Dark side of the dome


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
"Event Description:
A dark winter night a year melts rock music, dance, light and image together in a concert experience for the senses.
Uppsala Cathedral is more than a concert hall - it is Scandinavia's largest cathedral. An evocative lighting of the Gothic arches combined with modern lighting technology gives the music an extra dimension.
The concert will be a musical heavyweight bout.
With songs like " Beat it" and "Thriller", Michael Jackson earned the title "The King of Pop", but his writing is also steeped by the dream of a better world.
Influenced by artists like U2, The Killers have given new life to stadium rock and combines radio-friendly melodies with seriousness and dark undertones. Human and When you were young, some of the songs performed during the concert.

Since 2004, Rock Choir DUM ( a church choir)led by Niclas Dahl put forward the best of the last decades of musical treasure.
Rock music with depth and seriousness as well as catchy riffs performed with some of Uppsala's best rock musicians, this time under the leadership of Anton Lindsjö."

"The idea of ​​the "Dark Side ..." is to annually create a musical encounter between two bands from two generations. The first year 2007 PINK FLOYD and COLDPLAY met. The following year, QUEEN and ROBBIE WILLIAMS. In march2012 it was time for ABBA & MUSE."

They say Pink Floyds music is like made to play in the cathedral and they have played some of their songs every year in dark side concerts.You can probably guess where they got the name Dark Side from..

I´m a person who don´t enjoy when other people sing Michael´s songs, Beat it can be ok...but I don´t want to miss Michael´s music played in church.
Here is a video from the concert this year with Muse- and ABBAsongs

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Os3HIEHheVw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

We will rock you
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Cyo2ysbWwFg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/DdIm-MnVCao" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here are some pictures of the "concert hall" Uppsala Cathedral

With the towers it´s 118 meter high,I don´t know how high it´s up to the ceiling inside the church but the acoustics there is great
I´m sure the young people in this choir could choose artists and songs.
I haven´t find a teaser for their show or something but I guess if the concert is 90 minutes they will play more than 3 Michael Jackson songs.
Young people are interested in Michael´s songs
To perform Michael Jackson's music is both pleasurable and frightening, says Niclas Dahl leading DUM, Cathedral parish youth music.
- Because everyone has a relationship to the songs all have an opinion about "how it should sound." You get to do your thing and hope the audience likes it.

On Facebook there is the opportunity to participate in the event "Who is Uppsala´s Vincent Price?" - One lucky winner will have the honor to portray the dramatic eerie voice that generations Michael Jackson fans will recognize from the song "Thriller". Also involved Michael Jackson Specialist John Stistrup with dance elements.

The background can be interesting
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I found a video from the event

Her comment:great fun to sing such a song in the cathedral.