Dangerous - 20 years on!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just saw U2's "Achtung Baby" trending on Yahoo. And it was trending because it was released 20 years ago yesterday. And then I remember it was Dangerous which replaced Achtung Baby on the top of the charts as it came out on 26th November, 1991. So in a week Dangerous will be 20 years old!

Do we plan something for the anniversary? Like make it trending on Twitter and elsewhere? Does perhaps Joe Vogel plan to write something for the anniversary?
I would love Dangerous to have a proper re-issue, with all the works (like Nirvana's Nevermind re-release from earlier this year).

One disc of the original album, one disc of outtakes, one disc of demos and another DVD of the Dangerous tour or perhaps various live performances from the era.
One of the most underrated albums ever :)

I agree.

My favorite album of all times. And it still had potential in it if not for the damn Chandlers (Dangerous should have been a single too, as well as perhaps Keep the Faith).

Edit: Oh, I realize now there are re-issues released now of "Achtung Baby", so that's why the hype is. As there is nothing such planned now for Dangerous, there probably won't be a hype about this album's anniversary. Let's hope the Estate plans something for the 25th anniversary in 2016.
My favourite MJ album.. We should have a Dangerous Campaign just like the Invincible Campaign to celebrate the album's release.
Dangerous will get its 25th soon enough. as will Bad...however...Off the wall 25 never happened
^ OTW 25 never happened due to those false allegations and the trial that MJ was going through during that time period.
I think Sony were planning OTW 30 to coincide with the TII residency in 2009. The official website reflected a OTW theme as well and then 6/25 happened....
Thanks for starting this thread.

What are some of your favorite moments from the Dangerous period?
Wonderful wonderful album. Timeless. Michael said his aim with Dangerous was to create a work which would still be listened to centuries onward - he wanted to create a piece of work like the 'Nutcracker Suite'. He wanted his art to live forever. 20 years on this album is just as amazing, and is still selling in droves. Second behind Thriller is an incredible achievement. It is severely underrated by the public and deserves greater levels of attention. Michael grew artistically with this album and covered new themes and genres which he hadn't previously. His work took on an even deeper meaning.

Thank you for this Michael.
Thanks for starting this thread.

What are some of your favorite moments from the Dangerous period?

You are welcome.

Favorite moment from Dangerous period? Hm, difficult. Perhaps a MJ concert broadcast on TV for the first time (Bucharest 1992). I taped it, of course, and watched it all over and over again. I once watched it with my grandma and she cried at the end! Even though she virtually knew nothing about MJ. I mean she knew I was his fan and certainly heard some of his songs when I played them on my cassette player but that's it. While watching the concert she also noted MJ was handsome. LOL.

Another memorable moment was the Oprah Winfrey interview. Oprah is so huge in the US but she was virtually unknown here where I live. She became known because of the Michael Jackson interview, which was broadcast on TV! OMG it was such a huge event that MJ gave an interview. Everybody was glued to the TV. Some bitter moments were though that I watched it at my father's place and his wife (not my mother) wasn't as cool as my grandma above. She made some derogatory remarks about him. She refused to believe his vitiligo and also kind of mocked him because of the "I'm a gentleman" answer to Oprah's question if he was a virgin. (She thought he was impotent or something.)

Oh, back to my grandma. I remember watching the 1993 Grammys with her and there she noted what a great speech Michael held!

I also love the memories of waiting for the chart shows on MTV every weekend and see how high MJ's current hit was (at the time there was almost always something in the Top 20 from MJ). I also remember buying pop magazines such as BRAVO and anxiously waiting if there was something about MJ in it (usually there was). Oh, happy times.

I haven´t been looking at the Dangerous shortfilms for a long time, but now it will be a Dangerous evening here.
Dangerous is the best album created by man. How time flies! makes me feel old (even tho im just 22:p)
I looooooooooooveeeeeeeeeeee this album! :woohoo:
I just so totally L.O.V.E. that Era so much. It is my 2nd favorite MJ Era. Where HIStory Era will always be my number 1 favorite. I was 11 years old when the Dangerous Era began. So I remember practically half of it. I remember being so really excited to see the world premiere of his videos. And then I was even more excited to see the Oprah Interview when I was 13. Which has remain my number 1 favorite MJ interview ever. I remember all I could think about that February 10th day was seeing that interview. I remember when that interview had started my eyes were just totally glued to tv. And they had remain glue to the tv until that interview was over. That was the first time I had saw Neverland. And ever since that night I had always considered Neverland my dream place. I also remember seeing a commercial with a phone number where you can ordered the Dangerous Short Films video. I had so badly wanting to call that number so I can order it. Cause that was one thing I had wanted more than anything else. I also totally remember watching the 93 Soul Train Awards. And having to see Michael performing Remember The Time sitting in a chair. Cause he had hurt his foot or something. I totally regret not taping that award show then. But that was before I knew how to record on a VCR. I also remember going over to my marriage by only cousin's house to watch her taped Dangerous Concert. She is one of the most biggest MJ haters you could ever want to meet now. I still think the 93 allegations still have something to do with her being a hater now. But before the allegations she was a fan of his. And I remember watching that concert in just total amazement. And it made me L.O.V.E. him more than I already did at the time. But the one thing that I had almost through out that entire era. Was my MJ LA Gear high top sneakers. I had gotten them back in 1990. And I just wore them constantly. I so wish I still had them. I also remember being in 6th or 7th grade at the time. And I used to help the AV Lady then to help bring tvs and stuff to a classroom. Well my school had cable tv. And I was told by her that I was allowed to watch tv. Just as long as I did not watch MTV. Well when she wasn't in the room. I did put MTV on I just couldn't help it. Since I didn't have that channel at home. I had lived with my grandparents at the time. And they did not allowed cable tv in their house. But any way the one day when I did put it on they were showing either the Black Or White video or the 2nd version of Michael's Who Is It video. And with me being quite the MJ fan then I just couldn't help watching it. And my absolute one favorite memory I had of that era was being 12 years old. And I had gotten up real early one Spring morning. I put the tv on to see this show I had like watching at the time. Well they showed music videos on this show. And the one video they showed was Michael's In The Closet video. Since the late 80s I had a huge mad crush on 2 people Michael Jackson and Johnny Depp. Well that morning when I had saw the In The Closet video. My crush that I had for Johnny was totally over the minute I saw what Michael had on in that video. And I had fallen madly in L.O.V.E. with Michael then. And I remember being insanely jealous of that girl in the video who had her hands all over my man. This was before I knew that was Naomi Campbell in that video with him. I have been madly in L.O.V.E. with Michael ever since then.