Diane Diamond, what's her problem?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What is the problem with this woman?

I have not following this about her, so I don't know what she think about all the Michael Jackson things.

It's one thing that I don't understand... She think that Michael was guilty in the 93,05 cases.. but in this clip she found out that a man and a boy was lying about the accusation. She continue to believe he was guilty, why?

This woman is completely CRAZY! She don't like Michael, That's her problem! She told many very bad things about Michael. I don't like her!!!
I'm not trained to delve into the minds of the criminally insane, however, I shall give it a try nonetheless. I daresay this Dimond woman has some sort of personal vendetta against our beloved, so much so that her hatred transcends all reason and successfully steps into the realm of utter irrationality. There is no other way to put it. =/
Why are you dredging this back up? Diane is insane and crazy.. I can't wait until her day of reckoning is coming. She participated in the killing of an innocent man and for that I pray she gets what's coming to her.
she is insane and a complete phycopath! she has nothing better to do then to derail a innocent man even in death. she is so convinced that everything she has "researched" is true and that Michael was all the things that ppl claimed he was. which is BS! i think the other reason she is a bitch is bc satan wont return her phone calls.
What is the problem with this woman?

I have not following this about her, so I don't know what she think about all the Michael Jackson things.

It's one thing that I don't understand... She think that Michael was guilty in the 93,05 cases.. but in this clip she found out that a man and a boy was lying about the accusation. She continue to believe he was guilty, why?


Gee, I see you are asking a question that will take several pages to answer. Briefly, she wants to go with the prevailing thinking that something is wrong with him. Michael always did his own thing, was very individualistic, was not afraid of showing his human and emotional side. Dimond and others could not pin him into the mold they wanted him to be. To them, how dare he succeed while he was not listening to us or trying to be like us. When people came along and saw that they could say negative things about Michael and people would believe them, the way was open for the allegations. Michael was quiet, did not sleep with tones of women, wore makeup, played with children, therefore, something was wrong with him and his intentions. This is the type of thinking Dimond and company engage in. In fact, the media made the climate for Michael to be victimized, and up to today, they have not apologized.
What is the problem with this woman?

I have not following this about her, so I don't know what she think about all the Michael Jackson things.

It's one thing that I don't understand... She think that Michael was guilty in the 93,05 cases.. but in this clip she found out that a man and a boy was lying about the accusation. She continue to believe he was guilty, why?


It takes character, and even courage, to admit you are wrong. Diane hangs on to misconceptions and villifies MJ to justify her actions and beliefs. She can't and will not allow herself to entertain the thought she's been completely wrong about MJ.

Plus, she's nuts.
when is she going to suffer for doing what she did to MJ? Her time must come. She has gotten away with a lot of crap over the years
you know, sometimes I think she knows MJ's innocent, but she's so evil she doesn't care. So she keeps doing her nasty job for $.
Oh, she only defends Michael here because she had no other choice. I personally believe she traveled to Canada to this kid to break another "scandal" on MJ and she would have happily supported their story had the kid not broken down and admitted to lie when questioned by the police. Then even Dimond didn't have any other choice than to pretend she exposed a big scam. BTW, this guy who coached these kids (Rodney Allen) a couple of years later was arrested with charges of pedophilia. He was the one who abused these kids, not Michael!
I agree with you all, she's nothing but an idiotic psychopath.
The problem she has is something beyond crazy. She's spent so many years obsessing over taking down MJ. I never forget when she was being interviewed on the E! True Hollywood Story on MJ. She said that it would be matter of time when MJ hit rock bottom. She smacked her palms together and literally smiled as she said it. This was right before the 2005 trial started. She won't leave him alone even after he's passed. I can't wait for the day she's finally put in her place (a mental ward).
The problem she has is something beyond crazy. She's spent so many years obsessing over taking down MJ. I never forget when she was being interviewed on the E! True Hollywood Story on MJ. She said that it would be matter of time when MJ hit rock bottom. She smacked her palms together and literally smiled as she said it. This was right before the 2005 trial started. She won't leave him alone even after he's passed. I can't wait for the day she's finally put in her place (a mental ward).

I sooo agree. What has he ever done to her?? I think she started out as some obsessed fan and probably felt rejected by MJ when he didn't marry her... So then she dedicated the rest of her life to bringing him down... Lol let me stop :)
Honestly I really don't know what her problem is but she is very evil. There is a special place for people like that. I don't see how you can try to ruin someone for money( n it's not even alot of money)
Diane will meet her maker one day just watch.. She spent 18 years tearing a good man down and eventually killed him. I hope she knows she won't get away with that. I bet it pissed her off to see all the love MJ got worldwide when he was killed. Her and Sneddon planned the 2003 mess right after Living with MJ aired on tv with Bashir. Anyone with a brain can see that was a set up.. I still say to this day they will eventually pay for what they did. It took Evan almost 20 years to blow his brains out, and hopefully the others won't be too far behind.
She's awfull, i mean really, but it isn't my place to wish harm to her, thats just playing into her shoes and Michael would know this too. Something else will judge her fate, but it won't be me. Lets just remember she can attempt to touch his legacy and memory, and nowadays fail, but she can never touch him any more, and thats heartwarming for me. He's free of her vile BS.
Take comfort in this: in 100 years :timer: (if we still have a planet) who will be remembered: Michael :angel: :yes: or what's her name :devil: :no: ?