Daily News for Wednesday July 29, 2009


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Jul 25, 2011
Las Vegas

Michael Jackson Has Biggest US Seller Again

Undercover Music News - Paul Cashmere - ‎
Michael Jackson will have the biggest selling album in the USA this week after outselling last week`s Daughtry debut and ...

Jackson's death was blogosphere's saddest day-study

Reuters - Belinda Goldsmith, Sugita Katyal -
Yes, according to US scientists who have devised a way to measure the happiness of millions of bloggers -- and found Michael Jackson's death was one of the ...

Cumming Is Part of July 29 Our Hit Parade: All Michael Jackson Edition

PlaybillArts - Andrew Gans -
"For the first and only time," press notes state, "Our Hit Parade is breaking from its format and presenting an All Michael Jackson Edition.

Michael Jackson Gets Prescient Tribute From Peter Bjorn And John

MTV.com - Gil Kaufman -
Ever since Michael Jackson's shocking death last month, the tributes to the King of Pop have been pouring in from every corner of the globe. ...

Former Carnival Ride Of Michael Jackson Comes To Garden City
KAKE - Rye Addis -
Because it used to be owned by the late Michael Jackson as part of his world-famous Neverland Valley Ranch. "Naturally the carnival is getting more ...



Yazman, linda_m_Conrad (51), spacemaker (51), CAROLANN_UK (48), MJmusiclover (39), LoyaltoMJ (37), NetSnake (33), Latinodude007 (28), Thriller_mint113 (17)


Today in
Michael Jackson History

1997 - Michael Jackson's single "Stranger In Moscow" was released.

"It is one thing to spoof but it is another to be demeaning and insensitive"
Michael Jackson responding to an Eminem video

Jackson chef recalls doctor's role, final days

A bit more information on what happen during the final hours.

Jackson chef recalls doctor's role, final days

By LINDA DEUTSCH (AP) – 2 hours ago

LOS ANGELES — On the day Michael Jackson died, his personal chef says her first hint of something amiss was when his doctor didn't come downstairs to get the juices and granola he routinely brought the King of Pop for breakfast each morning.

Kai Chase, a professionally trained chef hired by Jackson to maintain a healthy food regimen, recalled in an interview with The Associated Press the singer's final days. She also spoke about the role of his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, who is now the focus of a manslaughter investigation.

Chase said Tuesday that she had gotten used to seeing Murray coming and going from the mansion. The doctor usually arrived about 9 or 9:30 p.m. and would go upstairs to Jackson's room, and she said she would not see him again before she left — sometimes late in the evening — but understood he was staying the night.

In the morning, when she arrived for work, Chase said she would see the doctor coming down the steps carrying oxygen tanks. When Murray didn't come downstairs the morning of June 25, "I thought maybe Mr. Jackson is sleeping late," Chase said.

"I started preparing the lunch and then I looked at my cell phone and it was noon. About 12:05 or 12:10 Dr. Murray runs down the steps and screams, 'Go get Prince!' He's screaming very loud. I run into the den where the kids are playing. Prince (Jackson's oldest son) runs to meet Dr. Murray and from that point on you could feel the energy in the house change.

"I walked into the hall and I saw the children there. The daughter was crying. I saw paramedics running up the stairs."

At that point, Chase said, the small group that was gathered — the children, their nanny, a housekeeper and Chase — held hands and began to pray. As paramedics raced up to the room, Chase recalls, "We were all praying, 'Help Mr. Jackson be O.K.'

"Then everyone was very quiet."

At about 1:30 p.m. she said security guards told her and other staff to leave the property because "Mr. Jackson was being taken to the hospital."

When she came outside, she said, ambulances were in the courtyard and a crowd had gathered.

Chase, 37, who has cooked for other celebrities and comes from a show-business family, was hired by Jackson in March, let go in May, then returned on June 2. She said the pop star's focus was on fresh, healthy food for him and the children.

She said she prepared meals for the family and occasionally for Murray. She said Jackson was in training for his upcoming shows in London and told her: "You have to take care of me."

On most days, she said, Murray would bring Jackson the special fruit juice drinks Chase prepared for him, followed by granola with almond milk. For lunch, Jackson would eat with the children from a menu that included such things as spinach salad and chicken.

Murray sometimes joined them for dinner, which might be a seared ahi tuna. She said the doctor conferred with her about the 50-year-old pop singer's food and made sure that he ate.

The only oddity was the oxygen tanks. Chase said she never asked about the purpose of the oxygen and she saw no sign that Jackson was on drugs or was in failing health.

"Normally in the morning, he would bring oxygen tanks from upstairs downstairs, one in each hand," she said.

Authorities searched Murray's Las Vegas home and medical office Tuesday as part of an investigation that included raids last week of his clinic and storage in Houston.

With toxicology reports pending, investigators are working under the theory that the powerful anesthetic propofol caused Jackson's heart to stop, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press. Murray told investigators he regularly administered the drug to help Jackson sleep, and had done so sometime in the early morning of June 25, according to the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.

Propofol is supposed to be administered only in monitored medical settings by trained personnel; the official told AP that Murray left the bedroom and returned to find the star unresponsive. Police have said Murray is cooperating and have not labeled him a suspect, and his lawyer, Edward Chernoff, has said the doctor "didn't prescribe or administer anything that should have killed Michael Jackson."

Like Murray, Chase said she was hired to accompany Jackson to London for his comeback concerts and the request was personally made to her by his 12-year-old son, Prince Michael II.

"Prince said, 'Daddy wants me to tell you he wants you to go to London with us,'" she recalled. "I said, 'Tell your daddy that I'm pleased and honored."

She said she had already filled out paperwork and submitted a copy of her passport to the Jackson staff and expected to leave for London on July 3.

On June 23, she said Jackson told her: "I'm packed and I'm ready to go." Two days later, he was dead.

It was the end of her dream job and an idyllic time in Chase's life, a time that had begun in March with a call from Jackson's assistant, Michael Williams. She was told that "a client" wanted her services as personal chef but she was not told the client was Jackson until she was hired.

"I couldn't believe it," she said. "I asked him if I was on 'Candid Camera.' I said, 'Am I being punked?'"

She said Jackson had seen her resume which included jobs cooking for Macy Gray and Jamie Fox as well as catering a fund raiser for President Barack Obama. She said he also knew she was from a multiracial background and her godfather was Redd Foxx.

But before she started she had to pass muster with three other people: the Jackson children.

"I came to the house and the first people I met were the kids. They started interviewing me," she said. "They told me: 'We're into healthy eating."

When they approved her, she went to work and "We developed a really great bond."

Most days, she said, Jackson made a point of having both lunch and dinner with the children, Prince, 11-year-old Paris; and 7-year-old Prince Michael II, known as Blanket, and each meal was preceded by Paris saying grace. After weeks of healthy food, she said she wrote Jackson a note with a suggestion:

"I said, 'What about doing comfort-food Saturdays? We could do barbecued chicken and corn on the cob, maybe Mexican food or soul food.'" She said he loved the idea, but as the concerts approached, healthy eating returned full time.

"He said, 'I'm a dancer,' and he wanted food that would not make him cramp up while he was dancing."

She now treasures little notes she received from the children and from Jackson and a present he gave her.

"One day he handed me a little gift bag and said, 'This is for you from me and the children.' He had given me an iPod Touch because the children told him I still had a Walkman. It had the 25th anniversary 'Thriller' album loaded on it."

She said she has visited with the children since Jackson's death and they are doing well. "They have so many cousins to play with."

As for Chase's future, she said Jackson encouraged her to write a cookbook and she has written one tentatively titled, "Fit for a King." It includes recipes she cooked for Jackson and the story of the time she worked for him.

"He was an inspiration to me," she said.

Re: Jackson chef recalls doctor's role, final days

A bit more information on what happen during the final hours.

i was reading this and about to comment when the thread disappeared.. i appreciate the first-hand info (it paints the day as ridic and chaotic), the confirmation of what wonderful people the family unit was and then i got to her tentative book deal at the end. honestly. :\
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Michael Jackson Fans Get Chance to Play with MXP4 Interactive Singles of ‘ABC,’ ‘I Want You Back,’ ‘Ben’ and ‘I’ll Be There’

MXP4 and UMe announce the launch of three interactive singles of the world famous Michael Jackson and Jackson 5 classic tracks “I Want You Back,” “ABC,” “Ben” and “I’ll be There” using MXP4’s interactive single widget. Fans can go online at www.Classic.Motown.com and http://mxp4.com/play-with-it/michaeljackson/ to create and enjoy their own personal tributes to the ‘King of Pop,’ playing with tracks from the recently launched Michael Jackson: The Stripped Mixes album. Additional tracks from the album will be made available within weeks.
Why just play your music when you can play with it? MXP4 reinvents the 'single' experience by allowing Michael Jackson fans to interact with their idol's songs. They will be able to play with Michael Jackson's music using the following MXP4 modules:

  • MIX IT: Take out specific instruments to play along or listen to different versions of the same song
  • SING IT: Sing their own version of “ABC,” “Ben” and “I Want You Back”: by (re)discovering and muting the lyrics.
  • REMIX IT: Discover and play with different remixes of “ABC,” “I Want You Back,” “Ben,” and “I'll Be There” in order to create their own unique version of each song.
Shelly Berger, manager for Jackson 5 during 1968-70, says: “Michael Jackson was the greatest entertainer of all time." Since 1996, Berger has also been manager for the Temptations and The Supremes.
Albin Serviant, CEO of MXP4, says: “It’s great to see UMe taking this innovative approach to allow fans to pay homage to their hero by playing with their favourite Michael Jackson and Jackson 5 songs and rediscovering them in new ways. For MXP4, the opportunity to develop interactive singles of world renowned tracks using original Motown session material again demonstrates growing acceptance of the interactive music experience.”
Notes for editors
About MXP4
MXP4 develops interactive music solutions that are changing the music experience for consumers by allowing them to play with the music. MXP4 delivers an interactive digital music experience which enables the music industry to explore new revenue opportunities and engage more closely with consumers.


This is sweet, very good Manga Art! I like it!

Thanks for posting this article, very interesting and the mysterium goes on ...
I enjoyed reading the article about Michael's chef.
Re: Jackson chef recalls doctor's role, final days

About 12:05 or 12:10 Dr. Murray runs down the steps and screams, 'Go get Prince!' He's screaming very loud. I run into the den where the kids are playing. Prince (Jackson's oldest son) runs to meet Dr. Murray and from that point on you could feel the energy in the house change.
I still can't wrap my mind around this. If anythng, you'd think they'd keep the kids as far away from this as possible, yet it has been mentioned multiple times now that Murray involved Prince in the matter! Why not call Chase up instead, or any other adult for that matter :mello:

With that said, Chase sounds like a good person. Nice article :yes:
Love the article on the cook, and she was very good looking too. Michael seem like was and believe is the best father ever.
Posted this in the other thread about the chef and wanted to respond in this one, too (edited version). There's some interesting points being made in the other thread about the chef's article in the Investigative Unit section.

Mark Lester said something about Blanket I think and Prince giving him a hug but being quieter than normal. Understandable poor boy! Its so nasty Prince saw this, its sick in fact. I wonder if he noticed anything that was incriminating against Dr Murray and told others/Police. He might not have realised it was wrong but if he relayed anything to others about what he saw I wonder if any of it gave anymore clues to what Dr Murray was up to that day.

When the story about Prince being forced to watch was told I was hoping that wasn't true. How heartless could that bastard be to make Michael's child watch that for his own protection. And it proves nothing cuz Prince wasn't in the room for the other hours he was in that room doing Lawd knows what to Michael and with Michael's body. So he has scarred Michael's child for life over BS! I can't believe this. When Mark Lester mentioned how quiet Prince had become since Michael's death, it made sense. The poor kid has been traumatized. No wonder he didn't want to go to Forest Lawn to view the body the night before the Memorial. Latoya said only Paris went if I remember correctly. This is beyond sad. That poor kid. Damn! :cry:

Kai Chase, Michael Jackson's personal chef, is photographed in Beverly Hills, Calif. on Tuesday, July 28, 2009. On the day Michael Jackson died, his personal chef says her first hint of something amiss was when his doctor didn't come downstairs to get the juices and granola he routinely brought the King of Pop for breakfast each morning. (AP Photo/Nick Ut) http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/Michael-Jackson-personal-chef/photo//090729/482/c592cd0d362d46dbb05ecb26ba6c3e7e//s:/ap/20090729/ap_en_ce/us_michael_jackson_chef_2

- Indicating that he was in trouble around breakfast time??? When did those women first go to that storage facility?? Its obvious that he wasn't alive or there were complications a few hours before the 911 call. This all makes me feel so sick, we just want Michael back :( Instead I will keep hoping the real truth will come out about ALL people involved. It wasn't just the doctor I think, it was set up this, a plan to kill Michael for his money :(

You hit the nail on the head. I was thinking the same thing. This article makes for a great timeline on that day. So Michael should have been having his juices and granola when those women were at the storage place in Texas!!
What was this flocktard doing for 3 hours until Prince was called up and 911 was called?? What in God's name was this flocker doing to Michael and/or his body?! I'm praying police are going over his phone records to see exactly who he was calling from 9:00 til paramedics arrived...even after that. Trace the whole darn day! This makes my blood boil. I can't take it. Just as some of us feared, Michael may have been dead long before.

Is she just pushing her cookbook? or telling the truth? or maybe both?

Possibly both.

Overall, this chef gave a pretty good account of that day and how Michael was taking care of himself or at least trying to. She was rehired on June 2nd. And if we remember this was after those fans said MJ complained to them about not having an appetite and worrying about his ability to do do the shows, etc... Perhaps this chef was rehired for this reason. What I'm interested in is WHY was she let go in May in the first place? Budget cuts? Didn't someone say Tohme went on a firing spree for the sake of money just before this or am I getting that confused with another time? And is the chef being let go the reason why Michael had dropped so much weight by the beginning of June...becuz his chef had been fired and he had no one to adequately cook for him? So many questions that are sorta kinda getting answers...or at least we can start piecing together ideas.

Chefy needs to do another interview. I hope she goes on CNN or Anderson Cooper or somewhere so we can get more info.

Thanks for posting.
Great article, but I am so mad that he called for Prince. Why in the world would he want to call a 12yr old boy to the room to have him see his father lying there motionless. That SOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lmao@the chef still having a WALKMAN.. That Paris is very outgoing, I luv her..
This chef's timeline is key. I think this doctor is lying about going up there and finding Michael when he claims he did. I think he was already up there all morning doing something to Michael.

And what would be the purpose of oxygen tanks? Are they only used for oxygen or could you use them to administer propopol?
great article from the chef, love to hear these little stories
i agree making 12yr old prince go and watch....murrey should ashamed
Yes, someone is lying:
Nurse Cherilyn Lee says Michael Jackson begged her for Dipravan
Here's the link:
But Jackson, she said, was convinced he'd be OK, telling her that his doctors had said it was safe as long as someone was monitoring him.

Lee said that encounter, three months ago, was the last time she saw him.
Then, four days before Jackson suffered cardiac arrest at his rented Los Angeles home, Lee said she got the frantic call from Jackson's camp about the singer wanting Diprivan and complaining about his body being alternately hot and cold.
Lee said she told Jackson to go to the hospital. He never went.

Chef Kai Chase, a professionally trained chef hired by Jackson to maintain a healthy food regimen, recalled the singer's final days in an interview with
The Associated Press. She also spoke about the role of his personal physician, worked for Michael at leasts for "weeks" maybe months.
While she worked for Michael Jackson,
Chef claims this Doctor was bringing Oxygen down the stairs on a "nomral" basis.
The only oddity was the oxygen tanks. Chase said she never asked about the purpose of the oxygen and she saw no sign that Jackson was on drugs or was in failing health.
"Normally in the morning, he would bring oxygen tanks from upstairs downstairs, one in each hand," she said.
Chase said Tuesday that she had gotten used to seeing Murray coming and going from the mansion. The doctor usually arrived about 9 or 9:30 p.m. and would go upstairs to Jackson's room, and she said she would not see him again before she left – sometimes late in the evening – but understood he was staying the night.
Thanks for the article from the chef. Im so friggin angry that Prince was brought into such a traumatic situation. No wonder the poor boy looked so dazed and distant at the memorial.

But also, the chefs account raises more questions, just WHAT was Murray doing that morning??? She didnt see him til he came rushing down looking for Prince.

Also key will be the housekeeper, the Nanny and the childrens accounts (sadly). Also the security guard.
Yes, someone is lying:
Nurse Cherilyn Lee says Michael Jackson begged her for Dipravan
Here's the link:

Chef Kai Chase, a professionally trained chef hired by Jackson to maintain a healthy food regimen, recalled the singer's final days in an interview with

Again, this is not true. The nurse never said MJ begged her for diprivan on that Sunday. sigh This little misquote is going around on some fanboards, I see. Can I please have the link to the faulty article quoted?

"...With such confusion, don't it make you wanna scream."- MJ

Edit: Okay, I see the faulty article. It's ABC news. No surprise there. Out of her own mouth, this nurse never said he asked her for diprivan on that particular day. ABC news got it wrong. They got something wrong yesterday about the raid on Murray's office as well. Can't think of what it was now, but I read it and shook my head.
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LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles County coroner's office says release of Michael Jackson's autopsy results will be delayed.
Coroner's officials had said they were going to release the results this week but Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter said Wednesday the announcement will probably not come until next week.
Winter did not discuss reasons for the delay, saying only that his office needed to "finish up a bunch of stuff."
Jackson died June 25.
A law enforcement official has said investigators are working under the theory that the powerful anesthetic propofol caused Jackson's heart to stop. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.

Dr. Conrad Murray has emerged as the primary target in the death of Michael Jackson — but law enforcement sources tell us a massive investigation is taking form into what could be fraudulent prescription practices of more than a dozen doctors ... and we're told that number could easily double.
LAPD detectives and members of the L.A. County Coroner's office are gathering info on various doctors who treated Michael Jackson over the years. Subpoenas have been issued, medical files have been taken and conversations with various doctors and their lawyers are taking place.
Jackson has used more than two dozen aliases to score drugs, with the help of doctors ... nineteen alone are mentioned in the affidavits used to secure search warrants against Dr. Murray.
We're told the prescription practices became so egregious that one prominent pharmacy wouldn't even bother to write the patient's name when a certain doctor called in scripts for Jackson.
Sources say law enforcement is looking at one doctor who used the same anesthesiologist dozens of times to put Jackson under for routine procedures that should not have required sedation.
Law enforcement sources say the Jackson case could be the biggest of its kind when it comes to doctors who enabled celebrity patients to fuel their drug addiction ... and we're told criminal charges could loom large.
See, this is what I don't understand, Michael is looking to eat healthy for the upcoming concerts, hires this chef, is all about being healthy.....so I don't understand all this drugs chatter! I really don't think 'drugs' has been the issue for sometime now. This damn doctor F*&^%# MJ up with this damn Diproval ish all becuase he had issues with insomnia!

And whats with the Doctor calling Prince to the room! how stupid was that when adults were there he could call.
Thank you for the news, wonderful article. It always makes me sad to see the 'Today in History' part of your post, for some odd reason.

Former Michael Jackson Bodyguard Speaks About Late King Of Pop
Michael Jackson's former bodyguard.. says keeping Michael safe was his top priority and not an easy task. WFMZ's Karin Mallett takes us behind the scenes of what it was like to guard one of the most famous stars in the world.

>> REPORTER: Thousands of fans, just vying for a glimpse.

>> SCOTT CUMMINGS: They were reaching over grabbing his hat, they were trying to grab his lapel, any piece of Michael Jackson they were trying to get.

>> REPORTER: But it was Scott Cummings' job to protect the King of Pop.

>> CUMMINGS: I was assigned right to Michael personally.

>> REPORTER: It was 1900 and Cummings was working for Donald Trump in Atlantic City, Michael was Trump's guest and given the grand tour. But once inside the casino, Cummings says it was a mob scene, a chaotic, frenzied mess.

>> CUMMINGS: I have never encountered, in 20 years of executive protection, the amount of physical force that we used to protect him.

>> REPORTER: In his new book "Michael Jackson's Bodyguard: An Inside Look at the Rich and Famous" Cummings shares 15 years of memorable moments.

>> CUMMINGS: I don't want to be a kiss and tell author, I want to tell people what it's like to actually rub shoulders with some of the most famous people in the world.

>> REPORTER: Cummings security career got off the ground in politics, protecting former Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger a job that took him around the world.

>> CUMMINGS: Africa, China, Japan, South Korea- the Netherlands.

>> REPORTER: Essentially meeting everyone Kissenger met. And from there the list goes on celebrity after celebrity with Cummings right by their side.

>> CUMMINGS: One time at the flower show, Martha Stewart asked me to keep people away from her and I had 42 women trying to get her autograph who were kicking me in the legs, that was one of my hardest details.

>> REPORTER: Cummings says Michael's death brought back a flood of memories, and the times spent with those he watched over.

>> CUMMINGS: He was kind, soft spoken, well versed.. used perfect English. And I really found him to be unique and he's probably one of the most memorable stars I've ever had the opportunity and privilege to protect.

http://wfmz.com/view/?id=1238912&ti...ckson Bodyguard Speaks About Late King Of Pop