Debbie Rowe Was Not Invited To Funeral


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Cardiff, UK
Lisa Marie Presley - Michael's first ex-wife was officially invited and did attend the funeral service last night but was not shown on camera.

Contrary to the reports, sources confirm to ET that Rowe was not invited to Thursday night's service at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, Calif.
Rowe, who has been grieving privately, had requested the opportunity to say goodbye to Michael in private on Wednesday night. However, she was denied that opportunity and is heartbroken over it.

Source: ET Online
Et said that MJ was already buried 2 ou 3 weeks ago. ET is not reliable !
Mind you this is coming from Diane Dickhead but nobody saw Debbie there.
I can imagine it has something to do with the kids. Isn't there a therapist slowly introducing her to the kids as their mother?
Wasn't she invited to the memorial? i've heard she chose to stay away then so maybe she was invited to the burial and again chose not to go.
This has to be crap. As if they'd share the children and not the funeral. ET always tries to start a bitch fight.
If she wasnt there I doubt it's because of a denied request or something malicious.
I can imagine it has something to do with the kids. Isn't there a therapist slowly introducing her to the kids as their mother?

It could be she was invited and chose not to go. Who knows what her feelings towards Michael are now.
I think, we the fans should stay out of this, for the sake of the children.
Aside from that I don't see it any of our business anyways.
Debbie has visitation with the kids 2 times a week.

So I think if Debbie did not go, it was her choice.

I know that people grieve in different ways and funerals are very rough for many people (like myself.)
I can understand her not going for the kids sake. Who knows what's going on over there. No one knows anything.

My opinion though is that she is entitled to get an invitation.
I highly doubt Katherine would NOT invite Debbie if Debbie has visitation 2 times a week with the kids.

I can definitely see Debbie requesting NOT to be invited.

Sorry. This is a bogus story.
Debbie was invited, alright, but she chose not to go....maybe because of the media frenzy?
I remember CNN claiming last night that Debbie had been invited, but they couldn't confirm if she was there. We know how ET is; they love fake drama and to start it. So I give this story the sideye...
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I think, we the fans should stay out of this, for the sake of the children.
Aside from that I don't see it any of our business anyways.

yeah I tend to agree with you...I have no comment on this..
I cannot see why they would invite one ex-wife, who had no children with him, and not invite his other ex-wife, who had 2 children with him.

My guess is that she was invited, but respectfully declined.
Maybe Debbie Rowe didn't want to attend Michael's burial. She may find it too upsetting, and also she doesn't like media attention as they like to make controversey over her relationship with the Jackson family.
Maybe Debbie Rowe didn't want to attend Michael's burial. She may find it too upsetting, and also she doesn't like media attention as they like to make controversey over her relationship with the Jackson family.


If Debbie had attended, it would have turned a sombre occasion into yet another MJ circus, and I feel that, at the very least, for the childrens' sake, she chose not to risk that happening.
Debbie has visitation with the kids 2 times a week.

So I think if Debbie did not go, it was her choice.

I know that people grieve in different ways and funerals are very rough for many people (like myself.)

Is there a link to say that Debbie has visitation 2 times a week? I thought they were working thru a psychologist about it. I would think if she was visiting them 2 times a week we might have seen it.
Debbie has visitation with the kids 2 times a week.

So I think if Debbie did not go, it was her choice.

I know that people grieve in different ways and funerals are very rough for many people (like myself.)

I agree. also with what I bolded. I grieve uhmm I go in shock for the longest and it takes awhile to cry,I slag behind most peoples grieving process.

I've lost My older Bother & My Father so I know myself with the grieve process,but always miss them.

Et said that MJ was already buried 2 ou 3 weeks ago. ET is not reliable !

Word!! Can't trust media. I know in my heart The Jacksons invited Debbie. It's Debbies own buisness why she didn't attend. same for Diana.. This is just speculation,but maybe she did show point is Media lies. This was Michaels burial Even the celebs have hearts when it comes to laying a loved one to rest.

My heart is so heavy today.
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yeh she was, they did the coverage of the funeral and they said she was but waiting to see if she arrived
Debbie has visitation with the kids 2 times a week.

So I think if Debbie did not go, it was her choice.

I know that people grieve in different ways and funerals are very rough for many people (like myself.)

I agree..
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I watched a news report on Sky today and they said Debbie was invited, did attend but choose not to be on camera.

Nothing can be 100% certain but I would prefer to believe Sky over an entertainment channel.
omg t i love ur siggy.

and as emotional as deb is...i doubt it would've been good for the kids to see her break down. so it's best she didn't go
The ET story said she requested a private moment to say goodbye before the funeral and was denied that opportunity but she was invited to the burial ceremony.
maybe she was invited and chose not to go FOR the kids. Debbie has never been my cup of tea, but i don't think she is that inconsiderate or stupid. She must realize that her presence there would be somewhat awkward, especially with the kids there. The kids have to much going on with the funeral and stuff, that the sight of seeing "their" mother would have been way too much. IMO
I cannot see why they would invite one ex-wife, who had no children with him, and not invite his other ex-wife, who had 2 children with him.

My guess is that she was invited, but respectfully declined.

Lisa stayed sort of close to the family after the divorce with Michael. Heck, she was STILL close to michael after the divorce lol. Lisa was seen also after she separated from Michael going to parties and stuff with Janet jackson. And also, it has been told that Lisa went to some party Katherine was having AFTER the divorce and katherine received her very well. Debbie, has never really interacted with the jackson's. But she does play an important role by being the biollagical mother of prince and paris.