dark messages behind 'michael' cover


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sony's "Michael"

The Album


I love digging beneath the surface searching for the subliminal. Call it instinct, or my several years working as a TV consultant finding the soul of a character. Where SONY is concerned, perhaps the messages are not so well disguised, which would be consistent with everything else they have been doing since June 25, 2009! But that's just my opinion. You be the judge. Study the artwork on the new Michael CD, which is skillfully done, wouldn't you agree? However, if you look closer you may find some of your own disturbing symbolic images.

First, unlike Michael, who was the personification of love and hope for humanity, the overall atmosphere of the entire montage is full of negative energy. Not so much for the actual objects or scenes being depicted, but in its use of colors, which conveys a heavy and dark mood.

I also detect a look of "defeat" in the center portrait, evident in Michael's eyes and downward positioning of the mouth. While beautifully drawn, where is that familiar Light? The Victorious Conqueror? His expression is foreboding. Has Michael lost his "power?" Also, look at the smaller "Thriller" Michael in the red jacket. Are your eyes drawn to HIS face...or the two zombies on either side of him? These images are excessively hideous and give off an uneasy feeling of "devouring" Michael, whereas the original Thriller ghouls were ugly, yet campy in nature, with Michael always "in control." The feeling I get here is that Michael is in danger.

None of this may be significant, and my personal mood could be influencing my artistic interpretation. Nevertheless, this last image is the most troubling, which makes everything else that much more thought provoking. Michael is the KING OF POP - you with me so far? And as such, the crown should be ON HIS HEAD! No mistake about it - the crown here is OFF Michael's head. There is no reason for the cherubs to be placing it on his head, since Michael has owned the crown for most of his adult career! If you look at the cherubs, they are poised in such a way (noticeably the left) so as to suggest the crown is being lifted off and away from Michael's head.

SONY, are you trying to tell Michael something? Don't be too confident...Game Not Over Yet!

By: Micheline James

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Hmm... I never really looked at it like that.
The "Michael" album cover artist's name is not SONY. His name is Kadir Nelson.
Riiight, sure. that was a couple of minutes of my life i will never get back. There should be warnings on some of these thread titles, like "more Sony conspiracy rubbish".
"Are your eyes drawn to HIS face...or the two zombies on either side of him? These images are excessively hideous and give off an uneasy feeling of "devouring" Michael, whereas the original Thriller ghouls were ugly, yet campy in nature, with Michael always "in control." The feeling I get here is that Michael is in danger."

I must say ... and I'm usually positive about most things ... but those two zombies disturbed me from the beginning.
Why such hideos faces on a cover?
Totally totally unnecessary I felt ... and if they did want them included ... why not smaller & more hidden in the background.
They spoil the cover for me. :(
I think that person is looking waaay too much into it...

my opinion.
I'm sorry, but IMO this is just a bunch of rubbish. You put one little picture on an album cover and suddenly it turns into a big conspiracy theory.
Well, I'm only relieved it's not Michael behind all this. It's Sony, which he spoke against. The cover is a kitsch anyway, like just throwing whatever thing in there, a poor montage of personages and symbols trying too hard and failing to emulate "Dangerous". The monarch butterfly is representative of Monarch programming, which might explain the many that buy into this project.
Riiight, sure. that was a couple of minutes of my life i will never get back. There should be warnings on some of these thread titles, like "more Sony conspiracy rubbish".

lmao, agreed. this is beyond crap.
Stupid-ass analysis if you ask me. The zombies aren't exactly hideous and a...sigh...danger to Michael himself. It's just bad painting really, that's all it is.
Any symbol could be turned into something "dark and sinister", if you keep repeating that often enough. Think of the swastika. "svastika" is light, well being. You can make symbolism go any way you want to.

My eyes personally never "hung out" with the zombies, my eyes immediately get drawn upwards to the bright star on the right. My mind registered the zombies and I laughed and moved on with my eyes.

It's just like Michael said- those who saw a predator in him and a child m- those just mirrored their own thoughts onto him.

So if you're convinced of something sinister about that album, well, you're going to find yourself a boatload of dark things.

I wished people would apply their developing symbolism decoding and numerology skills in areas that could use some looking at.

People accused "journalists" of "cut and paste" journalism, of mindless repetition over and over.
I see a lot of cut and paste in fan forums. One blog or one particular news blurp gets repeated ad nauseam.

If people are so convinced about this- how about they sit down and write their own pieces about the symbolism they find? I've seen that thing copied and pasted several times.

Be original people, employ your own brain, don't just copy and paste.

By the way, if it was Sony's job to subliminally plant the idea in my subconscious that they are de-throning Michael Jackson by way of 2 fat cherubs- they failed utterly.

^^^How's this for symbolism? The crown represents the King and in this case two fat angels are upholding his HALO since he now entered their realm- so what better symbolism that a crown, that's a Halo, and the King is supported by his angels who just want to touch his Halo? Just sayin'...:cheeky:
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The mural ends with something that looks like fire.
I don `t see any dark secrets at the cover. I have to agree with some of you that this is only bad painting.
We have to accept the cover because it is the only one we have anyway.
My only real complaint about this album is cover is, once again, the lack of recent pictures used for it. Is it just me or do sony think we'll all think michael died in the early 90's and didn't actually live to 50, or make 3 more albums!!
Michaelslady, much love. Think you should put your intelligence and abundance of free time to better use.
Any symbol could be turned into something "dark and sinister", if you keep repeating that often enough. Think of the swastika. "svastika" is light, well being. You can make symbolism go any way you want to.

My eyes personally never "hung out" with the zombies, my eyes immediately get drawn upwards to the bright star on the right. My mind registered the zombies and I laughed and moved on with my eyes.

It's just like Michael said- those who saw a predator in him and a child m- those just mirrored their own thoughts onto him.

So if you're convinced of something sinister about that album, well, you're going to find yourself a boatload of dark things.

I wished people would apply their developing symbolism decoding and numerology skills in areas that could use some looking at.

People accused "journalists" of "cut and paste" journalism, of mindless repetition over and over.
I see a lot of cut and paste in fan forums. One blog or one particular news blurp gets repeated ad nauseam.

If people are so convinced about this- how about they sit down and write their own pieces about the symbolism they find? I've seen that thing copied and pasted several times.

Be original people, employ your own brain, don't just copy and paste.

By the way, if it was Sony's job to subliminally plant the idea in my subconscious that they are de-throning Michael Jackson by way of 2 fat cherubs- they failed utterly.

^^^How's this for symbolism? The crown represents the King and in this case two fat angels are upholding his HALO since he now entered their realm- so what better symbolism that a crown, that's a Halo, and the King is supported by his angels who just want to touch his Halo? Just sayin'...:cheeky:

I, personally, used my brain when replying here, and haven't got knowledge on numerology and other things. I didn't even read the blog that started this thread and am of the opinion that lots of relaxed minds create blogs and are of such opinions just because they're popular. I just happen to know how this industry works and have read things and watched documentaries and it's enough for me to conclude whatever I wish. I could care less about being original in what I say. I, for one, didn't have the mindset that anything released post June 25 is the evil incarnate, I actually sort of liked the cover the first time I saw it. Then I saw some other things and it made say what I just did. And I wish people would respect other people's opinions without being simply cheeky.
Well, I'm only relieved it's not Michael behind all this. It's Sony, which he spoke against. The cover is a kitsch anyway, like just throwing whatever thing in there, a poor montage of personages and symbols trying too hard and failing to emulate "Dangerous". The monarch butterfly is representative of Monarch programming, which might explain the many that buy into this project.

Thank God that butterflies on a posthumous album can carry many other interpretations, very beautiful and spiritual ones at that have don't have to do with any MKUltra mind control, trauma and triggers.

I am amazed at how many people WANT there to be mind programming and mind control. It's as if people crave some kind of darkness, as if there's a deep need to manifest some awful darkness. Michael of all people knew a thing or two about that power- no wonder he filled his space since "Thriller" times with post it notes on what it is he wanted to achieve. Intent is a powerful tool.

You can choose the absolute contrary. That butterfly can once more be the beautiful spiritual symbol it is (if you have any experiences in that aspect...)- and that would be way more brighter and more powerful than all these negative self-fulfilling prophecies that people are literally manifesting.

If people are convinced that this is darkness- turn it around, make it bright. You have that power. I am actually not denying that mind control exists- but awareness doesn't have to mean to keep festering it, you can turn it into light. It's your subconscious, why plant even more darkness into by wallowing in darkness?

But that is a choice that each one of us can make. One can chose to wander around in misery- or you can have a beautiful butterfly land on your extended hand.

"Baby don't make me, baby don't make me fly away, gonna stay, love today."
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I don't like the cover. MJ looks sinister on it. One of the fans took the shadows off of his face and he looked so much better. I don't like the lack of recent pictures. I don't like this cover at all.

However, I think the painter just did a bad job. And I've accepted this is all we have. Hopefully there will be many pictures inside my booklet and I can turn my booklet inside out to put something else on the cover. :)
About the crown, I tink he has it backwards. Yes, he is the king. However, that image is of the Thriller era Michael. The Thriller era is when Michael became the king of pop. They are crowning him during Thriller.
I don't like the cover. MJ looks sinister on it. One of the fans took the shadows off of his face and he looked so much better. I don't like the lack of recent pictures. I don't like this cover at all.

However, I think the painter just did a bad job. And I've accepted this is all we have. Hopefully there will be many pictures inside my booklet and I can turn my booklet inside out to put something else on the cover. :)

I agree. I think the estate could have asked to use an outtake from Michael's 2007 Ebony magazine photo shoot and used that for the cover instead. He looked great in those picures IMO. I am disappointed about the album cover. But I have also accepted it as is now also.
Wow. Talk about making too much about every little detail.

People can find all kind of messages - none of them meant by the artist.

So lets just enjoy this beautiful cover.
I don't like the cover. MJ looks sinister on it. One of the fans took the shadows off of his face and he looked so much better. I don't like the lack of recent pictures. I don't like this cover at all.

However, I think the painter just did a bad job. And I've accepted this is all we have. Hopefully there will be many pictures inside my booklet and I can turn my booklet inside out to put something else on the cover. :)

:flowers: exactly how I feel, except the buying part.
If anyone has ever seen the portrait in full, there's one of Michael from the O2 conference, I think they should've put more focus on that image instead of the one we got. But then again, with the whole Breaking News thing, people would just say "OMG, It's a sign from Sony that it's a imposter!!!"

Anywho, I actually didn't pay much attention to the zombies since day one, and my eyes most certainly weren't drawn to them as opposed to Michael.