David Jordan - a hybrid of MJ, Prince and Lenny Kravitz


Proud Member
Mar 14, 2008
I'm wondering if anyone else has heard of this guy. He is very much like MJ, Prince and Kravitz when it comes to both his look and performing style.

Him performing one of his songs. You can see a few MJ-style moves.

Music video, in which he also pops a few MJ/James Brown moves.

His childlikeness and somewhat innocent demeanor remind of MJ as well. An interview:

there was quite a bit of hype around him when he first came but within months he was totally off the radar.

he's got promise if he develops his own style.

could hear mj singing this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrGtROjVRNI

edit: he got dropped from his label after just one album, which was fairly decent.
there was quite a bit of hype around him when he first came but within months he was totally off the radar.

he's got promise if he develops his own style.

could hear mj singing this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrGtROjVRNI

edit: he got dropped from his label after just one album, which was fairly decent.

Yes, I don't think his album got the recognition it deserved, it was very good. I think that it was his "Off the Wall". If he keeps up the good work, the next one should be bigger.
edit: he got dropped from his label after just one album, which was fairly decent.
Awww, boooo! That's so stupid! Now I understand why he suddenly 'dissapeared' indeed.:scratch:

I think he's an amazing singer and his first album was quite off the hook! Especially love Only Living Soul, Set The Mood and Fight The World (can't find a YT vid). And Sweet Prince totally reminded me of Michael, such a touching song.

D'aw that interview is sweet, he indeed got some Michaelish vibe going on. Lol!
Oooohh.... Thanks for this...

I haven't heard of him but I'm liking what I'm hearing so far.

Sounds interesting.... The Move on part with the guitar or was it horn riff reminds me of Dancing Machine.
I totally forgot about this guy! I loved his first album, it had a real edge to it. Looking forward to hearing more from him.
The newly-famous David Jordan discusses conical wizards and tea with Michael Jackson...

In a surprise turn of events, David Jordan survived not selling any copies of his 'Place In Your Heart' single to reach the Top Ten with his second, 'Sun Goes Down'.

We spoke to the suddenly popular singer/songwriter about his new found success and what he plans to do with it in the immediate future...

Hello! Would you like a difficult or easy question?

How does it feel to have a single out which is about to be a big hit?
I don’t know! I don’t feel like anything!

Does it feel better or worse than having a wank?
(Laughs) That’s not an actual question is it? You can’t ask me that!

Would you like it rephrased?

Does it feel better or worse than having a poo?
(Guffaws) It feels better.

Is it satisfying?

It must be nice to get it out after all this time.
Absolutely, it does feel good. I’m hoping it will go to Number One and stay there for a long time! In a way it doesn’t take a lot to go to Number One these days, so it’s all about how long you’re at Number One for. If you look at the charts from the last few years and you look at some of the shit that’s gone to Number One, you do think ‘how the hell did that get to Number One?’.

Which Number Ones were particularly shit?
I don’t know! But it was all just shit! Maybe it’s just me. Maybe it’s just my preference but as far as I’m concerned it was all shit. So for me it’s not about getting to Number One it’s about how long you’re there for. And then there’ll always be someone who’s at Number One for longer.

You seem quite animated, David, have you just had a ‘music industry lunch’?
No! I’m just very on it this week, sorting out musicians and whatnot. I’m very busy. Sometimes if you want something doing, doing it yourself is easiest.

You need to take it easy, David. We don’t want you having a nervous breakdown in eight months.
No! I’m very focused and I’ll never have a nervous breakdown. Nothing stops me working. As well as performance there’s the other side when you’re pulling it all together which is the side that nobody sees. I’m all over all of that, I’m sure Kate Nash, James Blunt, I’m sure they’re not involved in the production process like that with all the musicians, the arrangements. I’m sure they just come in and write their little bits. I read a thing with Lily Allen where she was like ‘I just sit around and something comes to me and I sing it’, that’s not how I work – I don’t wait for something to come to me, I write and I call people and I bring them together.

Would you like to work with Michael Jackson?
I don’t know now...

If he phoned up and said ‘HELLO! It’s Michael Jackson. Come and work with me...’
I’d definitely go for tea with him. If the king of pop calls you up you have to go and see him, don’t you?

There has been some debate in recent weeks about your single sounding a bit like the theme from Wizbit.
I’ve heard that. I don’t know what Wizbit is, I’ve never heard it.

Wizbit was a conical yellow magician. It was a true story.
Erm… Someone told me it was something in the 1980s and I was only born in 1985. So no. I think I’m going to have to look for it on YouTube!

Are you going to re-release ‘Place In My Heart’ to make it a Proper Hit Single?

That was very firm!
Yes. I’m not a big fan of that song.

We liked it. :(
Well thank you. People say it’s a strong song but it’s not really my kind of thing.

We thought you might have got dropped after ‘Place In My Heart’ wasn’t an international multi-platinum success.
I think everyone knew what we had up our sleeves with ‘Sun Goes Down’ so it was fine!

It would be interesting if ‘Sun Goes Down’ and your album went to Number One and you were immediately dropped. Everyone’s saying that the music industry has to try new approaches and that would be a new approach.
Well yes, that would certainly be one approach... (Loud bang)

There is a lot of noise at your end, David. Where are you?
I’m on a stage! But carry on.

What advice do you have for aspiring David Jordans?
You have to be determined, give it your all, be passionate – you have to sing like you really want it.

Thank you very much David Jordan.
I love this guy!!! After the Royal variety I brought his album straight away. I always wondered what happened to him. His album was amazing and I rember feeling a little sad that his album wasn't going up in the charts. I hope David will sign up with someone else and maybe release a second album real soon, as it would be real sad if nothing happened again!!!