Dangerous Album cover


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi there ! ...This posting below is from another Forum ...I hope you get the essential meaning to understand ...

Dear Michael Jackson fans !

Throughout my casual visits here on this forum and the tragic events that occured to Michael Jackson ....if they are true at all ....I want to take now the opportunity to reveal some facts of the "Dangerous" album cover which could indicate and raise our hopes that Michael Jackson could still be alive . Therefore I kindly ask you to give me your attention to learn the following :
First of all I want to introduce myself to the community here with the name "Someone" and plea for your understanding that I want to remain anonymous but will definately furnish further information about myself when time is due.
Im located in Central Europe in a country called Austria .
Fate and circumstances enable me to call myself to be a very privileged person and fan of Michael Jackson as I have found myself to be on this illustrious Dangerous Album cover..... Brace yourself and pls follow me now on my discovery journey.
Take a look at the bottom right corner where you see Michael as a boy sitting in a Gondola coming down a chute .
Behind him and the animal skeleton is another boy with blonde hair and black T - Shirt with the white letter "M" on it . That is my humble self. Pls observe the over all symmetrical like depiction of the figures and items and imagine now this "M" to be broken in the middle into 2 halves. When you turn the left half of the "M" then accordingly you will recognize the number 1 ...so we got two nr. 1 here out of this letter as the right half is quite obvious nr.1 ....right next to the boy you will find the nr. 2 with a horse head on it at the bottom of this greenish pillar.
Then pls turn your adjusted sharp eyes to the big grey elephant standing right next to the peacock .
On his forehead you will see the nr. 9 ....out of that figure you will get also the nr. 6 by viewing the cover from upside down .
Swoop down now to the bottom of the cover and check out carefully the wrist of the grey hand with the 3 white coverings on its finger tips.
There is a number 7. Right next to this hand across the "dangerous" road with pistols, skulls, factories, rockets etc. is a old man with grey hair, wearing a white shirt ,
black tie and a black suit . On his head stands a man wearing a blue hat with another number 7 clearly visible .
All these figures now have to be lined up into the following order : 2161977
That implies to my ( little blonde boy on the cover ) birth date on the 21 st of june 1977 !
Which conclusions can be drawn now from all that I have explained now some of you might wonder ....
well keep on following me on this incredible Album cover exploration....let´s go back to the old man´s black suit ...if you look closely you will find an arrow with 3 circles underneath and 1998 written above it.
This simply means that all this knowledge of the "Dangerous" album cover I got divinely inspired in that special year for my understanding at first ....but as fate wanted it I passed
that information to 2 friends and Michael Jackson fans all before that year ended .
To sum it up ...myself and this 2 people make in total 3 ...correct ? ....and that now explains the 3 circles underneath the arrow....
...namely that 3 people will get enlightened in that very year 1998 !
Sometimes this symbol can be found also with the arrow year number 1998 and a triangle ( same symbolic meaning as the 3 circles ) or with a single circle and triangle refered at first to myself and us 3 people in total .
So what me ...as a devoted fan of Michael Jackson have in common with him is a powerful inspiration from a higher source.
Michael often refered to it.... when asked how he was able to write all his songs .
I have this great privilege now being inspired by this same higher power ....that´s why the song " Will You Be There ?" is dedicated to me.
Pls listen to the song carefully starting with the prelude of Beethoven´s Symphony Nr. 9 in D Minor , Opus 125 on that link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBAqBkoT5-4
...between minutes 1:50 and 2:50 is the section which you can hear on the WYBT prelude performed by a different orchestra though ....
Lyrics from this symphony derive from a poem written by Friedrich Schiller named " Ode To Joy " refering to spark of divinity http://www.ca-in-sapporo.com/interests/beethoven.html
....proof that Michael and myself have the same divine power of inspiration.
Keep listening to the song WYBT....lines like ....but they told me ...a man should be faithful ....and walk when not able ....and fight till the end ...but I´m only human ....
it´s like I hear that song constantly in my mind like from a tape recorder ....but where should I walk now if Michael is supposed to be dead ?????
To tell you all very frankly ....I really do not know what happened on that notorious 25 th of june 2009 ....but my powerful inspiration is still pushing me forward unbroken to meet Michael one day ....after all it was meant for me to happen ...it´s preordained in the universe ....it´s solely what I dedicate my life with ....if you want me to say this it is kind of my profession to be that particular Michael Jackson fan .
Im the living proof and pretty sure that the last chapter regarding MJ is not yet written. Certainly Im very confused by what the June 09 events triggered ...but with all that valuable secrets unveiled now Im have found some comfort and peace within myself .
I stumbled upon some interesting postings on that forum here by someone identified as Blackorwhite... most of it makes good sense to me and this person states that January 25 th 2010 would be a particular day to be reckoned with ...concerning Michaels death hoax....well what I know is for me to submit and post this mail here on the internet on that day ...today is 25 January 2010... in order for you all to be able and understand a striking secret of the famous "Dangerous" album cover . I can´t tell whether this is what you were expecting or waiting for to hear ....but again I can assure you the contents of this mail here is 100 percent authentic. I give you my holy promise.
Thence Im looking forward to you ....in the hope to solve the mysteries surrounding Michael Jackson´s alleged death together ...as we after all are a big fan community and family....Any kind of questions you may have are most welcome ...but pls be patient and reply to my email address someone2161977@yahoo.com ( my names indicated on my email address are not my real names !) ...questions which are found to be intersting will for sure be posted on the forum ....I will do my level best to be at your disposal ....again ...pls call me "Someone" at this point in time as Michael did it in the song "Someone Put Your Hand Out " and "Earth Song" when he admonished me in the latter to help finding answers for questions asked in that fabulous song ....What about children dying ....can´t you hear them cry ? ....Where did we go wrong ? ..."Someone" tell me why ! ...What about us ?...etc.
So I admonish and encourage you now to please keep the hope alive and dream with me for more happier and brighter days to come...may God Bless You all.....

