Dangerous Tour Spain.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Cork City,Ireland
Dangerous Tour 92 21/09/1992 Carlos Tartiere Stadium - Oviedo, Spain - 25,000.

From the 1st leg of the Dangerous World Tour. It’s not the most unique show & it’s pretty much the Buckarest dvd in parts but it has a few interesting moments such as Slash performing Black Or White, some different choreography for Thriller & a few other things. There’s a few great performances.

Jam-Great performance but it’s the same standard performance from a lot of the 1st leg shows. That’s not to take anything away from how great it is but for a lot of the shows on the European run Jackson kept the performance pretty much the same. It’s a tight choreographed visual brilliant show opener with the Jam-Jacket that was predominantly used for the 1st leg (Buckarest) with the silver belt & silver sash. Slightly different whipping sound for the choreography middle section.

Wanna Be Startin Somethin’-Voice is good. A little out of breath in parts & Jackson’s mic is too low. Good dancing but the same routine & nothing that different. The crowd clap along.

Human Nature-The stadium is lit up with lighters which adds to the atmosphere. A little feed-back from Jackson’s mic. The stage is bayed in purple lights. Theirs a cameraman taking shots of Jackson on stage. Mediocre crowd reaction when Jackson says ‘everybody’ to join in the chorus but big cheers at the end.

Smooth Criminal-Crowd clap along. Again the photographer follows Jackson around the stage. The lean is fantastic. Jackson almost touches the stage floor lol. The crowd chant in Spanish. Great showstopper as always.

I Just Can’t Stop Loving You-Lighters light up the stadium again & his voice is good. Jackson motions the crowd to sing ‘I just can’t stop…..’. The crowd sing along.
Again it’s the same standard performance from this 1st leg.

She’s Out Of My Life-Superb vocals. Mediocre reaction to Jackson’s ‘Can I come down there’ script. But the lady who comes on stage is delighted. Jackson rests her head on his chest. She holds a hand to her face to wipe away the tears. When Jackson kisses her the crowd roar. She says into his mic ‘I love you Michael’ & walks off stage down the steps unaided. Jackson replies ‘I love you too’. Jackson does the crying section & the crowd start chanting in Spanish again.

J-5 Medley- Jackson wears the black shiny jacket he wore for ‘I’ll Be There’ during the Buckarest show. Jackson almost misses his que to stop at the end of ‘I Want You Back’ by going to spin but changing his mind but such is his genius he turns it into a move with his arm. ‘The Love You Save’ is the same standard with good vocals. For ’I’ll Be There’ Jackson shouts “Everybody” twice & the house lights come on & the crowd all wave their hands in the air & join in the chorus. At the end for the ’Just call my name’ Jackson holds the note on ’name’ for that little bit longer & the crowd love it. Finishes with ’I love you all’. Great performance.

Thriller-It’s quite unique for this show. The stage isn’t raised so again no tombs. The stage is lit up brightly rather than the darker green theme that featured in other shows. The dancing is good if a little erratic in parts. There’s also different choreography that’ wasn’t part of the Buckarest show or the 2nd leg. When Jackson wears the werewolf mask it’s actually Jackson tonight & when he runs off stage to make a quick costume change the dancers perform another piece of different choreography. Quite a good overall performance & enough new or different things going on to make it really refreshing to watch.

Billie Jean- I think Billie Jean was perfected on the Dangerous Tour. Sang live with a raw energy & enthusiasm that sets it apart & makes it Jackson’s signature performance. I’ve never seen a poor Billie Jean on any Dangerous Tour footage & this is no exception. It’s live performance perfection from the lighting design to the dance performance to the live band to the add-libbs. Not much add-libbs tonight just a ‘Look what ya did baby’ & ‘You a silly girl’. It’s all that’s needed though because there’s so much more delivered from an outstanding performance. A great moonwalk followed by 4 spins & onto standing on his toes. The 2nd moonwalk is just as good & before he picks up his fedora to dust it off he gives a side-moonwalk. Jackson in the spotlight just dancing to the beat is incredible. On the spot moonwalk,moonwalk,360 moonwalk,sideways-moonwalk,slow motion. Some feed-back from the mic at the end but a standout performance.

Working Day & Night- Much the same as it always was on the Dangerous Tour. I’m a bit bored by it but what it does do in this bootleg is demonstrate what the stage lights can do. Every light blasts out high voltage beams through smoke creating a type of visual brilliance that’s almost blinding at times. The other thing WDAN does is showcase Jackson’s band as a highly professional tight outfit. The band participate in the choreography,the bass player ‘Don’ flakes into his bass guitar for an incredible solo & lead guitar player Jennifer Batten bends the strings on her electric guitar for an incredible solo. To see the song performed on a bootleg with the camera pointed at distance at the entire stage put’s a new perspective on WDAN & shows the tour for the big machine that it is. Oh & there’s also the illusion of Jackson vanishing into thin air. An incredible production.

Beat It-Jackson appears on the other side of the stage on a crane & hangs out up in the night sky above the ecstatic crowd. It’s again the same standard performance. A cameraman stands on the catwalk at the front of the stage & the photographer to capture Jackson in both mediums. One being for the 3 jumbo screens. Jackson does the usual playing with the cameraman & Jeniffer gives her standard amazing guitar solo dressed like a Christmas tree lol. It’s nothing new to the die hard, hardcore fans but tonight the crowd are loving it.

Will You Be There-Lighters in the air. Same standard performance but again the camera shows you that the two walls either side of the stage have changed from a picture of Jackson’s feet standing on end to a picture of some sort of bird dressed as a king from the Dangerous album cover. The whole production truly is incredible & It’s a credit to the stage & technical crew. Beautiful choreography & the lighting compliments it. The spoken lyrics are truly touching & it’s a credit to Jackson’s genius. Jackson gestures to the crowd ‘I Love You’. No Angel which is disappointing but none the less it works great live.

Black Or White-Again the stage walls change from the previous artwork to what almost looks like a chess board of Black & White boxes. After the video film footage fire flames rise & Jackson Jumps into the air & Jeniffer joins him with special guest Slash. Unique performance full of energy & brilliance & it’s a stadium pop anthem that has everyone jumping up & down. Slash stomps his feet around & gives a superb guitar run that adds something different tonight. Slash joins Jackson for the smoke & wind section. The crowd go nuts at the end. Jackson interacts ‘Woo hoo’ ‘Hee hee’ ‘Wooooh’ ‘Hee hee’ ‘Thank You Slash’ Thank You Jeniffer’ ‘I love You’ pretend punches the camera, makes a piece sign & brings the house down. One of the best Black Or White’s of the tour.

Ballet Solo-Stunning as usual & the perfect intro to Heal The World as it sets the mood. The stage walls have changed again to a picture of the globe.

Heal The World-Stage doesn’t rise. Same standard performance. The crowd sing along & thousands of arms are in the air on Jackson’s command as he motions the crowd. The children come on. Jackson smiles,laughs ‘I love you’ Heal the world’. The house lights come on & it’s an incredible atmosphere.The jumbo screens show an animation of a dove flying over the world & it forms the ‘Heal The Word Foundation’ symbol. Crowd clap & chant ole ole.

Man In The Mirror- From the start the crowd clap along. This version features the pan pipes/flute instrumentation that also feature on the 95 Brunei version. It really adds to the song & it sounds beautiful. The performance starts off pretty relaxed & Jackson does a spin & drops to his knees. When his mic comes on toward the end it’s as good as the pre-recorded vocal & in perfect key. Does another spin & drops to his knees again & falls to the floor. The add-libbs are mediocre. When Jackson introduces the band he brings out Slash & holds up slashes arm and says ‘Slash’. Slash acknowledges the crowd & exit’s the stage. The add-libbs get better & Jackson does another spin & drops to his knees for a 3rd time. Perhaps too tired to do a series of spins & with the show he gave tonight it’s understandable & not really missed. Doe’s his Indian style tribal dance in circular motions & stomps his feet. Jackson becomes a little erratic or over excited. Perhaps happy to have given such a great show & looking forward to getting back to his hotel suit lol. One of his dancers runs across the stage. Jackson disappears & the stuntman jets off into the sky & the crowd are left awestruck.

If you've been to the show or have any additional info please post.Thanks.