Death does not show favoritism-I know now


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I never thought a loved one of mine would pass away when I was a young person. When I heard MJ passed on June 25, I was shocked, hurt, and crying. I always thought Michael would leave this Earth in old age. I've realized now that if MJ could pass away so quickly then any of us can be taken. I understand now when people say "live life to the fullness", "don't take life for granted", and I'm reminded of the "Death be not proud" poem now. The only comfort I feel is what my brother told me in saying now Mike doesn't have to listen to the negative things said about him anymore, he is at peace. This has been a reality check to me that I need to explore the world and learn and participate in it instead of wasting time:timer:. MJ may have passed away at a young age but he did so much for this world and left a great legacy. Has anyone else had a revelation since MJ passed that wants to share?
You know I daydreamed about him being an old man and seeing his grandchild....and trying to moonwalk and trying to sing in an old mans voice. I saw him in a wheel chair and I saw him retireing late and living peacefully with his kids.
Those ideas where shattered when I least expected. So Yes,

Anything can happen at anytime, unexpectedly.
I was surpirsed when he did. My mom asked me, "Why were you surprised? Were you really expecting him to live much longer?"

Yes I was mom, Yes I was...
well my mama was very sad she left work and crying endlessly and she finally told me especially that everyday you shouldnt look at michael jackson as a god god is a jealous god he loves us all and what do you know. michael has passed and she feels that god has his reasons and that to many people looked at him as a god and she said although he took him away his time on earth was to make people happy and god used him to change the world literally and he had alot to do with earth and the human race. and he was sent here for a purpose. and that god taking him isnt a bad thing but god has his reasons and michael was only under gods orders as we all are but bigger the yours and mine his was for the world.