Dancing The Dream-poems and reflections by Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I couldn't stop reading it last night...I read the whole book!
I wish that non-fans, people who judge him, people who doesn't understand him or his thoughts, well everyone really would get this book.
His heart is just the sweetest:wub:
oh my.. the poem about the baby seal's eyes really made me cry :cry:
and what came to my mind after reading this book where he talks about dolphins dying in fish nets, baby seals being killed, about elephants... poverty..sick children.. CHILDREN! the earth! it's all about earth song!
Earth song video came later than this book, but I never realised HOW MUCH this book and that video can relate.
I've also talked with so many fans who found comfort in this book after Michael passed as he wrote that a star can never die..

any thoughts? :)
I really wasn't sure where to post this thread..:mello:
I really love Dancing the Dream...I actually bring it everywhere with me...It's the most beautiful book I've ever read...He pours his heart and soul into it...Stuff that really mean something to him...And, yes it does remind me of Earth Song....and I love Earth Song to death! I"ve had DTD since I was about 11 or 12 years old and I still love to read it....It's my way of snuggling into his heart..I feel very connected to him when I read it...
I really wanted that book so bad.
gad I love the Last Tear so Romantic :wub: dang Mike u write like that !! got me all mushy lol Love reading Dancing The Dream gives us insightd to his heart, mind and soul.
I have the book and have read several times. :wild: It is impossible to read only once. :D Michael shows who he really is through this book. :yes: A big heart pure and extremely sweet. Who has not read, read, you will be even more delighted with Michael. :wub:
I Love 'Dancing The Dream'. I love his thoughts, they are so deep *sigh* :wub: :heart:
'The last tear' is one of my faves as well.
I just have to admit that I only have the german version of it, all these years I didn't manage to buy the english one, but I guess there'll be a re-release anyway.
I have this book for years and it took me almost a year to get a good copy of it for a fair price. At that time they where on ebay for €50+ with damage everywhere. That's why this book has extra emotional value for me next to the value it allready has coz Michael's heart and soul are in there. Didn't read all the poems yet though since I don't want to ruin it with tears etc.

I don't like the cover of the new version at all:no:
I don't like the cover of the new version at all:no:

Oh no, it has a new cover?? I haven't seen it yet. Geez, why do they have to 'update' everything? It is fine the way it was/is.

Oh and about my book again - I was very lucky that my sis gave it to me as a present without any reason, she saw it, bought it, gave it to me... and I think it still has the DM price on the back lol (it was before the euro was in germany...)... I need to check it... haha, there's really the DM price on it, how cool is that? Sorry for the OT...

Taking a look at it again - it has so wonderful pictures :wub: and still I wish I had the english version.
I will shamefully admit.....I never knew of this book until after he died :(
I don't even remember when it came out.

I knew of some of the poems but not the books itself.......so I just purchased mine and OMFG!!!!!

Michael is soooooo smart, wise, clever, talented, beautiful etc etc etc
I never read anything like this in my life.

My fav in the book is definetly "Are you listening??" he went insane on that one.

Next one is "I, You,We" that is one of the sweetest and romantic things I have ever read.
It is the most amazing book - full of wisdom, warmth, compassion, heart...love. :wub: :heart:

This is how I would sum it up, I read the book 3 times already.

I'm letting as much people read it as I can, because this book opens your eyes, heart and soul to so many things.

Never read anything like it.
I so love that book so much. It is my most favorite book that I have. I Just love all of the poems in it. But I really don't read it that much as I should. Because I was just reading a little bit of the book just a few minutes ago. And I just started to cry all over again. It really is just so hard of reading that book now without crying.
I agree with all of your posts!! "are you listening" IS AMAZING yes!!! how many more talents can MJ have, really? I'm serious when I say he's one of the best poets I've ever seen because he uses so many words I didn't even know existed.. it's not like:
the sun in the sky,
time goes by... the typical rhyme stuff..lol
it's much more deeper than that :D awh..you really feel you connect even more with him after reading it
you feel he's sitting next to you and tells you these things and you agree!!
I agree with all of your posts!! "are you listening" IS AMAZING yes!!! how many more talents can MJ have, really? I'm serious when I say he's one of the best poets I've ever seen because he uses so many words I didn't even know existed.. it's not like:
the sun in the sky,
time goes by... the typical rhyme stuff..lol
it's much more deeper than that :D awh..you really feel you connect even more with him after reading it
you feel he's sitting next to you and tells you these things and you agree!!

yeah thats so true, sitting right next to you, yeah i get ya xxxx
Yes, I absolutely LOVE Dancing the Dream! :heart: It´s an amazing book! I feel Michael really shows his beautiful and sensitive soul and heart in these poems.
His poems and reflections have offered me relief and comfort in difficult life circumstances.
I think Michael has so many important messages in this book. Like the importance of seeing and appreciating the magic and beauty in those seemingly small and little things in life, like a sunrise or a child´s smile. And to feel connected and united with everyone and everything on this planet. And through that connection really CARE and truly LOVE.
He was such a wise man with a beautiful heart. :heart: :love:
Yes, I absolutely LOVE Dancing the Dream! :heart: It´s an amazing book! I feel Michael really shows his beautiful and sensitive soul and heart in these poems.
His poems and reflections have offered me relief and comfort in difficult life circumstances.
I think Michael has so many important messages in this book. Like the importance of seeing and appreciating the magic and beauty in those seemingly small and little things in life, like a sunrise or a child´s smile. And to feel connected and united with everyone and everything on this planet. And through that connection really CARE and truly LOVE.
He was such a wise man with a beautiful heart. :heart: :love:

you wrote it beautifully!
I couldn't have agreed more with you.
Somehow I feel this book has kind of been left in the shadow of Moonwalk..but isn't it true that Moonwalk wasn't just written by Mj himself but very edited by someone?
so this book would actually be even more personal for MJ actually than moonwalk.. ?
I love this book so much. I read it online. I'd like to buy it, but it's so expensive. :(

That's the first edition of it. The 2nd edition is regularly priced, but as was mentioned before, it has a different cover. This picture is on it:


Somehow I feel this book has kind of been left in the shadow of Moonwalk..but isn't it true that Moonwalk wasn't just written by Mj himself but very edited by someone?
so this book would actually be even more personal for MJ actually than moonwalk.. ?

Yes, this book (at least in my opinion) tops Moonwalk as it is totally personal and from MJ's heart. If I was to I recommend ONE book to own over all the other ones, it would be this one. :heart: