Dave The Drunk! :O


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This is one of my "Darryl" stories, where Dave was still a background character. :palesmile: This story was written on a whim, but I LIKE it! :D

Part 1

Dave and I went to a fraternity party, Sigma Delta. There was food, laughter, loud music, burping and farting contests. Nothing illegal in that. But, then, I saw something that was illegal. Booze. There was whiskey, rum, tequila, wine, vodka, gin, and beer. I knew that this stuff was smuggled in illegally. There wasn't one person in this party that was legal to drink alcohol. The oldest people were 18/19.

"Come on, Dave, let's go," I said to him, pulling his arm. "This stuff is illegal.

Dave pulled his arm back and gave me a defiant look. "No way. This is fun," he protested, walking towards the alcohol.

"Dave, no!" I protested. I followed him. "Lay off, FBI," he told me, in a snide and slightly annoyed tone.

I gave him a hurt look. I was just trying to help.

Dave downed 2 glasses full of whiskey. Then he downed 2 glasses of rum. He laughed giddily. I could already tell he was getting intoxicated.

"Dave, that's enough," I told him sternly. "No more."

"More please," Dave said, giddily.

One frat brother gave Dave a glass full of gin. Dave happily drank it too. "Dave, please stop," I begged him.

"I'm just having fun," he said, his words slurred. "Leave me alone."

"Fun? This isn't fun!" I yelled at him. "You're getting drunk!"

Dave giggled again. "Drunk isn't the word. I'm getting "wasted," he said. He laughed even harder.

"No more drinks," I told him firmly.

"You're not my father," he slurred again. He drank another glass of rum. Then he drank a glass full of wine. He kept laughing drunkedly and ignoring my desperate cries for him to stop

"That's it. I'm taking you home," I said, grabbing his arm.

"Let go of me, Darryl," he said. He pulled his arm away from me again. Then he jumped up on a table and begun dancing and singing. he sang, "I'm coming out, I want the world to know, I've got to let it show."

Oh no, was he going to let everyone know he was gay? I quickly pulled him off of the table. He jumped back on and sang, "I'm Black, I'm White, it's tough for me to get by, yeah, yeah, yeah." Then he sang, "Who counts the money underneath the bar? Who rides the wrecking ball into my guitar? I built this city on rock and roll." He burtst into uncontrollable laughter.

I really needed to help Dave, I decided firmly. I tried to get Dave off the table, but he refused to budge. He looked right at me and sang, "Goody-two shoes, you don't drink, you don't smoke, what do you do?" I felt mortified. Calling me a Goody-two shoes after I tried to help him out?

"Fine. go run right into a wall," I told him coldly. I left the party, and left Dave there.
Part 2

I begun to walk back to our dorm, and I was still miffed and hurt about Dave. I knew I shouldn't have left him while he was drunk, but I was very affected by what he said to me. Oh, by the way, whenever I tell someone to "Go run right into a wall," I only say that when I am really hurt, because I tried to help them out and they berated me, like what happened tonight. It's NOT the same as, "Go to hell." It just means, 'I am not going to help you."

I kept thinking about Dave. My stomach began to hurt really badly. My stomach usually never hurts. It only hurts when I do something realy bad, like abandon a drunk friend at a party. The only way my stomach stops hurting is when I correct the problem. I began to walk a few more steps towards the dorm. "Oh, well, Dave was out of line," I tried to reason with myself. "I can handle a stomachache a little while longer.

I walked a few more steps towards the dorm. I was only about half a foot from the dorm hall when my cellphone rang. I looked at the number. It was Dave's number. I sighed and picked it up.

"Hello?" I said.

Dave's drunken reply followed. "Drayl, please come get me. I'm scared," he said, slurred, but sounding scared.

"I thought I was a Goody-two shoes?" I snorted.

"Please Drayl. I'm begging you. I need you to come pick me up. I can barely even walk by myself. His words were really sloshed. I heard the sound of the phone dropping.

I really was concerned for Dave. He sounded as if he were in real trouble.

I quickly rushed back to the party.

I found Dave slumped over a table. The frat boys and other boys looked worried. As if they didn't want to get into trouble.

"Please get Dave out of here," Tom, the Sigma Delta president said to me. "We don't want to be kicked out of school for this."

All of the other boys agreed. "Well, you're the one who kept giving him drinks whenever he asked for them," I retorted.

"Yeah, but I didn't know he would react like this," Tom replied. "Take Dave home. If Dean Riley comes by and sees this, we could be expelled."

"I don't want to be expelled," a frat boy said.

"Me neither," another frat boy said.

Everyone in the party agreed.

Such a selfish fraternity. They didn't give a damn about Dave. I helped Dave up and he was really out of it. He looked comatose. "Dave, we're going home," I told him soothingly.

Dave looked at me with grateful eyes. "Drayl, thanks for coming to get me," he said, gratefully. He breathed right into my face and my stomach almost retched. His breath was stank from the alcohol. I forced a smile and held my breath for a few seconds. Then, I told Dave that we were leaving.

"Drayl, I can't even walk without stumbling. Please, you've got to help me," Dave said, desperately.

What did he want me to do? Give him a piggy-back ride to our dorm? I wondered.

"Do you want me to give you a piggy-back ride to our dorm?" I asked him, half-seriously.

He looked even more grateful. "That would be great," he said.

I looked at him incredulously. "Dave, do you know you're 125 pounds? You're way too heavy for me to carry on my back," I protested.

"Please? I'll try not to sit on you too hard," he slurred, sounding a little like a child.

"Okay," I agreed reluctantly. I went to the front door and opened it and then went back to Dave. I picked up Dave's cellphone and put it in my pocket.

I went on the floor so that Dave could climb on my back. He did. I got up and groaned under the pressure, but knew that Dave needed help. I held Dave's legs. I winced and grimaced, and I walked out the open door and begun to walk home. Dave tried to keep true to his promise by trying to keep most of his weight off of me, but he was making it worse. He was actually hurting me with all of his moving.

"Please stop," I told him. "You're hurting me. Just sit down on me, and put your pressure on me."

Dave sheepishly said, "Sorry, and he sat down on me completely. I continued walking to the dorm. We got to the dorm and I took out our key and opened the dorm. I came in and gently put Dave into his bed.

Dave said, "Thanks, buddy."

"You're welcome," I told him. I looked at him intently. "So, did you have fun tonight?" I asked him, wryly.

Dave smiled a rueful, wincing smile. "I was having fun. I just wanted to feel good. There's nothing wrong with wanting to feel good, he said, trying to defend himself. I was loose and free, and so uninhibited. I drank about 10 glasses of alcohol tonight. Then,I realized I could barely even remember my own name. But, I remembered your cellphone number and dialed it. " he smiled a little sheepishly.

"It's okay, Dave," I said.

"Oh, Drayl, I feel awful. I just want to go to sleep, but my stomach keeps hurling, and until now, I've been able to keep it down, but....." he leaned over and threw up onto our floor. It was really nasty and stinky. He threw up for about 2 more minutes, and stopped for a few seconds. I thought he was done, but he proceeded to throw up again, two more times at about two more minutes each and then said, "Sorry," and begun to look really tired.

I couldn''t let him sleep like that. He needed some food and maybe some milk.

I quickly made and warmed him up a ham and cheese sandwich with mayonnaise and lettuce. Then I warmed him up some milk.

I brang the sandwich and the milk to him, and he looked grateful, but at the same time reluctant. I knew he was hungry, since his stomach was empty, but I knew he thought he couldn't keep the food down.

"Oh Drayl," he said, sounding indecisive. "I don't know if I can keep this down."

"Nonsense," I assured him. "The sandwich will be good for your stomach, and the milk will be good for your liver."

Dave hungrily devoured the sandwich and quickly gulped down the milk.

"Thanks, Drayl," he said again. Dave kept calling me "Drayl," because he was having trouble speaking clearly. I am writng what he said in perfect English, but that's not how it sounded coming out of his mouth. The words came out sounding slushed. The only word I didn't change into perfect English was my name.

"You're welcome," I said. I cleaned up the mess Dave made with a mop and Dawny detergent. Dawny detergent and some water will clean EVERYTHING fine!

I washed the mop, and then went to sleep.
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