DEA cracking down on Dr.Klein

Good, cause he got something to do with this too.

I beleive his the one that put this idea in Michael head anyway.
let's hope it's more than just stripping him of that. I want this dude in jail, eventually.
I wonder who introduced Dr. Conrad Murray to Michael? How he gets that connection? He was given that specific job - the job that kills. They knew eventually he would screw up The King Of Pop. I felt he knew part of his job was to administered those drug in an illegal fashion. (They) knew he was not the type doctor that would dedicate himself to outstanding services.
I wonder who introduced Dr. Conrad Murray to Michael? How he gets that connection? He was given that specific job - the job that kills. They knew eventually he would screw up The King Of Pop. I felt he knew part of his job was to administered those drug in an illegal fashion. (They) knew he was not the type doctor that would dedicate himself to outstanding services.

I remember reading somewhere that one of Michael's security guards said that they met Dr. Murray in Vegas. One of the kids was sick and when they called for a doctor he was the doctor on call for the hotel. Who knows if it's true though.
I remember when Michael was visiting his office all the time, people were wondering why what's going on and Michael mentioned once that he had a close relationship with his doctor and that sometimes he was simply "visiting a friend" heck of a friend he had, another one goes to the backstabber collection
I dread to think he had any connection to Michael's death, but that seems very possible, Michael was such an easy target if you think about it
Michael got introduced to Klein by.....

All those ppl...what the heck was Mike doing with them?

No good I tell ya...
Michael got introduced to Klein by.....

All those ppl...what the heck was Mike doing with them?

No good I tell ya...

Liz Taylor had been going to Klein for a long time, so I think it was her that introduced the two. Klein had some very very well known clients. He's a "Botox expert"
Botox ... figures.

I've always wondered why so many people were eager to be injected with a substance that included "tox" in its name - you'd think the market research folks would have suggested an alternative.
JAIL TIME! JAIL TIME! That's what these corrupt doctors, who never gave a damn about Michael but his money deserve.
I heard that Murray was James Brown doctor at one time(don't remember the source but it was not a tabloid), they may have meet through him.
Well its progress.. I still have a really bad feeling about him.
I think they need to investigate harder because I dont trust this guy
Good, cuz this dude is as bad as murray. And you can tell he was hoping to get away with his role in all this.
klien is a cad. he collects celebrities.

and murray was well known in the 90s for being the go-to doc for celebs to get any and all drugs (rx) that they wanted.

i'd love to see how this all plays out if only it weren't mj involved. that's what makes it hurt so much more
Michael's problems didn't start with Conrad Murray. Who was his long time doctor? Yes, Arnold Klein. I so think he is partly responsible for Michael's downfall and eventually death!
I wonder who introduced Dr. Conrad Murray to Michael? How he gets that connection? He was given that specific job - the job that kills. They knew eventually he would screw up The King Of Pop. I felt he knew part of his job was to administered those drug in an illegal fashion. (They) knew he was not the type doctor that would dedicate himself to outstanding services.

And thats exactly why AEG and NOT Michael, made sure he would be the One. They knew he was a screw up in desperate need of funds and thats what they put the money on!
Klien didn't seem right when he was on Larry King talking out of his butt

Ain't that the truth.
When he said the strongest thing he ever gave MJ was demerol
I sat there like :wtf2 Why is a dermatologist giving out any medication like this in the first place? What kind of procedures was he doing?

Then claiming he didn't even know what Diprivan was ok?

He's partially responsible imo not for MJ's death necessarily but for the years leading up to MJ's death
Liz Taylor had been going to Klein for a long time, so I think it was her that introduced the two. Klein had some very very well known clients. He's a "Botox expert"

I actually believe that you may be correct. I think that Liz may have introduced Michael to a number of things. We all know that he did have a problem with prescription drugs years ago, so did Liz Taylor. His true friend, yes, but I dont think she helped him any at that point and time. She may of even been given him stuff who knows.. Just my theory I have felt since Michael passed away. I dont mean she did this recently I think she did in the past years.
I bet Dr.Klein will start telling a lot of MJ "secrets" if his license gets taking away.. Just because he is a low down dog like that
I remember reading somewhere that one of Michael's security guards said that they met Dr. Murray in Vegas. One of the kids was sick and when they called for a doctor he was the doctor on call for the hotel. Who knows if it's true though.

I heard this exact same thing as well. It said that Michael had known Murray since 2006. My question was why would you recommend a Cardioligist for the children? The program went on to say that the one or all of Michael's children had the sniffles. I wonder if that security guard was working for Michael in LA? Did he follow or was he requested to go with them to CA?