Death of singer John Lennon turned 29 yesterday


Proud Member
Jul 26, 2011
Any resemblance to Michael is not a coincidence
Until his son with Yoko (Sean Lennon), was a friend and fan of Michael
We are in 2009 .... and again "they" shut up one more beautiful person
crowds that moved in favor of "good"

On December 8, 1980, John Lennon, considered the intellectual leader of the Beatles and the most influential pop musician in rock history, was killed by a fan outside the Dakota building in New York, where he lived with Yoko Ono and son Sean.
A quarter of a century, it once again to map aspects of the Lennon legacy public, recognizing his extensive artistic influence and regaining the sense of criticism of his work and his political interventions, marked by an anarchist pacifism, often tempered by a irreverent clown, "anti-hero clown", attributed by some media vulture of the time, speculator privacy and accomplice of their life cycle moral and political conservatism.

Lennon, a marked man by cradle of war was, above all, an advocate of peace. When was the Germans bombed Liverpool that earned him the middle name, Winston, a tribute to Churchill, the "lord of war." When you squeeze his marriage to Yoko Ono - the avant-garde artist who surprised him at a show in London, when, curious, climbed a ladder, and a peephole before a table on the roof, read simply "yes" - unsympathetic the macho values and the war, John, instead of giving his name to Yoko took the opportunity to leave the Lord's side and became known as John Ono Lennon.
When the United States invaded Vietnam, paid a commercial full-page in The New York Times and newspapers in other countries, triggering the campaign "The war stops, if you want." It was a movement that weighed internally against warmongering criminal agents orange Nixon. The first act for peace, as Lennon said in his historic interview with Rolling Stone (in Wenner, 2001, p. 55), was the "Bed Peace" ( "A bed for peace"), the irreverent honeymoon with honey the press in Amsterdam, then in Toronto, where they remained ten days in bed in protest.
In fact, he wondered an obvious inequality of the system, but little-noticed a kind of schizophrenic symptoms of society, where violence runs before our eyes, while people need to hide to make love. Criticized, responded: "I am proud to be the clown of the year in this world where so-called serious people are killing and destroying in wars like Vietnam."
In this lull, they recorded Give peace a chance, as noted by Antonio Bivar (in Bravo!, 2005, p. 45), is a very simple song lyrics "got the chorus-stick, touching the hearts of even the most insensitive." As it could not be suspected of "radical involvement" with Jerry Rubin and others, Lennon faced threats of expulsion from the United States, a situation that can only be reversed in their favor after the Rolling Stone report an illegal conspiracy to deport him from the country.
Aside from the sharp-tongued criticism of taste salty, the bias of mobilizing icon John Lennon's music was political-social. In Working class hero, the good style Bob Dylan, talked about the plight of workers. The woman is the nigger of the world is a song with the sensitivity to bring together in one sentence, synchronously, the repudiation of the subordinate condition of women and blacks.
In Happy Christmas (War Is Over), after the war, as the name says, wished Merry Christmas to black and white, yellow and red, recognizing multiculturalism, something that today's leading intellectuals rescue the heart of social debate. In Power to the people, again criticized the conditions of work and called for the overthrow of the operators in favor of power to the people.
Imagine, his major work and one of the most beautiful music ever made, the question of religion, property, nation, greed, hunger, and to some extent, the exchange value ( "imagine everyone living for the day today "), advocating a common life and brotherhood among men accounted for the formation of many teenagers who had not heard of Marx, a kind of prelude to the Manifesto of the Communist Party.
Levied on the major benefit concerts, seen as a kind of social function of music, Lennon proved to be critical of the welfare charity. But to remember a poem by Brecht (1983), not properly incurred in the case of "Who knows not help, because part of many campaigns to convince himself that it would generate more dependence, never offering a positive solution to poverty, in favor of autonomy and affirmation of people. And when it declared socialist, was not a hypocrite: he took his condition-contradiction rich. For these and other can understand why, in Havana, Fidel Castro considered it worthwhile to officially inaugurate a statue of John Lennon.
Lennon approached a romantic utopian humanist (not exactly utopian socialism, because dealing with values, but not with models), which is based in preference to "humanity, speaking to all men of good will" (Löwy; Sayre , 1993, p. 68). Utopians speak of suffering at work, as Lennon said, but do not see the outcome of history as a result of the classical Marxist framework of class struggle.
Anyway, the fact is that Lennon was a giant in the land of the revolution of customs in the twentieth century, and a leading figure in the fight against the war. It was a scoffer in various ways for lowering the expression and human freedom. "It is a real thing that stood and what he thought, regardless of pleasing or not what he said. It was, after all, one of those restless spirits extraordinary - only from time to time, humanity is capable of producing - whose existence defiant help understand such simple things of everyday life, such as why, in general, seem so colorless and not like the figures of moral conservatism and / or political.
The Lennon's famous phrase "the dream is over" was not just bend the bells of the late Beatles fans to melancholy. If the dream continued as a reference you, the phrase was, perhaps, a court must in some respects, it also means that, for him, the size of the dream went beyond the limits of Beatlemania, which led to criticize. Thus, on the other, the phrase to denote also the perception that the system had reacted and that the world was no longer the same: "There was a whole big change and go towards an unknown future. But we are still here. While there is life there is hope "(in Carvalho, 1986, p. 111). Shortly before his death, the question about what he thought was the dream of the 1980s, he replied, without models, "Make your own dream. [...]. I can not wake up. You can wake up "(Ibid, p. 81). For him the dream was that the extension is for everyone and that sometimes in history, manifests itself collectively, as it was in May 1968 or in political revolutions.
Imagine: "You may say I'ma dreamer / but I'm not the only one / I hope someday you'll join us / and the world is one thing.



Grupo de fãs deixou cartas, presentes e flores como forma de homenagear John Lennon no memorial Strawberry Fields Forever, em Nova York. Nesta terça-feira (Cool faz 29 anos que o ex-beatle foi assassinado


Fãs lotam o local desde o começo da manhã desta terça-feira


O livro “Lennon Murder Expose” de Steve Lightfoot sugere sua teoria com fortes evidências de códigos do governo presentes nas manchetes da revista Time. A seção “Introdução” do seu website diz: “Ao contrário de tudo que foi dito sobre Mark David Chapman, que alegou ter atirado em John Lennon em 8/12/1980, encontram-se várias evidências nas revistas Time, Newsweek, e US News and World Report que sugerem algo diferente. Isto é, que John Lennon não foi só assassinado politicamente, mas que Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan e Stephen King são as três pessoas que pode ser provado que sejam culpados pelo crime. Onde, King foi o real assassino e um ator parecido com Chapman enganou a todos.”

“As evidências são, especificamente, códigos do governo nas manchetes da Time, Newsweek e US News and World Report que foram impressas antes, durante e depois da noite do crime. Pistas contidas nas manchetes que não se encontram em nenhum outro lugar e se relacionam com o caso acima de 70% das vezes. Códigos como: ‘Lembrando de John Lennon… Johnny Caminhando Para Casa… Beijo, Beijo, Bang, Bang, Ai, Ai… O Trabalho que Richard Nixon Realmente Queria… Amaldiçoar a Oposição… A América Precisa de Um Poeta Famoso…Talvez…Atentando Aqueles Sutis Sinais…Revista Confusão…Todos os Presidentes Revistas…’ Outros ainda incluem o rosto do assassino e sua verdadeira identidade. Códigos sutis, mas dramáticos.”



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