Dangerous: Is that Michael going in the rocket or stunt double?


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
When I wikipedia'd Dangerous Bucharest tour 1992, it said that they used a body double for the very end of the tour, going into the rocket. But something on E! was talking about the same tour & a guy was talking about how Michael was going to finish & make a grand finale ; He said that was Michael himself. He said Michael really wanted to make a grand exit leaving the stage in a rocket.

so which is it?:unsure::ermm:
I am sure it was a double, no insurance company would have allowed Michael to do that himself. At least it was a double on all the footage that I saw.
aww man lol... that would've been awesome if he really did do that. whys insurance so strict anyway?? its michael freakin jackson ..come on. just let him do
aww man lol... that would've been awesome if he really did do that. whys insurance so strict anyway?? its michael freakin jackson ..come on. just let him do

that's exactly why lol they didn't want anything bad to happen to him. Remember what happened to the bridge during the concert in Munich? What if something broke in that gear and Michael fell on the ground?...
that's exactly why lol they didn't want anything bad to happen to him. Remember what happened to the bridge during the concert in Munich? What if something broke in that gear and Michael fell on the ground?...

oohhh ok. lol. I see.:D
Anyone know how they did the jetpack stunt? i mean, did they swtich michael with another guy when michael goes behind the big thing that hangs from the roof?

I would also like to know how the magic trick on Thriller on HIStory tour is done!
Anyone know how they did the jetpack stunt? i mean, did they swtich michael with another guy when michael goes behind the big thing that hangs from the roof?

I would also like to know how the magic trick on Thriller on HIStory tour is done!

I'll have to see that! I might have to youtube it. Do you know what year / place??:)
Anyone know how they did the jetpack stunt? i mean, did they swtich michael with another guy when michael goes behind the big thing that hangs from the roof?

I would also like to know how the magic trick on Thriller on HIStory tour is done!

I have rewatched the Auckland HIStory concert the other day and noticed that when Michael hides under the stage to put on a werewolf mask and then comes back, it's not him. It's one of his dancers, a black guy. You can see that his hands are black, so obviously it's not Michael. lol I'd never noticed that before for some reason.

Unless you are talking about something else lol
Here is the jetpack ending from Dangeorus Bucharest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKSEktPHjJc

Thriller magic trick from Dangerous Bucharest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWq1uMJOA1Q
From 5.00

oh the magic trick yea I dunno! There must have been a sliding door on the floor he slid down lol. And as you can see, theres a shot of Michael up close as hes going up elevating on the stage & hes smiling / laughing! He must have really loved doing 'thriller' :D Watch it...
For the Thriller trick, it's all a matter of a simple illusion. Michael drops down into the stage and keeps his head visible while the guy with the mask puts his hand next to Michael's head (giving the illusion that Mike's trying to hold on). Michael ducks down under the stage and the double jumps up, and bam. Everybody in the arena goes wild.
it was a stunt man but certainly not a double as in look a like , i have clear shot of the guys face in the suit preparing to take off
Anyone know how they did the jetpack stunt? i mean, did they swtich michael with another guy when michael goes behind the big thing that hangs from the roof?

I would also like to know how the magic trick on Thriller on HIStory tour is done!

Yes Michael walked in something and ducked down and the double came out