DANGEROUS Concert Screenings - AUSTRALIA -Attendee List


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Perth, Western Australia, AUSTRALIA!
This is an amazing MJ time, and the screenings of the Michael Jackson Bucherest Dangerous Concerts at selected Hoyts Cinema's is a dream come true for many.

So.... who's going and where!?
List the venue YOU will be attending below!

I'm going!
Q will be attending the Perth screening, at Hoyts Carousel, Fri 29 Aug, 1915.

Can't wait!
wow this is so great! We also had a screening in the cinema of the Dangerous concert in April here in Hungary :)
(well actually we only had 1 screening and because of the T25 release)

Have fun guys, it will be amazing on big screen!:wild:
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I'm getting so excited for this! I'm wondering how it will be screened though.... coz it's in 4:3 ratio.... they better not stretch it or cut too much of the top and bottom or something stupid! I hope they don't blow their speakers when it comes on, coz that thing starts LOUD! LOL
I WOULD go to Chadstone, but sadly I have to attend school.
I wish they'd show it in Ringwood (at Eastland for anyone that knows what I'm talking about)
Chadstone in Melbourne, i'm going by myself, i don't care..lol.

gonna have a few drinks before as well.


here is a pic, so if you see me around you will know who i am.
you have an awesome time there giddyup87!

I called the cinema in Perth today, and they only have 87 tickets left, they had sold 143 PRESALE already!

It is gonna be an awesome night!
I was at Perth, and it was great. The sound was LOUD! We are all a bit deaf at the moment after the show. Plenty of singing, Hee's, Hooooooooooo's, "I love you Michael's", people really got into it. Definately some hard core fans there for sure.

It was a great night, Happy MJ50!!!!

ps- oh , and our group started, then a lot joined in, at the end we sang Happy Birthday to Mike!
omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why didnt anyone tell me bout this!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so not happy!! :(