Derren Brown


Proud Member
Aug 21, 2009
On Channel 4 in a couple of minutes, if I'm not stuck to my chair I'm complaining :D
No, I didn't stick either. My back did feel a bit weird but I don't think that was anything to do with it, kinda because you're trying to feel something so you make yourself think you can, if that makes sense.
I really like him! I'm going to buy some tickets to see him in Birmingham next year :)

He might not be magic, but he can sure as hell put things into your mind, he's a very clever man!
Oh my god watched this last night! I actully got stuck 4 people wacthed it and two of us got stuck! It made me a bit teary as I was scared :( cant wait for the next one though!
Oh my god watched this last night! I actully got stuck 4 people wacthed it and two of us got stuck! It made me a bit teary as I was scared :( cant wait for the next one though!

How long did it take for you to get un-stuck? I'll watch it later on another TV, the one in my rooms not great res so that could be why I didn't get stuck. The next one looks pretty good :D.
i didn't get stuck either. but i wasn't expecting to. i'm not easily influenced! i do like his other shows though. he's very clever.
I was stuck for like 5 minutes or so was really strange - I think what he said is exactly right though If you fight it and dont believe it wont happen. It was a strange sensation.
The way to describe it is you know when your a kid and someone makes you feel a box in your hand by putting pressure on your arms? You actully feel it but if you want you can make it go away but you dont, because its so unreal.
Its like that.
Well, i didn't stick, although my legs went a bit weaker

My legs ALWAYS go weak when I see Derren but that's a different story ;)

Number 1 Derren lover here guys *waves*
nothing here...hes full of crap

hey cut him some slack he said it wouldn't work on everybody he's a great guy & a fantastic illusionist.

he really is so great i've seen him live a gazillion times & took part in live show too (he hand picked me *blushes*) I have also met him 15 times over the years he's a nice gentleman & very funny too :D

hey i heard a few years back after Mj left neverland & he moved into a new place that he wanted to have a house warming party & Derren was one of the people he wanted to invite did anyone else hear that?