Debbie saw the movie ...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Bremen - Germany
and liked it.

TMZ ran into Rowe as she walked into a screening of the Jackson bio-flick "This Is It." We're told Rowe absolutely loved the movie.
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Debbie Rowe Shares Her Thoughts on the Jackson Kids Seeing 'This is It'

Debbie Rowe, the mother of Michael Jackson's two oldest children, is sharing her thoughts on whether "Prince" Michael, Paris and "Blanket" should see 'This Is It.'

Debbie tells ET about the film: "It's a wonderful way for the kids to see their father memorialized, and if you want to see the real man, magnify that over a hundred times."

The highly anticipated film comprised of Jackson's final rehearsal footage grossed an estimated $2.2 million at the domestic box office for its Tuesday night shows, a record for a Tuesday October release, according to Variety.
ya know. I'd much rather hear how the children are doing from Debbie than from Miz Toya.

just sayin'.
Glad she saw it. THe Paps must of been camping at her door step. lol!
Now they will try and camp at the children door step.
Dont worry Auntie La Toya will give them information about the kids.
I like Debbie. She has always been very supportive of Michael and doesn't care about fame! She could of been selling stories daily to the tabloids if she wanted to, she never gives them the time of day and I like that about her.
I don't know what to think of her really. I guess I'm glad she hasn't been selling her story like other family members. I don't think she really asks for the attention. Just my opinion, I don't tend to follow Debbie or her actions.
I always think back to when she was a witness for the prosecution and she pretty much ended up only helping the defense :lol:
Glad she saw it. THe Paps must of been camping at her door step. lol!
Now they will try and camp at the children door step.
Dont worry Auntie La Toya will give them information about the kids.

Now that they can't camp near Michael and annoy him, they really have nothing else to do now.
I like Debbie, never had any ill feeling towards her.
It's really annoying to see her hounded like that by the paps.
I also laughed at the 'they ran into her'. Totally accidental, they just happened to be at the same place, eh? What luck.
Just like you constantly 'run into' Mez at Madeo, right?:mello:
not a real fan, her motherwith (instincts) bother me but i never doubted her love for michael. and im glad she saw the film. and i do love the way she mostly blows off the paps
I feel sorry for Debbie. She seems like a nice lady. The children comment breaks my heart. :(
I won't comment on her involvment in the children's life or anything related to that. I just have to say that I appreciate that she always thought about the kids and what would be the best for them. She knew Michael was a great father and I'm glad she defended him during the trial.
Deep in her heart, she cares about Prince and Paris, I know she does. She wants them to be happy. That's why she left them with Katherine. Debbie's not a bad person. I've always liked her attitude. I can see where Paris gets her strength and courage from.
look as far as mu comment, i dont hate her or anything, its just that if i had michael jacksons kids , i would surely be a part of their life nomatter what. you know what im not going to go there cuz i know i just couldnt be her. is all. they would have to take my life before they take my kids, no disrespect even it was michael jackson. sorry michael but he would have to make room on the ranch for me. cuz i'm not leavin my kids
She has never sold Michael out. That's enough for me to like her.

I remember the first week when Michael past away, the Pap's were hounding her and she looked like she was going to kill them. I remember that clip of her cursing them out and stuff. Very scary.

She's not a celebrity and she's never wanted to be one either. I'm glad she enjoyed the film.
Whatever you think of Debbie, you can't deny that she never sold him out. Count her amongst his real friends.
I like Debbie too....

without her, mj would not have the greatest joys in his life [Paris and Prince]......for the last decade. They really made him happy.

and that makes me happy

Debbie is one of Mj's truest friend.
I'm not sure what to think about Debbie, it sounds like she was trying not to cry in the last part of that footage!