Delilah - U.S. Radio Talk Show Host/ Let's Request We've Had Enough


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Arlington, TX USA
Who else knows of Delilah? She is a radio talk show host who talks and plays music. Here is info about her.
Do you guys think we could all email her, and tell her about how Michael Jackson fans are getting together to remember Michael, AND we could ask her to play We've Had Enough that day? Over 8 million people will hear it, since she is broadcasting for over 200 radio stations. You can email her at Who knows, maybe she'll dedicate the whole show to MJ? I don't know though. But if she gets enough emails, I bet maybe she will. And Maybe she'll even just read the MJ fans emails for her whole show. (Who knows, I'm just day dreaming) But it doesn't hurt to try, to try to request We've Had Enough to be played on June 25th. :)

Moderators, move if needed.

I don't think it can be played.It's not released as a single...
We've Had Enough doesn't fit Delilah's format. She's mostly soft rock/love songs. Something like Rick Dees would be better IMO
Delilah is a sweet radio DJ who knows what can happen if fans reach out to her
Deliliah is usually found on light rock radio stations across the US..and probably the world.