Dancing With The King Of Pop

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Dangerous Incorporated


Yesterday, over 40,000 viewed @Sony's 'Dancing with the King of Pop' video on YouTube: http://ow.ly/1zvTI #MichaelJackson

16 April 2010 — Misha Gabriel began dancing at the early age of two. He has shared the stage with some of the worlds most successful recording artists. Misha became the envy of everyone in his field when he was selected to perform with Michael Jackson in This is It! Dancing with the King of Pop is his dream come true.
Wow...great work. Isnt' it ironic...Sony is doing more for MJ's legacy than his own family. Yet, fans want to chew their head off.
Wow...I distinctly remember him. He was the one that had me crying before the movie even started.

Glad he got to work with the King.
Wow, this got me quite emotional. Bless Mischa, you could see exactly how much it meant to him to work with MJ in the beginning of TII :cry:
Love this, love this, love this!:clapping:

I could'nt escape that cutie Mischa in the beginning of the movie, he almost made me cry!:D
Wow...great work. Isnt' it ironic...Sony is doing more for MJ's legacy than his own family. Yet, fans want to chew their head off.

It's easy to do more than the family does. The Jacksons do nothing. Even my dog does more for Michael (his name is MJ) than some MJs brothers (and sisters).