Dear Michael,


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Oh how I miss you, your smile, your voice, your music, you. I don't think there is a day that goes by without me thinking of you, and the impact you had on my life, you made me see things in a different light and change the way I was, to bring out the good in me, I thank you for it I really do.

When i listen to your music, it makes me feel protected and gives me the feeling that am not alone. Your smile, makes me melt inside, and makes me feel protected by you, even though your gone, I no your still here, looking down on me and all your other fans.

On the day of your passing I felt clod and numb and sick at the thought id never see you again, I have not been able to consel myself I feel alone in this world, and scared and that no body cares. But your, charm, witt and music see me threw, and give me a warm pleasent feeling inside. I thank you for that, as you make me feel stronger.

You meen the world to me and I miss you so much Michael, I would of done anything just to hear your voice again, and see you smile. Words cannot descirbe how I feel at this moment in time. But i am gonig to be strong I have to be and i will be as, i no you look down on me at night along with all your other fans across the world, I can feel it, I can feel your love and expression and charm threw the air, the day you died my heart was broken, you mean the world to me and there are no words out there can can put my feelings across, am all confused

I miss you dearly Michael, You Will Forever Be In My Heart. Every night I look at the sky, and find the biggest star there is out there, I smile and close my eyes, and picture you there, it makes me feel better.

Youve made me a better person, I love you Michael and miss you terriable

May you rest in peace

Love From Rachel xxx