Dependent Of Computer - Discussion&Suggestion


Smooth Criminal
Jan 28, 2009
Ok I open this thread firstly because I have a problem with it and secondly for also the other persons that have problem with this thing.

I really need to cut it out but every time I say I quit I find myself browsing on the internet for something.It's because I need it most of the time and sometimes just because I am bored.

I am dependent because of my video editing.It takes a lot of time for a video to save cause I got a really old computer,8 year old one if I remember well.Because I usually get bored when a video is saving and I see the computer opened I am like: "well let's see what happened on facebook/youtube...etc" and that's how I loose time.
I realize that I spend time uselessly at the computer and I'm trying to find a way to stop this thing.

I'm 16 years.The tests started at school and I have to get good marks.I'm the `elite` class of my town so I really can't screw up now the 9 years of work I did until now.

I need suggestions,or maybe someone that has the same problem to talk with.

As for things like going out,believe me I go out frequently every time I can,but I got a lot of stuff to do and that implies using the computer for school projects.

So,thread officially opened.Waiting for your replies.Sorry for my spelling mistakes,English is not my primary language.
Exert some self-control. If you stop browsing the internet, your videos will process faster too.

By the way, your English is actually very good. You should leave a space after commas and periods, though.
I know what you mean, I myself is also very dependent on my computer.
My computer is everything I use in my home. Watching Movie/Music/Video-Editing.
And I have the same thing going on, I'm also the person who go on YouTube/Facebook/MJJC. Just to see what else is new.
Although I do not have a solution for this "problem"...

And I'm also sorry for my spelling, English aint my first language. :p
I understand your problem, and I fall into that trap myself..."I wonder what's going on over here" and end up spending unproductive hours online.

One thing that may help is scheduling time to spend on unproductive Internet stuff. For example, you could say, "I will work on this project for an hour, and then take a break for ten minutes to check Facebook, etc." Perhaps there aree other productive things you could do while a video is saving? Like writing or reading school-related material?
i think a lot of people here has this problem.. me too...PC is a drug... Michael is a drug...

it's very difficult to do but i think the best solution is to establish a fixed time per day for pc activity.. i mean entertainment activity.... and forcing yourself to respect this limit...
with the watch near you...
I can't help you out. I'm very addicted to the internet. It's my crack, heh.

I can't imagine my life without it. How did I live before 1996 (when I first got internet)? LOL
i think a lot of people here has this problem.. me too...PC is a drug... Michael is a drug...

it's very difficult to do but i think the best solution is to establish a fixed time per day for pc activity.. i mean entertainment activity.... and forcing yourself to respect this limit...
with the watch near you...

:) We have the same problem. I have to use internet for my job but I also use it for entertain myself, so is like I need limits. Discipline is so important in these cases.

That's why I'm really happy I didn't have Internet when I was a kid. That would have been difficult for me and school.
I remember the times where I waited MJ to appear on TV, and when he did, I was like this :wild:
Hmm, one thing you could try is doing your school work on the library computers at the same time as your friends. I find that when I'm surrounded in a working environment it makes me efficient. But if you can't find time to study at the library computers, I guess you have to do it on your home computer.

It helps if you set realistic goals - don't make huge lists of things to do that you can't achieve. For example, work on your assignment for 30 minutes, then have a 15 minute internet break, then do another 30 minutes of the assignment, etc. I know they sound like very frequent breaks but you have to start somewhere and you're having trouble controlling your internet usage, so this is better than not studying at all.

Also, just remember the GREAT feeling after you've completed your goal for the day, and you can surf the internet for the rest of the night guilt-free!!! Best feeling ever lol

I hope I helped a bit :)
Some people have crack, I have the internet. -shrugs-

As for your schoolwork (right, I have to be productive and help people!) try studying for 30 minutes at a time, like Sharlene suggested. Do not, however, take 15 minute internet breaks. If you must take breaks, take a water break, snack break, bathroom break, stretching break, etc. Whatever you can think of that does not involve the internet. The internet breaks will distract you and you'll lose focus from your studies (or so I've heard it said.) Stretching breaks, however, will get your muscles going and you'll feel more alert. Food will also help, as will water. Can't study if you're hungry! =P

In any case, good luck with your elite classes. I had some elite classes back in the day (as in, a few months ago lol.) AP History and English, basically. The other classes were electives so there was no "elite" option. I lucked out in that I didn't have to take math my senior year. I was definitely not in the elite math class--that was the only "average" class I had, because I suck at math.

Oh, btw, your English is excellent. English isn't my first language either. ;)
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