Dave Dave - Is there a movie?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I really hope i post this in the right forum, sorry anyways!

I have a question about MJs good friend, Dave Dave.
Recently i read about his story, how he was burned etc. Then I recall in the early 90's I saw a movie on TV, with a VERY similar story line as Dave Dave.

Does anyone know the NAME of this movie, do you know if it based on Dave Daves story?

As I remember in the movie, I was 8-9 years at that time. So my memory might not be as good as i think.. :D

A little kid was trapped in a divorce of his parents, they were both fighting for him.
Suddenly the dad gets him, and they're in a motel where the father puts him on fire while he sleeps at night. He's badly burned but survive. In the movie we see how the kid survive, and makes friend, and how he staples a live together again. As the movie ends, he's a teenager. As I remember, the kid names was actually DAVID!!!

Can anyone help me out here?? thanks
is guess google david rothenburg (his real name) speaking of him there was a guy sat vertually next to me at MSG who looked just like david. although i guess he would have been in the posh seats?

I know this is a bit off topic but I've just read that and...

"His father Charles later served seven years of a 13-year prison sentence."

7 years! 7 'kin years for almost killing his son and ruining his life. :mat: So what now, is he still alive? Just walking the streets?

Anyway, I've just found this on Wiki. It's not the most reliable source but it seems that it is base on Dave.
Dave Dave Actaully plays Dave in the movie, if I'm correct!?
Dave Dave Actaully plays Dave in the movie, if I'm correct!?

IMDB says Matthew Lawrence ;)

I don't think Dave Dave would really want to play it either, can't see it being a time he wants to relive.

Is his name officialy Dave Dave now or still Rothenberg?