Dear God in Heaven.. Where is he??


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
*bangs head against table at a steady pace. On and on.. and onnnn*

Today, I did something, I came to regret. And yet?

I listened to MJ's music for the first time in months, and I realized what HORRIBLE music, I've settled for these last few months.
I had Almost forgotten, just How GOOD Michael is; making wonderful music that is Worth listening to.

I was actually getting used to all the numerous wannabes about there.. doing the same ol' tired songs that all sound alike.
They all look the same.. all sound the same.. all dance the same.. zzz...ZZZZzz.... Uh, sorry ya'll. Did I just?? Sorry 'bout that.

Can we PLEASE have the original: 'Ya'll can't copy this -ish no matter how hard you try' REAL deal back?!
I need to hear that soft clear beautiful voice again..
Please oh pleaasee come save us from the lousy music that's out there now-a-days.

I don't care, if you sing the yellow pages, just come back!

I'm Begging here! :angel:
Random..............Yet Plausible, How about travelling back to some early jacksons stuff, might just take the edge off it???? its a waiting game for an MJ fan..............yeeeeeee
Could do that.. But I've been there and back a billion times.
Never in my 21 years of being a fan have I made such a post before. Consider it slip :doh:.
Never understod why people felt the need to write such things, and now? Oopsie.
Perhaps a deletion is the way to go? You certainly have my permission.
no..... let people know that i am not the only one. don't delete this thread, please..

thank God for the internet...i can listen to variations on mj's music after losing cds i bought from him a few years ago...
*bangs head against table at a steady pace. On and on.. and onnnn*

Today, I did something, I came to regret. And yet?

I listened to MJ's music for the first time in months, and I realized what HORRIBLE music, I've settled for these last few months.
I had Almost forgotten, just How GOOD Michael is; making wonderful music that is Worth listening to.

I was actually getting used to all the numerous wannabes about there.. doing the same ol' tired songs that all sound alike.
They all look the same.. all sound the same.. all dance the same.. zzz...ZZZZzz.... Uh, sorry ya'll. Did I just?? Sorry 'bout that.

Can we PLEASE have the original: 'Ya'll can't copy this -ish no matter how hard you try' REAL deal back?!
I need to hear that soft clear beautiful voice again..
Please oh pleaasee come save us from the lousy music that's out there now-a-days.

I don't care, if you sing the yellow pages, just come back!

I'm Begging here! :angel:
He's lerking in the dark...


ITS..... ITS..... ITS............................... MICHAEL!!

Random..............Yet Plausible, How about travelling back to some early jacksons stuff, might just take the edge off it???? its a waiting game for an MJ fan..............yeeeeeee

I know, I love songs like Dancing Machine and Blame it on the Boogie where Michael is testing out his new voice. Like the end of Blame it on the Boogie just shows so much of the great vocalist Michael would become as far as showing emotion.
*bangs head against table at a steady pace. On and on.. and onnnn*

Today, I did something, I came to regret. And yet?

I listened to MJ's music for the first time in months, and I realized what HORRIBLE music, I've settled for these last few months.
I had Almost forgotten, just How GOOD Michael is; making wonderful music that is Worth listening to.

I was actually getting used to all the numerous wannabes about there.. doing the same ol' tired songs that all sound alike.
They all look the same.. all sound the same.. all dance the same.. zzz...ZZZZzz.... Uh, sorry ya'll. Did I just?? Sorry 'bout that.

Can we PLEASE have the original: 'Ya'll can't copy this -ish no matter how hard you try' REAL deal back?!
I need to hear that soft clear beautiful voice again..
Please oh pleaasee come save us from the lousy music that's out there now-a-days.

I don't care, if you sing the yellow pages, just come back!

I'm Begging here! :angel:
I wish he would come out with a song that's brand new and I hope that he'll be interveiwed in realtime too.I guess he'll do it when he's ready .I miss him so much and I've been playing his old Songs, Videos, Movies, Videogames and it's not the same .I even looked at his Recent Ebony Cover and looked at Recent pics but I wish someday he'll come out of the shadows( even though he has) and speak his mind and let us listen to his musical thoughts but he'll do it when he's ready.We just have to wait.
No, this post is a keeper :yes:

It sums up what most of us are feeling :flowers: Keep the faith ;)
He's lerking in the dark...


ITS..... ITS..... ITS............................... MICHAEL!!


Hee hee..

I can't wait for the


and the


and the


and tell me about it, I am tired of today's music. I was listening to MJ's music all day too, and it reminded me of how good quality his music was too... and oh, I just wish I could have that new album in my hands right now.
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*bangs head against table at a steady pace. On and on.. and onnnn*

Today, I did something, I came to regret. And yet?

I listened to MJ's music for the first time in months, and I realized what HORRIBLE music, I've settled for these last few months.
I had Almost forgotten, just How GOOD Michael is; making wonderful music that is Worth listening to.

I was actually getting used to all the numerous wannabes about there.. doing the same ol' tired songs that all sound alike.
They all look the same.. all sound the same.. all dance the same.. zzz...ZZZZzz.... Uh, sorry ya'll. Did I just?? Sorry 'bout that.

Can we PLEASE have the original: 'Ya'll can't copy this -ish no matter how hard you try' REAL deal back?!
I need to hear that soft clear beautiful voice again..
Please oh pleaasee come save us from the lousy music that's out there now-a-days.

I don't care, if you sing the yellow pages, just come back!

I'm Begging here! :angel:
Im gonna have to agree! There are many times when Ill only listen to MJ music for weeks at a time! I mean, from J5 to the Jacksons to MJ, there is SUCH a variety of music to choose from and alot of it, that I'll get lost in Jackson-world for weeks!!!!!! I RARELY listen to the radio, so I plug my ipod up in the car, play it in the house, etc..... I never get sick of it. Good music never goes out of style!
i miss him like crazy :cry:

Same here Roxanne. I remember a couple of days after vindication saying in a thread on MJJF that I didn't care how long it takes him to come back......'Take 10yrs if you want', well I'd like to retract that statement now because 10 yrs is much longer than I first thought and I miss him so much already :wub:
I have to disagree with you on one thing . . . You've been feeling this way for the past few months? I've been feeling that way for the past few YEARS! With all this waiting, I'm sure Mike is gonna make it worth our while ! :clapping:

Don't have to wait anymore.. he's here.. we just don't know exactly when.. it can be any day now..
Don't have to cry myself to sleep anymore because of what this blah blah music is without Michael.. not long anymore..

I remember before vindication day saying I didn't care if Michael never made music anymore as long as he is found innocent. But keeping to that promise is SO hard, the music scene is totally dismal with such boring, monotonous crap. The promise itself was rediculous as Michael could only have been found innocent because he was/is innnocent.
So Kismet, I understand exactly what you are saying, I miss Michael SO much too, the waiting is unbearable, but I console myself by knowing that Michael is free and able to be with his children and is happy. BUT its so hard :yes:
Do what I do while waiting for some new MJ: tide yourself over with some Stevie :D.

The more you listen, the more you'll want to listen. He's like MJ v2 (or v1, depending on how you look at it). Not in style, but in the sense that they're so unique and awesome. They're two totally different artists but in many ways the same.
You have my sympathy and total understanding. After being SPOILED by Michael and the Jacksons no one else even comes close :scratch:

I've been listening to all different types of music that I probably would not have otherwise explored just to get through this lonnnnnng wait for new MJ music. It's kind of fun actually. Then bring MJ out again and it's fresh again. :timer:

I agree, doesn't he know all he has to do is sing the yellow pages and we'd be thrilled! :hysterical:
We must think positive,MICHAEL IS COMING BACK!!!
Just remember every day that goes by we are a day closer to michaels return!