dear god, return our friend michael please


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i know michael is only human like you and i are, but i thought if there really is a god they would see the world in a state of mourning and sadness like it has never been before over one person, and so return him to us alive and well again, well if they could ressurect their son jesus, why not do it again, we could all do with a miracle right now....
this is my dream
michael is dead in body only trust me hes still with us you just have to listen
There's a reason he had to leave us physically and I don't know why he had to go.. but he's still here.. watching over us... his spirit is still here.....
you know it's absurd but it's just because the idea is just not sinking in. cause when i saw this thread "Attention membership" my first thought was "ok they must be announcing it was all lies about the death" I mean a shadow of such thought for a second...
There is a way to prove Michael is still here.

You have to imagine him talking. We knew him. Imagine what he would say to you right now?
And I got news for you, he is trying to say it, he is trying to break the barrier between spiritual and physical space. But you have to hear him.

Think about it, what would he say to us, his beloved fans, right now. This has happened, MJ's body has left us - now what would he say to us. Think about, think about it hard. Hear his voice, his words, his tone, his reassurance. Michael Jackson is not one who leaves us.
Seriously he is trying so damn hard to say something right now....You know what it is - his message for his fans right NOW. You can hear it. You know it.
I miss him so much, it hurts real deep, I have never seen the whole world mourn like this before over one person... ever. I wish God could bring him back... :( I just don't understand why God didn't save him... why did he let him die? We must remember though that Michael Jackson will never die because only those that are forgotten are dead, Michael will never be forgotten, never. He will live forever, he will forever be young.

We will never hold an image of him as an old man and I never could imagine him getting old, I really couldn't.
I have thought the very same things. How could God choose Michael to be taken form us when we need him so much, when he is evrything to us. I just want him back so much, I feel like the pain in my heart is unbearable. Michael I miss you so much, I love you like I have never loved another xxx
i always was so scared to lose Michael, the center of my world, such a treasure and inspiration. and i believed, if it will happen someday, it will be much more later, and God will prepare me to bear it all, or i'll die in the same day from heart attack too.

but it happened so unexpected and left me in such a deep shock and sorrow, which is ripping my soul apart and i don't see the end of it, causing the armageddon of my world.

i Prayed for Michael's long life. i couldn't even imagine God will take him so quickly from us all knowing what he mean to us :(

i always continued to say: ''we're blessed to live in the same time with Michael Jackson''
some people couldn't understand it fully....
now see?
i always continued to say: ''we're blessed to live in the same time with Michael Jackson''
some people couldn't understand it fully....
now see?

I see it all too clearly.

And Michael will return. Hopefully in our lifetime there will be another entertainer who approaches the brilliance of Michael Jackson. A tall order, but Michael planted the seeds. Michael did his job well.
I wish he came back like why did this have to happen to such a wonderful and talented person such as Michael it's hurting really bad and I am so upset
God lent us all one of his most beautiful angels when he sent Michael down to earth.
Think about all the people who are dying and who are going to die in the future, they will be with Michael and he will make them welcome and well in heaven, I hope. :)

We will all be with him in 80 or 90 years time but our missions now on earth are to live our lives remembering him for all time, and to continue on trying to heal our world, as boring as this may sound, it is true, but I really don't think we will ever heal the world completley. :(

I think a big percentage of the world's society has made our world a bad place, but we can't do anything about it.

Life is for living and seeing the beauty of the world. :)
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I just don't understand that he has gone I feel shocked and why at the minute any advice on how to cope with the loss of a talented person such as Michael. I hope when we all go to heaven that Michael will give all his fans a big hug
Michael is unique. No one like him has been before him and no one like him will ever be.
It's nice to know I'm not the only one thinking this. :)

I think Michael's good deeds made him a SAINT. :)

I'm going put a picture of him on my bedroom shelf. :)
Please, GOD.
YOU know how good he was. YOU know it. We need him!
Please, return our friend back.
Michael will always be with us in spirit. In my opinion, the soul is even more important than the physical body.
He does.. for me, and Michael isn't gone.
He's still here watching over us.

I know everyone is hoping for a ressurection at his funeral, we could pray for that:( But... I think we have to face it that Michael is in a better place now, he's happy.. and we will see him again in time:)
you know it's absurd but it's just because the idea is just not sinking in. cause when i saw this thread "Attention membership" my first thought was "ok they must be announcing it was all lies about the death" I mean a shadow of such thought for a second...

I know it sounds pathetic but I go through the same thing there are moments when I'm losing touch with reality, it's weird like you can't rely on yourself...some fans say they are starting to get over it but I feel like I'm in a different dimension totally lost