David Archuleta Belts Out Some Tunes

thank god that creepy ass kid didn't win. i bet after all the intial press, he'll be mia for a bit cuz u knwo his daddy gon beat his ass....dadager to teh extreme
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hmph you can all bloody well bite me :eviltongue: Archie is MY american idol :girl_tantrum:

and if his father doesn't want him anymore, I will happily adopt him :p
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I would like to thank every one of those 12 million extra votes and whoever placed them. David Cook saved this season.
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:sad: how ruuuuuuude :cry: u big meanie

If only I stayed on my cell another hour or two and texted those mere 12 million more votes :girl_tantrum:
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:sad: how ruuuuuuude :cry: u big meanie

If only I stayed on my cell another hour or two and texted those mere 12 million more votes :girl_tantrum:

Yeah.. it was all your fault our David A. didn't win! Shame on you! :lol:
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**arm over his forehead**

OH the Shame !!
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archuleta was NOT robbed..

the 3rd runner up should have been #1..

Archuleta had a bandwagon fallowing and that's what got him so far..

his talent is limated to the record.. He could make a good album.. But he would not sell tickets, his music videos would not be believable..

(my opinion anyways)

his charming appearance and personalities carried him over further than his voice did.. His voice is good.. But can u really see him selling out concerts??

he just does not have it on stage..
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he has a nice voice, but i don't think he's going to hace a succesful career.