dancers: whys there only 2 ladies?


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
i am jus curious, whys there only 2 lady dancers?? i would have loved to see women dance backup to smooth criminal & billie jean. or am l wrong? were the 2 ladies in dancing with the guys?
i am jus curious, whys there only 2 lady dancers?? i would have loved to see women dance backup to smooth criminal & billie jean. or am l wrong? were the 2 ladies in dancing with the guys?

im not really sure...michael's always had mostly men for backup dancers...i think it's just cuz michael is a man..period...they're essentially extensions of michael...just the way it is....although, the 2 girls are awesome too! i mean, it wouldn't really work to have female dancers for, say, TWYMMF, obviously because it's a male song...
Mekia and Tyne were part of the Beat It "fight" too.

Michael picked the dancers and the backup dancers were always predominately male as well - the women just tended to be for TWYMMF, Smooth Criminal etc.

EDIT - Arklove got there just before me!
Im wondering why we havnt seen Tyne doin some promotion-jobs?

Its only Mekia we see imo.
i am jus curious, whys there only 2 lady dancers?? i would have loved to see women dance backup to smooth criminal & billie jean. or am l wrong? were the 2 ladies in dancing with the guys?
I don't think MJ ever performed Billie Jean with backup dancers.
MJ has never really had alot of female backup dancers, not that i can remember. Not even on the HIStory tour, I know he had Shawnette, but she could have doubled as a dude lmao :D