Dangerous - The Cover Art

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Dangerous Incorporated


Interesting things quickly spotted:
Dog King:

  • Dog is wearing MJ slippers and white glove

Bird Queen:

  • "Umbilical cord" attached to glass ball containing man and woman (Adam and Eve?)

Taped fingers :

  • Imprinted map of the world on palm(Michael's hand?)

Road into 'Dangerous' Industrialised area:

  • Decorated with childlike drawings of guns and rockets; skull and crossbones...
  • Industrial area (steelworks factories) completely void of children/ animals


  • Boy with letter M on top (riding one of the cars exiting ride) Mac Culkin?
    Ben, Louie and Gypsy (Michael's pets) riding boats/cars
    Animal skulls and skeletons? Like a ghost train?
  • Animals going in; children/ skeletons coming out!

Images of different era Michaels

  • "Thriller" Michael statuette near old man's head
  • Young Michael in one of the cars


  • Eo: Greek for Dawn (also Captain EO - lots of references to the sun/ dawn in that film)
  • ENTRARE: Enter
  • EXITUS: Outlet or death (look above the exit of the ride)


  • 7 on the large hand/wrist and on the little man with top hat (Michael's favourite number/ 7th Child);
    9 on the elephant;
    1998 with 3 dots and arrow (Michael regularly added this to his signature) on the lapel of the old man's jacket

Michael's eyes:

  • Most notable feature of the whole cover (possible theme of eyes?)
  • Wearing a masquerade mask!

"Upside down" planet in the centre of the picture

  • Discord/ mayhem?

Black and white face

  • Reference to song "Black or White"

Old man wearing tuxedo

  • P. T. Barnum (?) This makes sense cos Barnum was a celebrated circus showman - and the whole picture depicts a circus!

"The album is also well known for the cover's mysterious nature. The album was initially released in a large box with a picture of Jackson's eyes, which folded open to reveal the normal cover (painted by pop surrealist Mark Ryden), in pop-up card, with the CD and booklet in the bottom.
What is the one thing on the Dangerous album Cover most people do not recognize?

You mean like a detail people don't notice? There are so many details that I always discover new things everytime I watch it! It never ends!

Here are some details you may not have noticed...

- The king and the queen both wear a single glove.

- The king holds a scepter representing the queen whereas the queen holds one representing the king.

- The letters MJ can be seen on the king's crown and on his sandal.

- The king was inspired by two Ingres paintings: "Napoleon on his Imperial Throne" and "Jupiter and Thetis".

- The strange two-legged animals next to the king and the couple in a bubble under the queen were inspired by "The Garden of Earthly Delights" by Hieronymus Bosch.

- The pirate skull under the king that's above the attraction entrance is the same as the one you can see at the end of the Pirates of the Carribean attraction at Disneyland.

- The statue on its left has a skull on her breast.

- There's a single glove on the statue's base.

- On the base of the next statue, there's a sun and the word "EO".

- There's a peace sign on the base of the third statue.

- A map of the world and the number 7 are engraved on the sculpture of Michael Jackson's hand.

- The number 9 is engraved on the elephant's forehead.

- The old man at the bottom is P.T. Barnum.

- There's a brooch on his chest representing the date 1998, three circles and an arrow. It was a symbol Michael Jackson would use when signing autographs during the 80's and 90's.

- There's a Thriller era Michael Jackson hiding behind P.T. Barnum.

- The Dangerous album cover painting was made by Mark Ryden. His signature "RYDEN" is hidden in the teeth of the giant skull held by the little black girl.

The creator of the cover of “Dangerous” was the artist Mark Ryden. It took six months to end in. Much of the life of Michael Jackson is reflected in it both in pictures as symbols. This artist was born on 20 January 1963, in Medford, Oregon, California. In 1987 he received the School of Design in Pasadena. Among his clients include Stephen King, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, etc … Michael Ryden hired because this is a fan of circus posters from the early last century, and had the mentality to interpret the images they wanted Jackson on the cover. Account cartoonist Michael asked very specific things, and I did own analogies to make room for these symbols … Michael told me that the design should be mysterious, that people will interpret in their own way … “

Let’s analyze this cover design, step by step:

1 – The name “Michael Jackson” on his eyes gave way to a huge theatrical mask that seems to want to cover everything. From that center dominates the scene perfectly. Eyes and perfect eyebrows with a small lock of hair falling from her forehead and a brown skin, make a perfect ornament for domination.

2 – On a fairy appears the head of a monkey about to be crowned. It is his chimp Bubbles who died in 1989. Is noteworthy that all of the work environment is practically covered by animals.

3 – Right in the center are grouped various animals: a peacock, accurate representations of glamor and gorgeous as is usually the entertainment world, an elephant with a number 9 on the front (as that number next to 7, the most prominent in numerology), a rhinoceros, a walrus, and so on.

4 – On either side of Michael’s eyes are two faces of clowns with bonnets. Both represent the circus but also the theater and who are in the classical view of theatrical performance, one crying and one laughing.

5 – Two musical cherubs appear on both sides of a star of good fortune,announcing the sound and music.

6 – A prehistoric man, perhaps a warrior tribe (seniority is an obsession for Michael Jackson). In his hands accompanies this great concert with two dishes.

7 - more angels appear in the left of the image, this time an angel and smaller child in a few fish in the style of living carrousels or uncles.

8 – An entry to a kind of “ghost train” or “labyrinth of terror.” On board the cars are again the monkey “Bubbles”, a rat can be “Ben”, a antipolo and an elephant. This entrance is flanked by a classic pirate symbol denoting evil but turn the adventure, so present in these passages.

9 – On the left is a half-open hand, which is Michael Jackson because on three fingertips are the classic “bandaids”. Standing on your palm is a black child holding the skull of the elephant man,whose remains wanted to buy but could not. On that Palm appears drawn a world map depicting the presence of Michael Jackson as a worldwide star. On the wrist is the number 7, as I had said next to 9 are special numbers in numerology.

10 – In the bottom center of the scene is a kind of galactic belt surrounding a world upside down, you have in your floor a lot of symbols that represent hazards as caravels and pistols,technological advances such as rockets and mysteries of science as atoms and chains of particles.

11 – Here is the image of Barnum, creator of the world’s most famous circuses, being an explicit homage to this cover very “circus”. The bust is in the jacket lapel a pin with the number “1998″ and if we add 1 +9 +9 +8 the result is 27 (the seven positive number in numerology) and adding 2 +7 gives 9 (the other number positive).

12 – The output of this “corridor” or “ghost train” since the end of the story everything has changed. Bubbles disappeared and instead sits withMichael but his image of child star, behind him the skeleton of theelephant man (whom we spoke) behind his friend happy Macaulay Culkin and closing the antipolo row ends up being another skeleton.

13 – An eye Greek appears on the upper facade of the exit of the maze. It is a symbol of protecting God who sees everything.

14 – Michael gr an admirer of the masters of world painting has added two dinner s classic is one inside a crystal ball and the other on one of the pillars of the Afghan king dog described below.

15 – In the middle of the table on the right is the image of Afghan dog on his throne. The image is inspired by a painting “Napoleon on his Throne” painted by artist Jean-Auguste Ingres in 1806. The painting is housed inParis in the M useum of the army which also surveys the work of Napoleon ba tum.

16 – There are two other figures that are part of the Dangerous cover that are included in theluxury three-three-dimensional version is a two-legged dog and a girl the entire body in his arms holding a large green beetle e.Undoubtedly the cover of “Dangerous” by the cover design of “Sergeant Pepper” by The Beatles are the most performed two covers in music history.

Account Mark Ryden, artist of the cover of “Dangerous” that had previously worked with the Art Director for Sony, Nancy Donald in many other projects and when the project was commissioned by Michael Jackson she thought of him.

A Michael Jackson showed him a book with their jobs and liked a lot. Ryden was thus that he met with the King of Pop in his study where he could hear some of his new music and talked about the idea.

He then had a week to create some strokes, doing 5 pencil drawings. Only one was elected, the current draft of the lid.

The other four sketches that were not accepted by Michael Jackson, but had the same general style that the cover of “Dangerous”. One was a circus poster with a skeleton jumping from the innards of a clown, another was focused on a girl in her hand she held a skull, another idea was very similar to the final cover, but the scene was set outdoors and the Michael Jackson’s eyes were mixed with clouds over the chimp Bubbles which was standing on a pile of animals.

Mark Ryden also note that for the first sketches of the cover of “Dangerous” drew heavily on the video for the song “Leave Me Alone” found in the feature film “Moonwalker”, saying that “it was the image, design and the items were great. “

The cover of “Dangerous” was the biggest project Mark Ryden asked what date he demanded six months’ hard work. Although the original painting is very large, the great challenge of the artist was that by reducing the size of a cover of a compact disc detail and the concept did not disappear.

One of its inspiration to the many details was listening to the tracks on the album as Michael Jackson was finishing his recording and song titles also served to introduce certain concepts. And so the album title and the song “Dangerous” provided a starting point for the base of the drawing.

Mark Ryden said that despite the great advances in digital technology, the drawing is not supported by computers and nothing is done the old way, only brush with acrylics on a panel, which still remains in its original study, without I was asked by Michael Jackson or the art division of Sony Music, as the latter only bought the reproduction rights. Ensures the artist than anyone else could buy your original drawing.

As for the freedom to create his work, Ryden had the opportunity to draw without pressure, except for some very specific added that Michael Jackson asked himself near the end of the work. For example he wanted the actor Macaulay Culkin was in one of the cars that pull out of the tunnel on the right and placed the pin “1998″ on the lapel of P. Barnum.










Mark Ryden's Official Website:


Dangerous Cover used in Pepsi commercial 'Dreams':
Wow! Excellent post!

The Dangerous album cover is such a fascinating album cover because there is so many Symbols in it.

Here's some of my thoughts about it.

I think the the Industrial city within, represents the many negative aspects humanity. A world which has become very mechanical,industrial and has the colors of very gloomy looking place. I never noticed the Upside down globe inside!

What I find very interesting is that there is a ride to go into this place, and a ride out. Then there is a middle path. Perhaps the middle road represents the road of being in complete control of your life and not letting anyone else control you? If you take the middle path you can go at your own pace and perhaps have more choice of where you go in this city.

Wow! You've mentioned so much stuff I've never noticed, thanks;)
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wow..amazing post! really interesting. My fave cover art also. ;)
Thanks for posting! :flowers:
I love the cover, and the artist too. If you don't already know him, check his website www.markryden.com, I totally love him. He did also some of my favourite book covers ever!
I'm pretty sure this topic has been posted quite a number of times in this forum, but hell why am I complaining? Thanks for the really intriguing fun facts! :kickass:
No matter how many times you look at it, you always find something new

I totally agree with you. I can't even begin to say how many times I have looked at that album cover. And after all these years later after I had first gotten the Dangerous album in late August of 1993. I am still seeing something that I either haven't notice before or that I don't remember seeing. The Dangerous album cover is definitely the best album cover ever made. I just L.O.V.E. Mark Ryden's paintings. He is definitely my 2nd favorite painter of today. My first favorite is Jacek Yerka who is a Polish painter. And thank you for this interesting information.
Incredible read. Very detailed analysis. There was a whole lot I did not know! Thank you.
Watch "The Elephant Man" very reminiscent of the Carnival/Freak Show scene near the start, there is also a sign reading "The Elephant Man" or something with very similar decoration of that around Michaels eyes on the Dangerous Cover, also more interestingly there are samples on the song Dangerous taken from the film ;)