Debate: Summer Break


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The kids have a debate assignment. The subject is the Summer Break from school.
For or against ??

We have taken the 'For' side of the debate.

I have a few reasons but maybe you all have more or better ones :lol:

Wanna debate it ??

C'mon nah lets do it :giggle:
It's childhood. These days kids don't get enough time to be a kid. Summer gives them that chance and many lessons have been learned on a summer vacation simply because of boredom. Imaginations work more, passions are is a needed time. Plus they will have enough time to be working all the time when they are an adult (though we still need play time too)
Thank you Ape !!

That is my main argument also :thumbs_up:
You're welcome. That was my short answer...I'd have a really long winded one for you if I wasn't busy at the moment ;) lol
I am for summer breaks. Just like Ape had mentioned, but also because it's a chance for the family to really bond and connect. Go on vacations, and enjoy each others company. It is also a very nice long break for the students to enjoy free time from their hard work during school.
children need the mental break too. their brains are still developing. I would imagine kids would burn out quicker than adults too if they were just schooling all the time.

Most importantly all children learn differently so whilst they might not learn very well sitting in class reading a text book, they might learn a lot more in the summer exploring outside or going on a summer camp.

Even going on a familiy vacation and asking your child to pack their own bag and getting them to create a "To take list" helps them develop their organisational skills. Also children are spending time with their family and friends and building up their social skills and self esteem in a chosen comfort zone.

The break is also important for the teachers because it gives them a chance to renergise themselves for the next part of a school year. To plan for classes, and to spend time with their own families.
I would like to know about the debate of whether it is alright to get your fellow MJJC Forum members to complete your homework assignments for you or not ;) (just teasing)
just so yall know he/we did some of it him/ourselves ...

-a longer school year would cost more ... higher taxes
-forcing summer sessions would result in attendance issues because certain families would still take summer vacations. A drop in attendance would affect state funding the next year.
-the summer break allows for cleaning and maintenance to occur that is not possible during the course of the normal school year. Losing the current school schedule would make these tasks harder to accomplish, which would directly affect the schools overall performance.
-curriculum would suffer if teachers did not have the time develope themselves with new studies.
-student and teacher burn out would be a result of a constant school year. The break is needed to ready themselves for the new school year.
-school administration uses the time to prepare for the next session.
-a longer school year would mean more staff would be needed. Some less experienced instructors would more than likely be used to fill the demand, creating a lower level of learning for the students.
-using an extended school year would create child care issues for working parents. Numbers of latch key kids would rise. Increasing the possibility of child mischief, violence, drug use, gang activity, teen pregnancy.
-hot summer days are not conducive to learning. Health wise, students with asthma & allergies would be affected by the poor air quality and higher ozone levels.

those are the ones i remember off the top of my head ... the notes are downstairs and I am too lazy to go get them :p
Last edited:'s just fun teasing you ;) . Sounds like you guys did a good job. To let you know, my daughter once attended a year long school. It was quite good actually. They just had longer vacations throughout the year. There were many pluses to that as well such as not forgetting the information throughout the summer, and breaks spread out throughout the school year so that they didn't get too burnt out. The reason they started the vacations in the summer were for farm families to have the help of the kids during the summer and harvest. That is rarely a factor these days but still it seems to be an important part of tradition now. Many families have summer vacation together even if just camping. There are pluses and minuses to both systems. The latchkey kids could have more of a problem during summer as most parents continue to work throughout the summer and might have to be left alone for longer periods of time for those with too low of an income to afford child care..which could give rise to all the things you have mentioned. Not to throw a wrench in there...but some info for the other side. Hope your son gets an A++
I think summer breaks are really important for kids:) Well sometimes it is just hard for the parents, because they can not take so much time off from work and go on vacation with them. For example in my country, the summer break is extremely long almost 3 months....(and hardly any breaks during the year...only a few days at Xmas and spring) so this is a problem for most of the parents what to do with the kids during those 3 months.
i remember i was sent to camp for weeks (well i slept at home just went there every day in my city) and i did not know most of the kids..and i was hard at making new friendship, but i loved school, so i would have prefered going to school almost all summer then to that camp :lol:
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I live in Portland. Here our public schools have the summer break. In Gresham and other areas they have year round school.. but the time off ends up being about the same as the "summer break" in Portland.

One of my 4 year old twin son's, Cameron, has Autism.. he would MOST LIKELY benefit from year around school because of "how" he is learning things. However, even a child who is NT (Neurotypical) like his twin brother, or my older daughter (when she was younger) would most likely ALSO benefit because much of what they had learned has to be sort of reviewed over again the first month of so to get them back into it all again when they return to school.

From what I understand, EONS ago, children took "SUMMER BREAKS" due to helping on the farm or something to that affect.... but that's all changed pretty much now, but the "summer breaks" continued.

I'll try to find the link I read that on...
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Did the people on the "against" side take their role just to be a horse's ass? That sounds like something I'd do. I've heard of the alternative where there's no summer break, but you get longer periodical vacations during the school year. I prefer having the 2-3 months. There needs to be a time period where school is totally off your mind.
I remember those days when people would countdown right after Winter Break... and we acted like the last day of school was immune to getting us in trouble. Spray paint walls, throw papers around.... I went to a Catholic private school... I'm sure they loved it.

Everyone would have a summer break if it were up to me whether it be children or adults, lol. Kids need summer break because it's exactly everyone needs... a break.