Deepak chopra speaks

I'll pass thank you, I've had enough of the two-faced hypocrits!
The first thing that came on my mind when I read the tittle on this thread was! "Depak Chopra talks a little too much! BLAH!" lol
rockstar;2916290 the way my father say you're shootting shite :giggle:[/QUOTE said:
Haha ur father has a good saying :giggle:
First thought after reading this topic title was: AGAIN?!???

Will that man ever shut up?!!
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Wow--I thought I was the only one who feels this way about Deepak. No need to listen to him, I've heard it all. Seems we all have.
hmmm, I don't want to click on the link. if somebody watches this, let us know if he said anything new...
Deepak needs to take his children and go sit down somewhere!

The man lost ALL credibility with me, when he shot off his big mouth before all of the facts were in. You would think that a man in his position would have just WAITED to see what the facts were.

I use Corey Haim's mother as an example, homegirl knew of her son's past problems with drugs, but she STILL waited until the facts were in. She waited until the CORONER made his announcement as to the cause of death, not what the tabloid's said the cause of death was.