December 8th News and Mentionings... Akon speaks on MJ with Stern


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello everyone, hope you had a great weekend. :)

On with the...mentionings so far.

Janet Jackson may sing in Vietnam next year

Janet Jackson was born on May 16, 1996 in Gary, Indiana, USA. She is the youngest child in a family of ten children, including superstar Michael Jackson.

Keys best when the vulnerability shows

She covered Michael Jackson's PYT, which was preferable to hearing her own lyrical clunkers, such as "how am I supposed to breathe without air".

TV-One's "Unsung" Strikes the Right Chord

Strangely one of the most gripping human stories that Unsung features, is that of the Debarge Family. Perhaps most well known for the pop hit "Rhythm of the Night"--one of the few hits by the group not written by family members--it is easy to forget just how talented and popular the group was at a historical moment where everyone lived in the unrealistic pop shadow of Michael Jackson. Yet, Debarge with lead singer El, was being prepped for major crossover success by the very label that was initially responsible for Jackson's emergence.

Hopefully there will be more news as the day goes by... :cheeky:
Re: December 8th News and Mentionings...

thanks for the mentionings, the Unsung episode with Debarge was excellent and so tragic on some levels.
Re: December 8th News and Mentionings...

Janet Jackson was born on May 16, 1996 in Gary, Indiana, USA. She is the youngest child in a family of ten children, including superstar Michael Jackson.

Wow janet is only 12 years old then. :)

Re: December 8th News and Mentionings...

Will be updating the news thread with more to come. :)
Re: December 8th News and Mentionings...

Another youngster who enjoyed the annual event was four-year-old Devonte Stubbs, who said he only liked Michael Jackson and the dancing Santa's helpers.
His mom, however, disagreed saying that she found it hard to believe seeing as how he hardly sat down from the time they arrived.
"He had a wonderful time and so did I," she said. "It was very good and I may just do it again next year."

The colorful and eccentric Ackerman was best known to fans for his accessibility. Every Saturday he welcomed all visitors to tour his home filled with horror, sci-fi and fantast memorabilia. Known as “Forry” to friends, many cult film directors gave him cameos in films like “Amazon Women on the Moon” and even John Landis’ Michael Jackson “Thriller” video.

R&B singer Akon is desperate to break-up [COLOR=#0000ff! important][COLOR=#0000ff! important]superstar[/COLOR][/COLOR] couple Jay-Z and Beyonce Knowles - he wants to team up with the pair separately in the music studio.
The Smack That hitmaker admits the married couple are the last on his list of [COLOR=#0000ff! important][COLOR=#0000ff! important]musicians[/COLOR][/COLOR] he wants to work with - after teaming up with legends such as [COLOR=#0000ff! important][COLOR=#0000ff! important]Michael [COLOR=#0000ff! important]Jackson[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] and Lionel Richie.

I think my best performance in the competition so far has been Blondie’s Call Me or Man In The Mirror by Michael Jackson.
With Man In the Mirror, I didn’t think I could pull it off, but I was so pleased I did. There is a lot of pressure on now. When I think about Saturday I feel sick – I’m so nervous.

Michael Jackson HIStory for December 8, 2008:

1992 - Michael Jackson's single "Heal The World" was released. This version of the single contained a version of "Heal The World" with an into.

1992 - Michael Jackson and the Cleveland Orchestra came to a settlement over Jackson's alleged unauthorized use of the orchestra's Beethoven's Ninth recording for the album "Dangerous."

Re: December 8th News and Mentionings...

1992 - Michael Jackson and the Cleveland Orchestra came to a settlement over Jackson's alleged unauthorized use of the orchestra's Beethoven's Ninth recording for the album "Dangerous."

I heard Sony has the rights over Beethoven's Ninth so that a solution was found after all.
Akon on The Howard Stern Show talking about Michael today

I'm a big listener of Howard Stern's show on SIRIUS Satellite Radio and Akon was a guest on the show today. Here is a short summary on what he said about Michael during his visit.

Akon was on The Howard Stern Show today and talked about Michael. He mentioned that a song that he did with Michael got leaked onto the Internet by mistake (Hold My Hand??).

He said that out of all the artists he worked with, Michael was the easiest.

He also said that he once saw a movie with Michael at his house. He said it was a demonstration of some sort of new IMAX technology that makes movies 3D!

He said Michael's children were well behaved and "good kids".
Re: Akon on The Howard Stern Show talking about Michael today

Thank you.

What was Howard's response to Akon being so positive regarding MJ?
Re: Akon on The Howard Stern Show talking about Michael today

I'm moving this to today's news thread. Unless it is specific, major news directly about MJ, please use the news thread. Thanks.
Re: Akon on The Howard Stern Show talking about Michael today

He also said that he once saw a movie with Michael at his house. He said it was a demonstration of some sort of new IMAX technology that makes movies 3D! /QUOTE]

Oh and the new IMAX technology, sounds very interesting. I wonder if MJ has "invested" in this new technology. Sounds like something he would be interested in and could also explain why he would have a film demonstrating the new technology.
Re: Akon on The Howard Stern Show talking about Michael today

Thank you.

What was Howard's response to Akon being so positive regarding MJ?

To me he and Robin, the co-host, was a bit surprised but Howard has said his brief meeting with Michael years back was a bit "weird" but nonetheless is respected.

In fact Artie, one the other show's co-host, attended one of the Bad Tour concerts in New York and cried during Man in The Mirror when looking at the less fortunate children at the front!
Re: Akon on The Howard Stern Show talking about Michael today

To me he and Robin, the co-host, was a bit surprised but Howard has said his brief meeting with Michael years back was a bit "weird" but nonetheless is respected.

Thank you for responding.

Akon is turning out to be an ambassador, of sorts, for MJ. I'm glad he said what he said, because his words were coming from a person who actually has spent time with MJ and his children.

I don't listen to Howard Stern, but I gather that he has a fairly large audience, which make Akon's kind words very important, in my opinion.
Cool, thanks for letting us know Simon, any way we can hear this online? I've been on the official site, but there's only short snippets of random things, and you have to be a paying member to access anything else.
I listened to the Howard Stern interview, first of all, they didn't even know any Akon songs. Anyway.....

These folks are obsessed with Michael. Nobody said a dang thing about Michael, it was HOWARD STERN who started asking Akon questions about Mike.

But when Akon told them that MJ has an IMAX theater in his home, they were all impressed. LOL! Howard Stern was like, "in his home, that's insane." Howard got a quick lesson in how Mr. Michael Jackson get's down. LOL!
wow..just how many media people(including Howard Stern) are interested in talking to Akon, just to ask about MJ? apparently the number doesn't stop. and i'm impressed at Akon's humility. he doesn't at all seem to be bothered by why they all want to talk to him. other artists would get tired of talking about MJ instead of themselves, out of envy.
Well as i've said for a dozen times akon is gonna be on E!'s late night show 'Chelsea Lately' tonight and he'll have to be careful just incase chelsea handler asks about him. I'll be tuning in to see how he does.
What's the secret to being in a successful relationship with a powerhouse like Oprah Winfrey?
Heads up, guys: "They need to learn how to give us our space," she dished to E! News' Jason Kennedy when asked what men need to know.
Winfrey was just named the most powerful woman in Tinseltown by the Hollywood Reporter and celebrated her status at a breakfast for honorees.
"I happen to be with a man who has always appreciated the fact that I was...considered a powerful person," she added of her longtime beau, Stedman Graham. "[He's] not trying to crowd in on it, not competing with it. He knows how to hold his own."
So who's the only male celeb Oprah ever got nervous about interviewing?​
Michael Jackson, during a live round-the-world broadcast way back in 1992, says the big O.
Can't say we blame her. Next up for Oprah? She's off to D.C. for the inauguration to see her other favorite man these days, Obama, and to shoot her show on Capitol Hill.

source :

What's the secret to being in a successful relationship with a powerhouse like Oprah Winfrey?
Heads up, guys: "They need to learn how to give us our space," she dished to E! News' Jason Kennedy when asked what men need to know.
Winfrey was just named the most powerful woman in Tinseltown by the Hollywood Reporter and celebrated her status at a breakfast for honorees.
"I happen to be with a man who has always appreciated the fact that I was...considered a powerful person," she added of her longtime beau, Stedman Graham. "[He's] not trying to crowd in on it, not competing with it. He knows how to hold his own."
So who's the only male celeb Oprah ever got nervous about interviewing?
Michael Jackson, during a live round-the-world broadcast way back in 1992, says the big O.
Can't say we blame her. Next up for Oprah? She's off to D.C. for the inauguration to see her other favorite man these days, Obama, and to shoot her show on Capitol Hill.​

lol..u know the reporter knew the answer to the nervousness question. lol:yes:
OMG! Janet will sing in Viet nam??? My country, it's incredible. But unluckily, i'm in london now T_T
Well as i've said for a dozen times akon is gonna be on E!'s late night show 'Chelsea Lately' tonight and he'll have to be careful just incase chelsea handler asks about him. I'll be tuning in to see how he does.

what time is it coming on? i want to see it!

hehe...i remember she said before she saw him how nervous she was and that she nevr gets nervous. I dont blame her! :swoon:
... questions about Mike.

But when Akon told them that MJ has an IMAX theater in his home, they were all impressed. LOL! Howard Stern was like, "in his home, that's insane." Howard got a quick lesson in how Mr. Michael Jackson get's down. LOL!

Oprah is a lair and i hate her so much.........

If you remeber she once said to Diana Swayer that she felt vervous when she met michael but that stuiped Dirty Diana said that she did not got nervous at all "i know that she is a lair"

NOWADAYS.....................Lady O "the most powerful women in the media " regrets saying that she was nervous because Michael is an important person or as the most famous person on earth.....

HER EGO WON"T ACCEPT THIS...........she is the lady O

she WANTED the reporter to ask her this question to clarify to the world that ...... actually she was nervous alooooooong time ago she was" a little tot" because :

1- it was world wide live interview.

2-Michael is wierd and ***** and may not ansewr her questions as if she is going to interview a chimp and not the smartest artest on earth.

Michael gave her a hand and did not disappointe her when she needed him...........and now she disappointed him when he needs her ,
i like oprah i'm biggest fan ever i watch show everyday at 4:00pm :yes: my brother say that he maybe get my wish to met oprah for christmas gift :yes: :jump: but i think my brother was lairing to me ooh will he knows i'm big fan :yes: my sister in-law her mom his friend who works with oprah and i maybe go and see her one day i hope so :yes:
akon needs to retire..
i dont get how anybody could enjoy listening to him sing..
im actaully glad "hold my hand" didnt make the album, i dont want people associating mj with akon..
i respect his kind words about mj but thats it
Re: Akon on The Howard Stern Show talking about Michael today

... Howard has said his brief meeting with Michael years back was a bit "weird" but nonetheless is respected.

Can I ask you where can I find the "details"of the meeting of Stern with Michael it's been several time that I hear about it and I don't know what happen

Thanks :)
In fact Artie, one the other show's co-host, attended one of the Bad Tour concerts in New York and cried during Man in The Mirror when looking at the less fortunate children at the front!

That is interesting. Artie cried. Yep, that is what real artists do - they make you feel emotion. Thanks for posting. I am not shocked that MJ was easiest one to work with and that his children were well behaved and good kids. Yeah, Howard, MJ rolls like that with the IMAX screen in his house. LOL.

As for Oprah..... she said that so many times.