David Nordahl painting revealed.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Bremen - Germany
this painting is nothing new for a fan, but now it seems it is in the OPUS book and for the tabloids again that's what they are waiting for. But, think twice idiots, lowbrows! Never seen artworks like this before?


So they call it a weird art and worse referring to "little boys".
I saw that all over the papers today, with them calling it weird. I just laughed when they all said it had never been revealed, I freaking saw that years ago!
Just saw this in my google alerts and I didn't even bother to read the rubbish.

FYI to the haters (out there), those are CHERUBS and not little boys. Cherubs are described as baby or toddler angels. Also, you can see that there are little female cherubs. Some people love to grasp at straws. I hope David Nordhal or an art expert does an analysis to explain that this is a period piece.

If it were any other person, people wouldn't even care.
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David Nordahl did more painting of Michael. In one thing they are right (the tabloids) he did it an idealizing manner. But this is only one kind of art movements.
Like this one

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This paiting is my fave painting of all time!!! Ive always wondered if it will be in the Opus. I am so happy that it will be :) Ive wanted a print of this for ages!!!

As for the tabloids, it just shows you how dirty minded they are, because that shouldn't even be taken that into consideration. How can someone call this master piece weird art???? I don't get it
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That's beautiful art. That's just as "weird" as Michael having his own dolls or video game character. Talk about jealousy.

Yes tabloid people....Michael Jackson can afford more art done in his likeness than a $20 boardwalk caricature.
I remember seeing this painting, years ago. I was somewhat concerned at the time, and thought it would produce some negative flak for Michael. Not everyone can see that the painting is about INNOCENCE.
I hate tabloids... but the painting is beautiful... I like it... it's all about innocence... if you see this as I do... :wub:
the only weird thing about that painting are Michael's muscles LOL
This paiting is my fave painting of all time!!! Ive always wondered if it will be in the Opus. I am so happy that it will be :) Ive wanted a print of this for ages!!!

As for the tabloids, it just shows you how dirty minded they are, because that shouldn't even be taken that into consideration. How can someone call this master piece weird art???? I don't get it


"What we see in others is a reflection of our own soul."
I remember seeing this painting a long time ago, funny how the tabloids call it "new" lol. I don't find the painting "weird" at all. I think it's a beautiful painting. Very innocent. I also agree with others, the media are the people with the dirty minds. That's the only reason they find this painting "weird"

oh and I love Mike's muscles xD lol
this painting is nothing new for a fan, but now it seems it is in the OPUS book and for the tabloids again that's what they are waiting for. But, think twice idiots, lowbrows! Never seen artworks like this before?


So they call it a weird art and worse referring to "little boys".

I absolutely love this picture..I also have seen it before.....The media is sick...they will say or do anything to make Michael look bad....How the heck can you get something negative from this picture....they are cherubs not little boys.....they really need to stop now....they make my stomach sick....I think we should complain...???
That painting is beautiful, the media and tabloids are the SICK minded ones.

Innocence. :angel:
You konw, I can imagen Michael being in that place...he never really belong in the world. he was too good for it. I miss him but I'm soo glad that he's in a peaceful and better place...

and the media, what have they gotten ANYTHING right About Michael? God give them tripple what they did to him!*yeker yebelenge*

pic was shown in LWMJ or at least one very smiliar
The media and tabloids are so sick!!!!!! in their eyes, every beautiful thing is weird. I cannot stand the way the media brainwashed the general public and how they distort everything.
ahhhhh the media is so annoying!
I love this painting so much, pure innocence. Why they are trying twist everything concerning Michael? :( sick
Is this reporting done by the British tabloids? They are so predictable. I've seen pics of that painting before and it's lovely. Those are indeed cherubs and not little boys. Hello?! The journos are only really showing how dirty their own minds are if (when!) they write crap about that painting... :despair
I love the painting of Michael with the little cherubs, beautiful and innocent!
Aw, I love this painting. It's beautiful. :)
The media and tabloids are just scum.
Is this reporting done by the British tabloids? They are so predictable. I've seen pics of that painting before and it's lovely. Those are indeed cherubs and not little boys. Hello?! The journos are only really showing how dirty their own minds are if (when!) they write crap about that painting... :despair

Its the US ones as well. The link I saw this morning was from the NY Post so all part of the Murdoch empire.
Let peoples stupid minds think what they want i think! If they cant see beautiful art for what it is there the ones who are loosing out arnt they!
I just hate the way tabloids make a big thing out of nothing, and people who cant think for themselves or have opinions of there own just take it as fact! But i suppose we just have to laugh off the rubbish now, and not give the tabloids the satisfaction that were bothered by it!
Its the US ones as well. The link I saw this morning was from the NY Post so all part of the Murdoch empire.

It was on the Hufflepuff Post this morning too under some title like 'New Creepy Michael Jackson painting.' As elusive said, we've seen this before in LWMJ. Michael isn't not here so they've got to make up BS using old stuff. :smilerolleyes:
That painting is REAL art. They are just simpletons.

Why do they feel the need to perpetually degrade Michael? Five months...Five months...and its back to this?

WTF is wrong with them? "creepy" "little boys" who the hell reads these papers?! the man is passed...what purpose is there in printing such a story? Ah...I see

"they" are back at work in the slander, and brainwashing..

this is a legacy project...they will start with things like this to try and distort peoples views, the hype has died, the memorial long gone, Paris' words fading in the public mind....and now its time to spread lies, the sheeple are fair game...they've started already ya'll

Its time for the Legacy patrol :yes:
That picture is not new to me either. I think its a beautiful portrait. I especially love the pan flute since I am a flute player. David Nordahl is a very talented person.