david guest

elusive moonwalker

i kinda like david hes abit crazy and name drops like hell but seems a decent bloke. he was on a programe called celebrity dine with me. basically the contestants go around to each others house and they cook a meal for the others get rated and who ever wins gets some money.

he was on the uk version a few days ago. i didnt watch,my mum did but of course he was going on about mj saying i was his best friend (aint everyone!) and one of the other ppl asked him how mj died what happened. and all guest said was that it happened cause he wasnt in good enough shape for the shows! FFS. even friends wont state the facts cause u can bet they probably dont even know them. if u were a friend u would want to know every fact and detail.hell we do. but stuff like this pisses me off.
I wish they wouldn't say anything. Is it that hard to say "No comment" or "I don't want to talk about that"? David doesn't seem too bad but I just wish he'd stop popping up every time Michael's mentioned on TV.
I saw this and thought he ( David Gest) came across better than I would have thought... quite likeable in an eccentric sort of way.

It was Cherie Huson who asked him about Michael. David said they had been 'best friends' since he (Gest) was 17. In response to the 'How did Michael die?' question, David simply replied 'Michael wasn't in great shape' (or words to that effect). The shows weren't mentioned. I got the impression that David was saying as little as possible - unless of course the rest of it was just off camera.

The most bizarre part of the show was when Mickey Rooney and his wife turned up for a sing-a-long!!!!
That pissed me off. Like wtf.

Bad shape? Have you seen the This Is It movie? I know he wasn't perfect but it's like blaming the death on Michael when we know it's a homicide.
and one of the other ppl asked him how mj died what happened. and all guest said was that it happened cause he wasnt in good enough shape for the shows! FFS. even friends wont state the facts cause u can bet they probably dont even know them.

Michael didn't have close friends like that, the only real close friend he ever had was Elizabeth but she was too old and sick now to be maintaining the same type of relationship they used to have
as for the facts - note even his family members know, so family and "friends' are all in the same boat and they all speculate but none of them know shit
Michael, he was stressed out and he couldn't eat well, or sleep - obviously - but that was because of the crowded schedule and the media pressure, Michael himself was a healthy man
yeah mj had very few real friends. but we know the facts and that is murray etc. guest should have said that instead of acting like it was some case of natural causes.educating ppl is the key and u would think his "friends" would want to do that more than anything
yes that's true we do know the facts by now - Michael was healthy not a drug addict but he was under a lot of pressure and turned to the wrong drug because his doctor -we still don't know which doctor- told him is was SAFE
but no one cares about the circumstances...I remember Jermaine saying something like "his heart just gave up after all the torture they put him through" uum no...he was killed! intentionally or not he was killed! it drives me insane that no one is angry about it
I see all these celebrities dying in different circumstances, all of them have someone to represent them and fight for them and defend them, but no not Michael...
What can I say that hasnt been already mentioned? Probably nothing.
I agree with the rest of you all saying Michael didnt have close friends. I believe those people - and his family members as well - are too embarrassed to admit that they didnt have much contact to him recently, hence had no idea what was going on with him.
I just wish they would shut up and not say anything at all, instead of spreading bs.
What can I say that hasnt been already mentioned? Probably nothing.
I agree with the rest of you all saying Michael didnt have close friends. I believe those people - and his family members as well - are too embarrassed to admit that they didnt have much contact to him recently, hence had no idea what was going on with him.
I just wish they would shut up and not say anything at all, instead of spreading bs.

that's what i was sayin. u can't believe everything people around MJ say about him. he was always a secret mysterious individual..unusually so..just because ur blood, or friend, don't mean u know everything about someone. but when ur big as MJ, everybody wants to give the impression they know about him, if they met him. it makes u look good if u can tell a legendary story about him that involves u, and it makes u bigger if u seem to have the inside track on the biggest star in history. and u can keep talkin till u trip up.
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There is an old people sayings (paraphrasing) “God, save me from “the friend”. Against the enemy I will fight myself.”

Because I know who my enemy(s) is (are), of course.

I experienced that kind of betrayal from my best friend and godfather. I will never recover from that.
What human beings are capable of …. Always so hard and sad hearing (reading) things like that…. But, nothing new…. :no:
There is an old people sayings (paraphrasing) “God, save me from “the friend”. Against the enemy I will fight myself.”

Because I know who my enemy(s) is (are), of course.

I experienced that kind of betrayal from my best friend and godfather. I will never recover from that.
What human beings are capable of …. Always so hard and sad hearing (reading) things like that…. But, nothing new…. :no:

very true. history is replete with it. the most famous people were betrayed by their 'best friends' and family. Julius Ceasar, and others do come to mind..

it's just the way it is. human nature. not saying that there weren't good times. but then, that's why they were called friends.
He knows why Mike died, as we all do. The man was there during Michael's earliest struggles. David just wanted to say something that would calm the flames of controversy. Had he said what really happened, it would have made him feel uncomfortable and further hurt Michael. He wants the man to rest as well all do.

Oh, and have a Mery christmas to all of you. Bless.
What can I say that hasnt been already mentioned? Probably nothing.
I agree with the rest of you all saying Michael didnt have close friends. I believe those people - and his family members as well - are too embarrassed to admit that they didnt have much contact to him recently, hence had no idea what was going on with him.
I just wish they would shut up and not say anything at all, instead of spreading bs.

It's hard to reach Michael when he pushes you away, or his staff do. Michael knew his family loved him, yet there were times when he felt pressured to do what they wanted him to do. As far as his staff, they knew what was going on, most just collected their pay-cheque and didn't care. Now the man is gone.
It's hard to reach Michael when he pushes you away, or his staff do. Michael knew his family loved him, yet there were times when he felt pressured to do what they wanted him to do. As far as his staff, they knew what was going on, most just collected their pay-cheque and didn't care. Now the man is gone.

you know what? i know that everybody here has a powerful suspicion about things....but the unpopular and right thing to say is...wait till the end of the investigation.
you know what? i know that everybody here has a powerful suspicion about things....but the unpopular and right thing to say is...wait till the end of the investigation.

I understand and thank you for saying this. Yet what I'm refering to is what has happened on here between Michael and us fans, and certain family members and his staff getting in the way. I'm not referencing anything else than the fact that certain people took advantage of their privilages and hid certain info from Michael. Thanks though for trying to help me explain. So much BS has happened since the early years, it's frustrating to think that it's come to loosing Michael so soon.
Like I always say, if you don't have the facts about something, be it family or friends, a simple 'no comment' will suffice. Thats alot better than opening your mouth and something ridiculous comes out.

People can chant that they were friends with Michael all they want, but I suspect that MJ knew who his true friends really were at the end of the day and not the hangers on!
It's hard to reach Michael when he pushes you away, or his staff do. Michael knew his family loved him, yet there were times when he felt pressured to do what they wanted him to do. As far as his staff, they knew what was going on, most just collected their pay-cheque and didn't care. Now the man is gone.
Due to HOMICIDE, reading that death certificate of his and comprehending it isn't hard, maybe you too should give it a try, but I bet you and many others wont as it doesnt seem to fit into your agenda.
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Well I actually turned over to this programme the second Gest was speaking and said something along lines of Michael being tougher in reality instead of the shy, almost meek persona he portrayed, and then he said this is going to come out like in a show of his/book or something. ( I THINK BUT WASN'T FULLY PAYING ATTENTION)

Then the others asked why did he die, and, he was all tryna pull " well he wasn't in good shape" (as Elusive has said).

So, the question I wanted to ask those who watched it what was he on about before then?
thefact he was in the stupid acccorah search for his soul programe pissed me off aswell
I watched some of this but switched of as soon as David started with "Michael kept saying get more plastic surgery, have this done that done"

Makes me sick TBH just dont talk about him, to me thats a real friend!!!
I watched some of this but switched of as soon as David started with "Michael kept saying get more plastic surgery, have this done that done"

Makes me sick TBH just dont talk about him, to me thats a real friend!!!

Real friends never name drop. They don't talk about their friends in that way. Some things should stay private. Tired. Tired. Tired. Please arrest Murray.