Dear Michael, My Sweet Angel


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
st.louis missouri
I cant even express how much you mean to me and I cant even express how heartbroken Iam over your loss. You are my world Michael. I love you so much it hurts. I miss you so much it hurts. You are my angel, my prince, my everything. I hope your having a better life in heaven and dancing with the angels and teaching god how to moonwalk. You are missed terribly Michael. Me and all your fans will NEVER forget you ever. You are more speacial then you can ever imagine. Thank you for all you have done for us. Thank you for being the most amazing, gentle, kind, loving, amzing human being to ever grace this earth. You have no idea how much that means to us all. Thank you Michael. Rest In Peace my Prince. :cry:
teaching god how to moonwalk, that will be so fun...
actually, i felt same as you, i can't express what about Michael anymore,
since i thought Michael will understand what i want to say from my heart.
you know, i trulu think that we will see Michael again one day...
i know michael teaching god how to moonwalk is kinda fun and cute. lol I still have so many emotions that i cant even express them all. its hard to get them all out in words. I hope we all get to see Michael again one day. When we do i hope we get to give him the worlds biggest hug.