Dancing styles that you know MJ can do


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does anyone have a list of all of the dancing that you know MJ can do?
Tap dancing for sure lol I wish he done more of it
I think that he can pop it, and he can lock it.
Michael could do any form of dance he wanted or imitate any style of movement he wanted. His versatility is outstanding. Like with his singing. What we've seen him do is tap, jazz, salsa, popping, locking, lyrical I would say, pantomime, etc... He's done a lot. But he doesn't show off either. He could imitate any other dancers style of movement, the way they move and carry themselves, like he's done with James Brown, Bob Fosse and Fred Astaire.
Michael could do any form of dance he wanted or imitate any style of movement he wanted. His versatility is outstanding. Like with his singing. What we've seen him do is tap, jazz, salsa, popping, locking, lyrical I would say, pantomime, etc... He's done a lot. But he doesn't show off either. He could imitate any other dancers style of movement, the way they move and carry themselves, like he's done with James Brown, Bob Fosse and Fred Astaire.
I like Fred Astaire, his singing and songs were awful but he's an awesome dancer!!!
A killer dancer. Extremely talented too. He played the drums, piano, he wrote music, etc... Lordy lord, lol. In my view, he and Michael are the two greatest dancers to ever breath, lol. I know for a fact that the dancer Michael most looks up to is Astaire.
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I wanna see Michael go LA style and KRUMP. That would actually be quite funny. Maybe he and Chris Brown can have filmed Krumping matches in a Dance studio. Michael could probably do many kinds of dances. He's done many ethnic dances, jazz, tap, and uhhhh......he could probably do HipHop. He incorporated some Breakin' in his dance routines, many a time. The Modern dance style, would be great for Michael......

Praise dancing also known as Spiritual Dancing, Worship dancing or God's movement, would be suited for Mike. Interpretive Dance, seemed to be touched on a bit in his Stranger in Moscow performances. Pantomime was also touched on a bit in his Moscow performances. A pure dancer! :)
Michael could do any form of dance he wanted or imitate any style of movement he wanted. His versatility is outstanding. Like with his singing. What we've seen him do is tap, jazz, salsa, popping, locking, lyrical I would say, pantomime, etc... He's done a lot. But he doesn't show off either. He could imitate any other dancers style of movement, the way they move and carry themselves, like he's done with James Brown, Bob Fosse and Fred Astaire.

I don't think he can spin on his head, lol.
There's one clip of Michael jumping on his toes from the 99 MJ and Freinds show in Korea, and he stays on em' for a heck of a long time. I bet he could stay on them for extended periods if he really wanted to.
A killer dancer. Extremely talented too. He played the drums, piano, he wrote music, etc... Lordy lord, lol. In my view, he and Michael are the two greatest dancers to ever breath, lol. I know for a fact that the dancer Michael most looks up to is Astaire.

I love Astaire, but I honestly think Gene Kelly is a better dancer, and someone even better than Kelly, imo is Donald O'Connor. Absolutely outshines Kelly in Singin' In the Rain'. Of course this is all just my opinion! I do recall O'Connor praising/just talking about Michael at somepoint, anyone have a quote?
Well I gotta disagree with that. Fred Astaire had so much more grace then Kelly. Kelly was more athletic, but you've got to watch Astaire. He was a freak. His style, along with his grace and speed and rhythm. No dancer had or has better timing then Fred.
Well I gotta disagree with that. Fred Astaire had so much more grace then Kelly. Kelly was more athletic, but you've got to watch Astaire. He was a freak. His style, along with his grace and speed and rhythm. No dancer had or has better timing then Fred.

I think athleticism is a huge part of dance, Kelly's power, timing and agility is something that I admire over Astaire. I agree Astaire is someone who should be awknowledged as one of the greatest dancers, but I honestly believe from everything I have seen, I prefer to watch Kelly. As I said though, I even prefer O'connor to both Kelly and Astaire, he has power, speed, timing and flawless rhythm as you pointed you wbss. He was a seriously underrated performer, only awknowleged for the comedy he intergrates into his dance, something which he helped to pioneer.
O'Conner was good. But as a pure dancer I can't really put him in the top 10. Athleticism can be important, depending on what type of dance you're performing. But more important is intial movement, how smoothly you flow from one step to the next, how seemlessly, the speed in which you get to each step and how accurate and clean you are in doing that. You can make a great leap in to the air or have good "air time", which Astaire could do, his foundation was ballet, but that doesn't mean you're going to have grace and speed or good lines. Kelly had all those things, but not as abudently as Astaire. Atheleticism doesn't mean much if you can't hold a position in the air so that the line the body makes can be seen clearly. Obviously Kelly didn't have that problem. But like I said, he fell short on other areas in comparison to Astaire.
I totally understand and agree with you wbss.. It is important to say, however, that with dance, as it is critical part of the 'arts', taste plays a huge factor in how a viewer enjoys a performers and dancers style. This is why I prefer Kelly and O'Connor, I have grown up enjoying their movement, style and probably the comedy they manage to incorporate into their movies and dance routines, (The 'Good Mornin'' routine springs to mind at this moment, absolutely fantastic).. I enjoy dance across many spectrums, and I just prefer Kelly/O'Connor's look/feel in their musical numbers.

I always used to percieve Astaire as adhering to a traditional classical dance style, wheras within the past couple of years I have learned that his dance is actually very contemporary and changed dramatically thoughout his illustrious career. Fantastic performer.
Yeah, that's true. I understand that because even though I can't say Michael is a better dancer then Astaire (I think he's just as naturally gifted, however), I enjoy his style much more.
Yeah, that's true. I understand that because even though I can't say Michael is a better dancer then Astaire (I think he's just as naturally gifted, however), I enjoy his style much more.

For sure, its so hard to place Michael against people such as Astaire/Kelly, in fact any dancers of that period. Michael created a new dynamic style of his own, with elements of all of these fantastic performers. I think it was Astaire who commented that Michael is uncomarable to himself because of this fact. It may have been Kelly.. Damn Mike stop being admired by so many people!
lol, for sure. His style is unique and incredibly versatile. My Dad said the other day "You don't see any of these people today getting praised by the greats or people in the industry", lol. But it's true. Michael's the top.
LOL, reminds me of.. (various interviews where Michael is asked...something along these lines)

"So Michael, you have influenced so many people, who do you look at now and enjoy to watch"

"Well.. uhm.. I have to say that... Uhm..Usher is doing a great job.. Timberlake..."

Bit different from the praise Michael was getting from Astaire etc!
Yeah, very different, lol. It's just not the same. Those guys saw Michael was cut from the same cloth as they were. Todays acts are like poor imitations of the real thing.
LOL, reminds me of.. (various interviews where Michael is asked...something along these lines)

"So Michael, you have influenced so many people, who do you look at now and enjoy to watch"

"Well.. uhm.. I have to say that... Uhm..Usher is doing a great job.. Timberlake..."

Bit different from the praise Michael was getting from Astaire etc!

Yeah, Michael didn't have much to say, did he??

I know that Michael can do pop/lock, many different glides, tap, pantomime, jazz, spiritual, and the list goes on and on. If he wanted to he could probably do breakdance...not really his style though, especially not for someone who is 50 years old. He could imitate and learn considerably quickly any type of dance that he wanted to do. It's what he is good at.

Today's dancers are poor reflections of the greats.
Today's dancers are poor reflections of the greats.

You can say that again. I almost killed myself when on that BET countdown of the top 25 dancers they said Usher was like the black Fred Astaire. I almost laughed myself to death.

I've heard from other people that have spoken with dancer who have worked with Michael that he picked up steps faster then anyone they had ever known and that if he wasn't so frail he would easily be the greatest dancer in the world. Of course, I don't think Michael's lack of muscle mass holds him back, because his movement is still better then everybodys.