Dangerous Liaisons Book stopped!


Proud Member
Sep 1, 2011
27 May 2010
Troubador withdraws Michael Jackson book
Troubador has ceased distribution of a self-published book written about Michael Jackson. Following new information that came to light on 18th May, the book's distribution was immediately halted. The company has taken legal advice on its position, and may take further action.
There had been an ongoing, concerted campaign by some MIchael Jackson "fans" against the book's release, but the company stresses that this 'campaign' is not the reason why distribution was halted.
Why they use fans in as "fans"...?
Good it was stopped!!!
"One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind."
Whether they admit it or not, it has a lot to do with MJ fans! It were MJ fans who made a research into who this guy is (Carl Toms, alias Thomas O'Caroll - a convicted pedophile) and who are his supporters (pedophile academists). Blogs like this did a lot of work to expose them:




Well done, everybody who researched and campaigned for it to stop! Not just for Michael, but also for the children!
i am so proud :clap:
we need to thank all those blog people who did the research.god bless them all.:)
Brilliant. I'm sick of seeing this piece of crap book in my amazon recommendations. :cheers:
Omg... I am so happy that this piece of crap was stopped. I remember how we were advocating to stop this book from getting published months ago.
YES!!!!! fantastic news!

Good work guys! :clap:
I walked into a library the other day and I was in the biographies section when I saw this book. It was HUGE. I mean like a massive textbook. I pulled it down and it made me sick the moment i saw the cover. I was pretty shocked actually. and there it was in full view of everyone, waiting to be taken out! It was new, and no one had taken it out yet.

I remember there was a thread on this book, but I didnt read it. Can someone tell me where it is please? And the author is a convicted molestor? You're kidding!
Great work!

Hopefully in time ppl will realize that they can not use MJ´s name to promote themselves and any sort of claim.

Yes, I am hopeful.
Great work!! I am so glad this piece of filth was stopped!

:clapping: :clapping:
And the author is a convicted molestor? You're kidding!

Yes, he is:

"Thomas Victor O'Carroll (born 1945) is a dual nationality Irish/British writer,[1] activist for pedophilia and pedophilia advocacy, and a convicted distributor of child pornography.[2][3] O 'Carroll is a former chairperson of the now defunct Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) and was at one time a prominent member of IPCE, formerly known as International Paedophile and Child Emancipation.

In 1980 O'Carroll's book Paedophilia: The Radical Case was published, in which he advocated for the normalization of some adult-child sexual relationships. In the book, O'Carroll states his belief that each stage of the sexual relationship between an adult and child can be 'negotiated', with "hints and signals, verbal and non-verbal, by which each indicates to the other what is acceptable and what is not... the man might start by saying what pretty knickers the girl was wearing, and he would be far more likely to proceed to the next stage of negotiation if she seemed pleased by the remark".[4]

In 1981 he was convicted for "conspiracy to corrupt public morals" over the contact ads section of the PIE magazine and was imprisoned."

More: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_O'Carroll
^ OMFG, I have no words. What a sick individual! :no:

As for the book, well done fans!
Yes, he is:

"Thomas Victor O'Carroll (born 1945) is a dual nationality Irish/British writer,[1] activist for pedophilia and pedophilia advocacy, and a convicted distributor of child pornography.[2][3] O 'Carroll is a former chairperson of the now defunct Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) and was at one time a prominent member of IPCE, formerly known as International Paedophile and Child Emancipation.

In 1980 O'Carroll's book Paedophilia: The Radical Case was published, in which he advocated for the normalization of some adult-child sexual relationships. In the book, O'Carroll states his belief that each stage of the sexual relationship between an adult and child can be 'negotiated', with "hints and signals, verbal and non-verbal, by which each indicates to the other what is acceptable and what is not... the man might start by saying what pretty knickers the girl was wearing, and he would be far more likely to proceed to the next stage of negotiation if she seemed pleased by the remark".[4]

In 1981 he was convicted for "conspiracy to corrupt public morals" over the contact ads section of the PIE magazine and was imprisoned."

More: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_O'Carroll

activist for pedophilia? WTF?! What a SICK TRULY SICK and twisted bastard he is. HELL will do his pedophile ass great. that is where he's gonna land that sick and twisted individual, actually Rikers would do him good, throw him in there what a twisted bastard :sick:
Yes, he is:

"Thomas Victor O'Carroll (born 1945) is a dual nationality Irish/British writer,[1] activist for pedophilia and pedophilia advocacy, and a convicted distributor of child pornography.[2][3] O 'Carroll is a former chairperson of the now defunct Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) and was at one time a prominent member of IPCE, formerly known as International Paedophile and Child Emancipation.

In 1980 O'Carroll's book Paedophilia: The Radical Case was published, in which he advocated for the normalization of some adult-child sexual relationships. In the book, O'Carroll states his belief that each stage of the sexual relationship between an adult and child can be 'negotiated', with "hints and signals, verbal and non-verbal, by which each indicates to the other what is acceptable and what is not... the man might start by saying what pretty knickers the girl was wearing, and he would be far more likely to proceed to the next stage of negotiation if she seemed pleased by the remark".[4]

In 1981 he was convicted for "conspiracy to corrupt public morals" over the contact ads section of the PIE magazine and was imprisoned."

More: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_O'Carroll

I think I'm gonna puke :cry: I don't know how anyone can think it's okay to harm a child...
Yes, he is:

"Thomas Victor O'Carroll (born 1945) is a dual nationality Irish/British writer,[1] activist for pedophilia and pedophilia advocacy, and a convicted distributor of child pornography.[2][3] O 'Carroll is a former chairperson of the now defunct Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) and was at one time a prominent member of IPCE, formerly known as International Paedophile and Child Emancipation.

In 1980 O'Carroll's book Paedophilia: The Radical Case was published, in which he advocated for the normalization of some adult-child sexual relationships. In the book, O'Carroll states his belief that each stage of the sexual relationship between an adult and child can be 'negotiated', with "hints and signals, verbal and non-verbal, by which each indicates to the other what is acceptable and what is not... the man might start by saying what pretty knickers the girl was wearing, and he would be far more likely to proceed to the next stage of negotiation if she seemed pleased by the remark".[4]

In 1981 he was convicted for "conspiracy to corrupt public morals" over the contact ads section of the PIE magazine and was imprisoned."

More: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_O'Carroll

:puke: :puke: this person makes me sick