Diana Ross on Michael Jackson´s lap


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Look at the way he's looking at her especially in the beginning of the video. I have NEVER seen him look at anyone that way, not Lisa, not Liz Taylor, not Liza, no one. He never gets that shy around any other woman either it seems. Oh man, I would have loved for him to look at me like that :wub: lol. He seemed to be so in love with her. You can tell MJ had a deep love for Diana. The look in his eyes say it all.

At 2:17 he looks so sweet covering his mouth lmao I've never seen him do that before!
What a cutie haha.
The truth is that she was too old for him though!
He was such a cutie.
I agree with you Cinnamon234.
Kinda made me jealous:blush:
Man I so wish I would have been born in the 60's! The 90's were fun but it would have been better to have grown up with MJ rather than the boy bands of the 90's. Even at an older age MJ was so much better looking and a whole lot more talented than anyone then or now. Everyone now is just so blah compared to MJ. I can't stand to watch or listen to any new artist.
As for Diana Ross...she's a very VERY lucky woman!:D
If MJ would have acted that way around any of the female fans I think we'd all:swoon: :woohoo: :heat: :girl_in_love: :happy_dance: or just :tongue_roll:
Look at the way he's looking at her especially in the beginning of the video. I have NEVER seen him look at anyone that way, not Lisa, not Liz Taylor, not Liza, no one. He never gets that shy around any other woman either it seems. Oh man, I would have loved for him to look at me like that :wub: lol. He seemed to be so in love with her. You can tell MJ had a deep love for Diana. The look in his eyes say it all.


lol sure lot of Liz's in Mike's life.
Awww, his eyes do reveal a lot of love. That's so sweet. :wub:
I'm pretty sure Diana was his first love.
The love might not of been reciprocated in the way that he would've wanted ( Age barrier ) but i still believe that she was his first experience of a crush or maybe something even more than that.
OMG! He was like a kid again, reverted right back to that 16, 17 year old boy with the big afro who ADORED her so much. I've never seen him hug someone so tightly. :wub: He's grinning mile wide, his face probably hurt from smiling so much. Just adorable!
He was such a cutie.
I agree with you Cinnamon234.
Kinda made me jealous:blush:
Man I so wish I would have been born in the 60's! The 90's were fun but it would have been better to have grown up with MJ rather than the boy bands of the 90's. Even at an older age MJ was so much better looking and a whole lot more talented than anyone then or now. Everyone now is just so blah compared to MJ. I can't stand to watch or listen to any new artist.
As for Diana Ross...she's a very VERY lucky woman!:D
If MJ would have acted that way around any of the female fans I think we'd all:swoon: :woohoo: :heat: :girl_in_love: :happy_dance: or just :tongue_roll:

Ugh tell me about it! I was born in '87 and grew up with all the boy bands and girl groups of the late 90's. Yeah it was fun but i'd prefer to have been around earlier. The 70's and 80's were so much better! Wish I was old enough back then to actually experience it.

But yes Diana was so lucky! Too bad she just saw him as a friend though, but Michael really seemed into her. I'm so jealous lol, wish it was me he was looking at like that :wub:.

Haha Princess Stephanie to the left in the screen started to look a bit jealous :D

Lmao well I think she did the speaking intro for "In The Closet" so maybe she had a thing for MJ, who know's? But I definitely noticed that she was giving Diana the evil eye!