 over 15, which represents the eight times that I either worked with Michael or socialized with him over the 15-year period. And, it has a lot of elements that have to do with Michael`s life.

I would have to, you know, take some time to explain it. But, of course, we don`t have that time. But it was my tribute to Michael. Yes, yes.

PINSKY: Thank you, Dick. I appreciate it very much. I appreciate you joining us. Very lovely tribute you`ve created there for Michael. And thank you for telling us your story and reading us --

ZIMMERMAN: You`re welcome.

PINSKY: Your tribute and your feelings about Michael because you were somebody that was there.

ZIMMERMAN: Right. Thank you.

I didn't like how he implied Michael had a problem with drugs unless he was talking about 1993? Then again at least he believes Murray was negligent and should be punished nonetheless good interview.
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This was touching but as usual I was annoyed with Dr. Drew interrupting Mr Zimmerman telling him there's not much time left. Of course, if Zimmerman wanted to say negative things about Michael there would magically be plenty of time. But I love what Zimmerman read, it was beautiful, especially the ending.
Great words by Thriller photographer Dick Zimmerman on Dr.Drew!

The photographer that shot the iconic Thriller album cover, and Michael Jackson's first wedding, David Zimmerman appeared on Dr. Drew's show last night, and he discussed his friendship with the King of Pop, what he was really like, and the media's affect on him, especially toward the more recent years. Zimmerman knew Michael Jackson, and had a lot to say about his friend, and what is going on in the trial, as well as how the media continually attacked the legendary performer throughout his life.

At one point in the interview, Zimmerman told Dr. Drew that he wanted to read something that he wrote on Michael Jackson, the trial, and the media, etc. Zimmerman read some of it. Among the things stated in what Zimmerman wrote is as follows:

"Michael Jackson was an incredible artist, probably the most talented and dynamic entertainer in history. You know it's tough enough for an average entertainer to maintain a successful career, but then, imagine maintaining the enormous magnitude of Michael's.

Having to continue to create perfection but having the obstacle of the media looking for ways out of jealousy or whatever with criticalness in order to fill up blank pages and newspapers. To suppress rather than to validate his talents or find ways to inspire it.

Sure, Dr. Murray is guilty of negligence and should be punished and take responsibility for his negligence. Dr. Murray just happened to be there at the end, the fall guy. But Michael started to die years ago, from trying to handle the suppression from his media attackers. They were constantly looking for ways to bring him down.

...Michael was highly misunderstood. He loved children, was totally concerned for their future on this environmentally strained planet---but compassionate, very compassionate.

The media could'n't have it any other way. Michael is compassionate, no one could be that compassionate, so let's see how we can twist that into a negative, how about turning it into child molestation-well yeah, that works!

I'm glad that these drugs, these slurred words from Michael are here to be read, just turn off the volume and you will understand who Michael Jackson really was."

Thankyou Mr.Zimmerman for telling it like it is.
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Re: Great words by Thriller photographer Dick Zimmerman on Dr.Drew!

Honest words from someone paying attention. And knows who and what really killed Michael Jackson.
Re: Great words by Thriller photographer Dick Zimmerman on Dr.Drew!

So sorry I missed that interview, but someone would have to twist my arm to watch Dr. Drew's show!

I appreciate the words of Mr. Zimmerman so much, truthful and so on point. I also maintained that Michael started to 'die' years ago. The intent was to take this man down, they did all they could, he fought, fought has hard as he could....they eventually got what they wanted in the end.

But the spirit of Michael Jackson will never die! They can never kill that!
Thank you Mr. Zimmerman, for being so truthful, though in regards to Drew, it probably fell on deaf ears. May your message resonate to those who watch that show regularly. :yes:
I was very proud How Zimmerman kept pushing and didnt shut up when Dr Drew kept interupting him saying we are out of time
Zimmerman didnt acknowledge that and kept speaking making sure his words would be heard pleading for one more minute _
He wanted to world to know how beautiful a person Michael was and how the media abused him and was also directly responsible
for his pain and heartbreak that ultimatley led to his death .. I love him for that ( especially the fact he said it on Dr Drew)

Does anyone have contact infor for Dick Zimmerman so fans can :flowers: Thank him,
by sending our appreciation, give him support for his words and his art.

Here is another beautiful painting _
This oil painting of the Thriller album was created in August 2009 by Dick Zimmerman.
It is a fully oil painted Thriller album from the original cover created by Dick Zimmerman
in 1982.


I like how he pointed out about MJ's words during that dreadful slurred speech clip. From the first time I heard it, I thought it really shows how genuine his compassion for children is, that even when he's drugged up to his eyeballs and has lost most of his normal senses, he still talks about these things.
This was touching but as usual I was annoyed with Dr. Drew interrupting Mr Zimmerman telling him there's not much time left. Of course, if Zimmerman wanted to say negative things about Michael there would magically be plenty of time. But I love what Zimmerman read, it was beautiful, especially the ending.

Exactly what I got from reading the transcript..
From Dicks' FB:
Dick Zimmerman
I want to thank all the Michael Jackson fans for all the terriffic responses sent to me on my Dr.Drew appearance...I was not totally sure which way it would go, but after receiving hundreds of responses, without any negatives from any crazies out there, I am thrilled to say I have only received positive support from all of you!
I'm very glad I had the opportunity to make a statement for all that were able to spot the truth and had similar admiration for this artistic genius.
...and there's more to come!
Dick Zimmerman
nice words from Zimmerman. I have always wished that MJ's family call out the media for their role in MJ's pain, but they never have.
I was very proud How Zimmerman kept pushing and didnt shut up when Dr Drew kept interupting him saying we are out of time
Zimmerman didnt acknowledge that and kept speaking making sure his words would be heard pleading for one more minute _

I know, I was cheering for Mr. Zimmerman as he kept speaking and refused to be cut off by Dr. Drew. Dr. Drew kept saying they were running out of time but then after Zimmerman finished reading Dr. Drew kept speaking. These media people are so against airing anything good and positive about Michael, it's so disgusting!
I agree it was a very sweet gesture of him! :wub:

He even takes the time to respond fans messages:

What I wrote to him.
Dear Mr. Zimmerman,

I really appreciate your kind and truthful words towards Michael, I also applauded you didn't let that Dr. Quack to interrupt you. I wish with all my heart more people like you come out to say the truth about Michael, it really pisses me off biased media supposedly forgets Michael was found innocent at that trial, it pisses me off they're still portraying him as a monster that's why I'm glad to hear there are people like you Mr. Zimmerman doing the opposite.
By the way, your Michael paintings are so beautiful! Looking forward to know more about the tribute portrait.

Hava a nice day.

Gabriela Guido

He wrote back yesterday:
Dear Gabriela,
Thank you, There will be others that will surface!,...attacks on artists are anti survival driven by selfishness and insecurities by people not able to create anything, so they want to destroy others that do!
Michael will get his day in court!
Warmest regards,
Dick Zimmerman
I agree it was a very sweet gesture of him! :wub:

He even takes the time to respond fans messages:

What I wrote to him.
Dear Mr. Zimmerman,

I really appreciate your kind and truthful words towards Michael, I also applauded you didn't let that Dr. Quack to interrupt you. I wish with all my heart more people like you come out to say the truth about Michael, it really pisses me off biased media supposedly forgets Michael was found innocent at that trial, it pisses me off they're still portraying him as a monster that's why I'm glad to hear there are people like you Mr. Zimmerman doing the opposite.
By the way, your Michael paintings are so beautiful! Looking forward to know more about the tribute portrait.

Hava a nice day.

Gabriela Guido

He wrote back yesterday:
Dear Gabriela,
Thank you, There will be others that will surface!,...attacks on artists are anti survival driven by selfishness and insecurities by people not able to create anything, so they want to destroy others that do!
Michael will get his day in court!
Warmest regards,
Dick Zimmerman

LOL Dr. Quack, good one. I plan to write a thank you message to Mr. Zimmerman on FB hopefully tonight.