Daily News - Thursday Sept 24 - The Jackson Brothers Share Their Heartbreak + The Vienna tribute

Re: Michael Jackson's brother to visit Mumbai, sing with Sami

Thank you, I read that Michael donated 85% of one of his concert's proceeds to the Bombay (Mumbai) slums.
Re: Michael Jackson's brother to visit Mumbai, sing with Sami

well that's something Jermaine will never do .

when this media wh0re will stop ?
Re: Michael Jackson's brother to visit Mumbai, sing with Sami

I am glad Jermaine will be there buy why is this newsworthy? I am amazed at how the media grabs at every little thing to report on anything the Jacksons do now and before, with the exception of magazines like Ebony and Jet they ignored anything they participated in.

The stalkerazzi are everywhere, even in India. The media really needs to find another story and quit stalking their every movement. Good grief!
i think this is so sweet what the brothers say gives me tears in my eys :yes: :cry: :(

Michael Jackson is gone, and the brothers who stood by him in life and as pallbearers when he was finally laid to rest are faced with the chilling reality that he is indeed dead. But, does he speak to them from the grave?

"It's hard for me to sleep because I think about him constantly, all the time," Jackie Jackson exclusively tells our own Kevin Frazier.

"Sometimes I wake up with tears in my eyes because he meant so much to the world and also to me as a brother. I just miss him dearly, so much and I just can't believe he is not here."

Kevin was with three of the Jackson brothers as they assembled for a happy moment -- a photo shoot for their upcoming A&E reality series and a possible album cover. But behind it all, Marlon, Tito and Jackie share great sadness. The last time they saw Michael was at their parents' 60th anniversary party, just weeks before he died.

"I asked him, 'How's it going?' And he said, 'It's going to be incredible,'" says Jackie about his brother's now-cancelled London concerts. "He couldn't wait for us to see the show. He wouldn't tell us anything about it. He just wanted us to see it from our own eyes."

"I told him that I loved him and he told me that he loved me more," says Tito. "We gave each other a hug and that whole thing. So, I was very happy that I had the opportunity to see him at that moment. And that's the last time I saw my brother."

"What's comforting for me is that I think he is at a better place for himself," says Marlon. "And a piece of him will live forever within me. So, that's my peace."

Tomorrow on ET, could any of the brothers have prevented Michael's death? Watch for more exclusives with the Jackson brothers!

here is link:http://www.etonline.com/news/2009/09/78956/index.html
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Daily News - Thursday Sept 24 - The Jackson Brothers Share Their Heartbreak

LA Live bracing for an influx of Michael Jackson fans this weekend

Los Angeles Times -
Tickets go on sale Sunday at LA Live for the first screenings of "Michael Jackson's This Is It," the Sony Pictures concert documentary that chronicles the ...

The Jackson Brothers Share Their Heartbreak Entertainment Tonight News


Uganda: Housemates Pay Tribute to Michael Jackson Tonight

AllAfrica.com - Nigel Nassar -
Kampala — Michael Jackson, the legendary King of Pop, lives again tonight in the Big Brother Revolution house - Kudos to the M-Net team for conceptualising ...

Michael Jackson iphone 3G Case is Extremely Detailed and Cheap!

Chip Chick - Chip Chick -

Another day, another Michael Jackson product. This one is a Michael Jackson iPhone 3G case , which I have to say is incredibly detailed! It features the artist drawing of Michael in what looks like his ‘Bad’ days. The case displays his image on the back and partially on the front along with what I guess is the artist’s signature because what is there, doesn’t spell Michael Jackson. The case itself is made of a hard shell plastic which should protect your iPhone [COLOR=#f26522 !important][COLOR=#f26522 !important]3G[/color][/color] from any bumps or smacks. The best part is the price – which is only $5.99!

On this day in MJ's life - he rested.....:cheeky:
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Re: Daily News - Thursday - Sept 24

The Entertainment Tonight clip with Marlon, Tito, and Jackie was actually very well done, thanks for the link.
Vienna politicians bemoan botched Jackson tribute


Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:12pm IST

VIENNA (Reuters Life!) - Vienna's mayor on Thursday defended his decision to support a Michael Jackson tribute concert in the Austrian capital which was later scrapped and admitted the project had been badly organized.
Organizers, led by Michael's brother Jermaine Jackson, canceled the concert earlier this month after struggling to get top stars to perform at short notice in the small Alpine nation.

A replacement concert is planned for next year in London around the anniversary of the pop star's death.

The Vienna show would have been "very interesting...had it been properly prepared and organized in an orderly way," Mayor Michael Haeupl told the city council assembly.

"But it was not," he said in remarks carried by news agency APA.

The city refused to give a cent in sponsorship for the show after it became clear it would not bring in as much in advertising revenues as originally promised by the organizers.

Ticket sales stagnated after billed acts such as R&B stars Mary J. Blige and Chris Brown and veteran singer Natalie Cole started to back away from the concert which would have taken place this Saturday at the 17th century Schoenbrunn palace.

Jermaine Jackson had planned to sing a virtual duet with his late brother who would have been brought to life by video projections on a concert stage decked with a golden crown.

Haeupl said the event could have put Vienna on the map. Other politicians were less gracious.

"All that's left is a big disgrace," far-right Freedom Party Gerald Ebinger told the city council. Green Party councilor Marie Ringler asked whether there were worries that Vienna's image might have been damaged.
Organizers for the concert blamed Austrian media for the cancellation, saying they treated the line-up as "B-List" artists and sullied the memory of Jackson, who died of a drug overdose June 25.

(Reporting by Sylvia Westall, editing by Paul Casciato)
Re: Vienna politicians bemoan botched Jackson tribute

Jermaine Jackson had planned to sing a virtual duet with his late brother who would have been brought to life by video projections on a concert stage decked with a golden crown.
Oh Please! No!
Happy that it's delayed, not ready to see Jermaine singing with a non-real Michael... not yet
Re: Daily News - Thursday - Sept 24

Edit: Double post I know, I was gonna merge and it kinda came out wrong, sorry.
Tim Cain column: Jackson made music a visual art

Leave it to someone who doesn't appreciate dance as an art form as much as he should to underestimate the importance of Michael Jackson's dancing to his legacy.

As we inch closer to the release of "Michael Jackson: This Is It," which will feature tapes of rehearsals of what was to be Jackson's series of performances at England's 02 Arena, one imagines the film might well cement Jackson's dancing legacy.

That's a legacy this writer essentially ignored when writing about Jackson after his late-June death.

Which, in its own way, stands to reason. The videos and live performances were spectacular, sure. Jackson made his part of his reputation as a mini-mimic of dancers like James Brown and Jackie Wilson, and he went on to revolutionize the dance world.

But my way of looking at Jackson's world was that his dancing was nothing without the music. It was his blend of rock, pop, jazz, heavy metal, disco and world music that made the dancing videos possible.

To others, however, that music was merely the soundtrack for his dancing.

This became clear to me while reading the assessments of Jackson's career by those who followed in his footsteps. To many of the performers influenced by Jackson, his dancing was what made him a superstar. Lots of people had made music, these performers reasoned. Jackson stepped it up by doing things with his feet and body that no one had ever seen.

In a post mere hours after Jackson's death, August Brown of the Los Angeles Times wrote:

"Artists such as Justin Timberlake, Usher, Chris Brown and Ne-Yo ascended the pop charts because of their excellent songs. But they became superstars because they dropped your jaw when you watched them."

The thought became more clear to me at Decatur Celebration, watching the Debbie's Dance Studio students perform the "Thriller" dance throughout the weekend. Hundreds of people gathered to watch the students each time, and watching the reaction of the crowd was almost as much fun as watching the students. Especially watching those who would begin dancing Jackson-style as they walked away.

Even watching the Celebration performances by Rico, a good but not great Jackson impersonator, had to leave even the most dance-ignorant among us (i.e., me) with the indelible thought that only Michael Jackson could have originated those steps.

As Brown points out in his blog, Jackson (and the advent of music videos) forced solo male pop music performers to do something no musician in any other form must do. If you're going to have a successful music career as a man now, you've got to be able to dance. And fairly remarkably.

Christopher Cross wouldn't have had a chance in this market.

You don't have to be a fan of Jackson's, or even a fan of dance, to see the result of his accomplishments. You don't even have to be a fan of how success in music was defined in the wake of Jackson's success.

But all of us, me included, have to recognize that his life changed a lot of things about music, and much of that isn't going to change back.


Posted in Local, Cain on Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:30 am Updated: 3:34 pm.
Re: Tim Cain column: Jackson made music a visual art

hmmm...We already knew Mike change Not only Music and dancing...but People's Lives...If No one realizes it by now, then they have a verrrryyyy slow brain...*no offense* I'm not tryin 2 be negative but really if they do their research, they wouldn't be this surprised that Michael Is PART Of HISTORY!

Thank you for this article!

For the love of God will they stop saying he died of a drug overdose! The man was killed! geez....
i think this is so sweet what the brothers say gives me tears in my eys :yes: :cry: :(

Michael Jackson is gone, and the brothers who stood by him in life and as pallbearers when he was finally laid to rest are faced with the chilling reality that he is indeed dead. But, does he speak to them from the grave?

"It's hard for me to sleep because I think about him constantly, all the time," Jackie Jackson exclusively tells our own Kevin Frazier.

"Sometimes I wake up with tears in my eyes because he meant so much to the world and also to me as a brother. I just miss him dearly, so much and I just can't believe he is not here."

Kevin was with three of the Jackson brothers as they assembled for a happy moment -- a photo shoot for their upcoming A&E reality series and a possible album cover. But behind it all, Marlon, Tito and Jackie share great sadness. The last time they saw Michael was at their parents' 60th anniversary party, just weeks before he died.

"I asked him, 'How's it going?' And he said, 'It's going to be incredible,'" says Jackie about his brother's now-cancelled London concerts. "He couldn't wait for us to see the show. He wouldn't tell us anything about it. He just wanted us to see it from our own eyes."

"I told him that I loved him and he told me that he loved me more," says Tito. "We gave each other a hug and that whole thing. So, I was very happy that I had the opportunity to see him at that moment. And that's the last time I saw my brother."

"What's comforting for me is that I think he is at a better place for himself," says Marlon. "And a piece of him will live forever within me. So, that's my peace."

Tomorrow on ET, could any of the brothers have prevented Michael's death? Watch for more exclusives with the Jackson brothers!

here is link:http://www.etonline.com/news/2009/09/78956/index.html

ya know what my favorite part of this whole post is?.......see the part where Tito says to Michael :I Love You"......and Michael replied.."I love you More". .........Well when we ..his fans told Michael "we love you" ...he responded with.."I love you More. ....To me it just truly confirms how much Michael truly loved his fans....he loved us as much as his own family. I think he considered us family too. ......God only knows how much I miss him.....so much to wear my heart actually aches...:cry:
Yea, it's sad they say drug overdoses. we should get used to it since the truth of MJ's death will never come out. And even if it DOES come out ppl most (general) ppl won't believe it since the first thing they heard about him is that he died because of the overdoses. dang,..