Daily News Feb 10, 2010


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hi :waving: good morrowing i just through i post today's news cause i didn't saw it today cause i'm a good person & good friend & i love to help out so i just through for the fans :D :flowers:

Picture of the day today :D

Today in
Michael Jackson History

1977- "Enjoy Yourself" is a song recorded by The Jacksons and released as a single in 1976. It was the first non-Motown single for the group since they departed from the label earlier that year. The song reached #6 on the pop charts and #2 on the R&B charts. 'Enjoy Yourself' becomes Jackson`s first offical Gold record certified by the RIAA on February 10, 1977. It was also the group's first Platinum single, as well as the first song to featured new member Randy Jackson, who replaced Jermaine after he decided to stay in Motown after his brothers left. The song is sampled in "Let's Have A Party" by the Backstreet Boys, which appears in their 1996 album, Backstreet Boys (International).

1979 – The Jackson performe their Destiny Tour in Brighton, England.

1979 – It's Jacksons Day on American Bandstand. Michael Jackson perform the song 'Push Me Away'. At February 9, 1958 a report by the American Research Bureau cites Dick Clark's American Bandstand as the top-ranked daytime television program, drawing an average of 8,400,000 viewers per day.

1988 - Singer Michael Jackson is finally in this Panhandle city to rehearse for his concert tour “BAD” after bad weather in Atlanta delayed his arrival by three days, a publicity spokeswoman said. On Monday afternoon, Jackson arrived in the same Eastern Airlines that carried the Pensacola Tornados of the Continental Basketball Association home from a road trip. The singer is sharing the 10,000-seat Pensacola Civic Center with the Tornados, who had a home game scheduled Tuesday night, as he rehearses through February 18 for a 13-city tour that will begin Feb. 23 in Kansas City, Mo. Jackson was expected to arrive Friday night. The performer was met at the airplane's steps and whisked away. Television cameras caught only a fleeting glimpse of him.Jackson's lighting equipment and stage and a 100-person entourage of musicians, backup singers and others began arriving two weeks ago, but Jackson does not plan any public performances in Pensacola. Local radio disc jockeys Doug and Denise Williams went on a hunger strike for two weeks in an effort to persuade Jackson to stage a performance in Pensacola. That ended Monday after Williams lost 25 pounds and his wife 15 pounds. Meanwhile, city officials have ordered the removal of a mobile home set up in the parking lot of a nearby motel as a headquarters for Jackson fans. A city ordinance prohibits retail sales out of trailers without.

1992 - MTV kicked off its first global sweepstakes with "My Dinner with Michael". Winners from around the world attended a dinner party hosted by Michael Jackson on the set of his music video "In the Closet". Later that year, a biopic, The Jacksons: An American Dream debuted on ABC based on the true story of the rise of The Jackson 5.

1992 - Michael Jackson departs to Africa. He travels for 11 days to visit hospitals, orphanages, schools, churches & institutions for mentally handicapped children, covering about 30,000 miles on his journey.

1993 - The World première of Give into Me video took place on February 10, 1993 during the worldwide live telecast from Neverland Valley of "Michael Jackson Talks... To Oprah". The video clip is starring Michael Jackson and Slash. Shooting of the video clip took place in Munich, Germany. Video clip produced by Phil Rose and Warren Hewlett. Staging Michael Jackson. Directed by Andy Moharan.

1993 - Oprah Winfrey interviews Michael Jackson on her prime-time special on ABC-TV. Michael Jackson Talks to Oprah, a 90 minute long interview, was broadcast LIVE around the world from Michael's Neverland Valley Ranch in California. The live telecast attracted about 85 million viewers in US alone, and was the 4th most watched TV event in history. It was the most successful ABC entertainment special ever. In the interview, Jackson claims that he has a disorder that destroys the pigmentation of the skin. He also claims he's had very little plastic surgery. Elizabeth Taylor made a surprise appearance during Oprah Winfrey’s primetime interview with Michael Jackson. Elizabeth, who at first didn’t intend to appear on the program, set the record straight about her friendship with her friend Jackson and the controversy surrounding him.

1996 - Michael Jackson flew into Brazil Friday to begin filming a controversial video. He was welcomed with near-hysterical enthusiasm by fans in Salvador. Hand-in-hand with two children -- and with only his eyes visible above a black surgical mask -- the singer sprinted across a shimmering runway to wave to hundreds of fans gathered on an airport balcony. "He started running toward us and I almost fainted," said breathless schoolgirl Sheila de Oliveira, still in tears after her not-so-close encounter with the star.
Plans by Jackson and director Spike Lee to film in Brazil as part of a video for the song "They Don't Care About Us" have caused an uproar. Authorities have alleged the use of a Rio de Janeiro shantytown as a backdrop would damage the city's attempts to revive its tourism industry and host the 2004 Olympics.

2000 - It was reported that Michael has selected "The Firm" as his new management company. "The Firm", a two-year-old company described as "one of the hottest music management teams in the world", is headed by Jeff Kwantinetz and Michael Green. John McLain, a family associate and former high-ranking A&M executive, will remain involved in managing Michael Jackson.

2003 - "In response to a number of allegations made against Michael Jackson in the Sunday newspapers, in the United Kingdom, Michael has authorised the following statement to be made. "Michael Jackson is authorising the release of excerpts from a video-tape taken while Bashir was interviewing Michael Jackson, in which Martin Bashir was recorded. "The film shows extraordinary scenes of Martin Bashir praising the way Michael treats children and commenting on how good a father he is. "These video excerpts were taken in the eighth - and last - month of Bashir's shooting with Michael and after the time Bashir and Michael were in Berlin. "In his film, Bashir says that it was in Berlin that he began to change his mind about Michael's treatment of his children. Yet, the Jackson footage clearly shows that Bashir was actually continuing to praise Michael's abilities as a father and Bashir making many statements about how he feels it is a pity that the world is so quick to criticise Michael... "In relation to the 1993 allegations made by Jordy Chandler which have again been recycled by certain newspapers, Michael has authorised the issue of the following: "Michael cannot understand why Jordy Chandler ever made these allegations over 10 years ago. "Michael Jackson then, and has ever since, vehemently denied that these events ever took place. "Michael does not know who manipulated Jordy Chandler to make these allegations at the time, nor has he ever understood why, other than the motives of some people to exploit both Jordy and Michael, for financial gain. "The reason Michael chose to pay Jordy Chandler a considerable sum of money, rather than be publicly vindicated following a trial, was to avoid being subjected to a media circus. "Despite his profound hurt at the allegations made by Jordy, Michael did not, at the time, think it right or proper to subject a 14 year old boy to prolonged litigation, the effects of which on Jordy appeared to be of little concern to those manipulating Chandler at the time. "Michael Jackson has respected the obligation of confidentiality imposed on all the parties to the prior proceedings, yet someone has chosen to violate that confidentiality and use Jordy's 1993 statements to further sully Michael's character. "Whoever is now leaking this material is showing as much disregard for Jordy as they are determination to attack Michael. "Michael is aware that certain former employees are, or are planning to, sell certain stories to the press. As with all celebrities, he is vulnerable to being exploited and abused by anyone who chooses to betray his trust, in return for financial gain. "Michael Jackson said on Sunday: "I am bewildered at the length to which people will go to portray me so negatively. I will say again that I have never, and would never, harm a child. It sickens me that people have written things that portray me as a child abuser."

2008 – Michael Jackson`s Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' 2008 is at Australia Singles chart peaking #8.

2008 – Michael Jackson`s Number Ones is at PHYSICAL ALBUM CHART at Australia peaking #50, and also by DIGITAL TRACK CHART at #4.

2009 - Michael goes to see Dr Klein in Beverly Hills

The Official Michael Jackson Autopsy Report Brought After Murray Was Accused

Michael Jackson — The official Michael Jackson autopsy report has been brought out instantly after his previous doctor, Conrad Murray was accused of unwilling manslaughter after the demise of the superstar. Dr. Murray was permanently residing in the singer’s house.

He was the biggest superstar that the Earth ever encountered and his passing away devastated his devotees. His demise was the most looked for news on the cyberspace as well as decelerated it such a great deal that numerous believed that the net had dashed.
The Michael Jackson autopsy report isn’t beneficial for the doctor’s defense lawyers. This is because the Michael Jackson autopsy report reasons that the medicine Propofol was not given to the artist professionally standards. It besides state that the advised equipment for supervising the precise dosage given to the patient wasn’t available at the place.
The supposed illegally careless giving of the medication is the focal point of the guilty charge versus the Dr.If the doctor is trialed, his criminal prosecution will be among the most eminent crime lawsuits after Michael’s confronting of guilty accusations in Santa Barbara.
The Michael Jackson autopsy report as well evidenced that Jackson’s claim around his remarkably light complexion was accurate. The vocalist had frequently abnegated that he bleaches his body as a lot of people had hinted. Alternatively, as Michael had said the paper supports the fact that the artist was had Vitiligo. It is a skin disorderliness that stimulates snowy spots to occur. It can affect black people as well. The Michael Jackson autopsy composition said that his hair wasn’t genuine as well as he used a wig.
Michael Joseph Jackson died on June 25, 2009 at the age 50 years and he had hired Conrad Murray during the period when he was preparing for a much anticipated comeback tour. The tour was scheduled to take place at the famous O2 Arena, London under the title ‘This Is It’ and the concert series was due to commence from July 13, 2009 while it would last till 6 March, 2010. Over one million people were expected to attend the concert at O2 Arena.

here is link:http://www.twominutenews.com/2010/e...rt-brought-after-murray-was-accused-3614.html

Michael Jackson’s in-house physician: 'I’ll Be There…'

It was a wait that lasted more than seven months.
Charges of involuntary manslaughter have finally been filed against Michael Jackson's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, on February 8, 2010.
There have been reports of a disagreement between the District Attorney’s (DA) office and the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) regarding the manner by which Murray would appear—whether he should quietly turn himself in; or arrested, handcuffed and brought into the courthouse, and consequently, paraded in front of TV cameras. Both the DA’s office and the LAPD denied any such squabbling.
Sources for TMZ claimed that representatives of Murray’s lawyers put out word that Murray will appear in court on Monday, voluntarily, whether the case was filed or not.
Meanwhile, Murray has reportedly visited the Forest Lawn cemetery to pay his respects to the fallen star the weekend before the case filing. A camera snapped his photo outside, which landed as an exclusive on TMZ on February 7,2010, and a subsequent video clip was soon obtained by Entertainment Tonight.
Prior to the charges being filed, reports also surfaced that Murray’s defense tactic would involve Michael Jackson himself as the key witness for defense. Meaning, they were planning to show collected video footage of the star to suggest that the global pop icon knew how to self-administer drugs and had been battling prescription drug addiction for at least 15 years.
Reports had it that they would show footage of a frail Jackson during his “This Is It” rehearsals, a 2007 court deposition where he discussed being medicated for various pains, and various clips wherein he appeared intoxicated.
The involuntary manslaughter case against Murray puts Jackson’s death in his hands, although doing so without malice. If convicted, Murray would face four years in prison. Meanwhile, prosecutors already filed a motion to revoke his license.
But to get a conviction, which legal experts had said would be an uphill climb, the prosecutors must convince jurors that Jackson’s death went beyond accident and that Murray was criminally negligent.
Officials have ruled that Jackson’s death was due to an overdose of the powerful anesthetic, propofol, among several drugs in his system. While Murray admitted to administering the drugs in the hours leading to the 50-year-old’s death, his lawyer’s initial statement shortly after was that their client gave Jackson nothing that should have killed him.
On the day of the case filing, Murray marched somberly into court amid chants of “murderer” from Jackson’s fans outside; inside, he faced the angry members of the Jackson family, including grieving mother Katherine Jackson.
Reuters then reported that Murray’s attorney once again addressed the media outside the courthouse, saying this whole situation was a “nightmare” for his client, one reason being that “he lost a friend” when the pop superstar died.
Legal observers have noted that the case will clearly be a battle of medical experts; others noted that perhaps it would set legal precedents, including harsher laws and punishment for doctors caught in the same situation.
A day after Murray was charged, it has also been reported that the Medical Board of California has labeled Murray a “danger to the public.”
Murray, 56, pled not guilty to the charge filed against him, and posted bail of $75,000.

here us link:http://www.mb.com.ph/articles/242737/michael-jackson-s-inhouse-physician-i-ll-be-there

Michael Jackson's Spirit Talks To Lisa Marie

Spirit wants forgiveness...

The King of Pop has spoken from the grave to ask for forgiveness from his ex wife Lisa Marie Presley and his make up artist, Karen Faye, According to The Sun.

Using a psychic, Michael's “unsettled” spirit begged Lisa Marie to forgive him.

Spooky or what?

Karen said, “He seemed to be on a mission to reach out to people in his life and be forgiven. Michael spent time explaining his faults and wanting us to forgive him.

“He seemed more jovial with Lisa. The psychic turned to me and said Michael is telling me, 'you took such good care of me and I am so sorry I hurt you so much.'”

But before you start thinking it's a hoax and Michael Jackson is actually alive, Karen insisted that the psychic had “no idea” of her link with the King of Pop.

“There were definite deep insights that would have been difficult to make up...it was detailed about the inner dynamics of his family and his levels of pain and emotional inability.”

The King of Pop died at the age of 50 last year.

What's your favourite Michael Jackson hit?

here is link:http://www.entertainmentwise.com/news/51681/Michael-Jacksons-Spirit-Talks-To-Lisa-Marie

Samsung pre-loads an HDD with Michael Jackson's "This Is It"

Special edition S2 due later this month


Samsung has announced that it is to offer the S2 Portable external hard drive pre-loaded with Michael Jackson's "This Is It" movie.
"We are excited to present this movie starring Michael Jackson, the greatest entertainer of all time, pre-loaded on the Samsung S2 Portable", says a ***** fan from within the Samsung ranks.
The S2 Portable offers a 500GB capacity (minus the movie obviously) and gets a shiny gold finish with a Jackson silhouette.
Due to be available with the DVD and Blu-ray release on 22 February, the special edition drive's price is TBC.
here is link:http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/31378/samsung-hdd-michael-jackson-this-is-it-movie

Yes, thank you Rockstar for the news. But you do have to be careful not to post articles from tabloids. And The Sun is definitely a tabloid. In this case the story is so weak it is laughable but on other occasions it will be something more serious.
The Sun story is true. They took the comments directly from Karen's facebook.
the story about Lisa Marie? Very interesting.

Thanks for posting rockstar!! :hug:

Another new video taken from Michael Jackson’s ‘This Is It’ featuring never before seen footage.
Click on the link below to watch the clip:-
Source: YouTube


Support the US Fund for UNICEF and The American Red Cross and Bid Now On The Official Michael Jackson Opus, Signed by Paula Abdul, Dame Elizabeth Taylor, Joel Madden, Nicole Richie, Alyssa Milano, Ryan Seacrest, Duchess Sarah Ferguson, Pete Wentz, http://www.facebook.com/l/53f12;Will.i.am and More!
You can also place a bid on Michael Jackson Sketches from featured Opus Artrist Nate Giorgio or an autographed and custom Airbrushed Michael Jackson Guitar.
Click on the links below for more information and place a bid:-
Michael Jackson Opus
Sketches by Nate Giorgio
Airbrushed Michael Jackson Guitar
Source: CNN


HMV has exclusively revealed that they will release Michael’s great film ‘Moonwalker’ on Blu-Ray on May 31st this year.
Click on the link below to pre-order your copy now:-
Source: HMV


We all know that people of all ages love the King of Pop. Now, Bert Carroll, 81, Frank Tripoli, 77 and Kurt Bourhenne, 71 have proven just that. The gentlemen, who call themselves the Awesome Threesome, performed their own version of 'Billie Jean' complete with sequined gloves, high-water pants and fedoras at a Leisure World Texas Hold 'Em party in front of more than 50 people.
Just for fun, Shawn Julian, posted the video on YouTube and now it has over 1 million views!
A few of the comments on YouTube have criticized the men for poking fun at Jackson but the Threesome insist their performance is a tribute.
"This was not meant as a put down,'' Carroll said. "This was three guys getting together and doing the dance as best they could. If Michael were viewing it, he would have a great laugh and he would've loved it."
The Threesome say they would love the chance to perform their routine on television. They've sent tapes of the video to Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah, Regis and Kelly and Jay Leno but have not heard back from anyone yet.
Click on the link below to watch their performance:-
Source: http://www.facebook.com/l/53f12;ocregister.com / YouTube


http://www.facebook.com/l/53f12;MichaelJackson.com has published yet another "MJ Opus Picture of the Day and Excerpt".
Click on the link below to read the letter written to Michael Jackson by Spike Lee and a picture taken from the video that Spike Lee created for the song "This Is It":-
Source: http://www.facebook.com/l/53f12;MichaelJackson.com


Christian Holthausen who owns a Michael Jackson fan site in Germany has worked incredibly hard and has created a short video about some of Michael’s humanitarian beliefs which he has posted it on You Tube.
His purpose is to help to spread Michael’s thoughts worldwide and to keep his hopes and dreams for the future alive.
The video has been translated into German, English, French, Spanish , Russian, Dutch, Czech, Turkish and Italian.
Click on the relevant link below to watch the video:-
Source: http://www.facebook.com/l/53f12;MJfan.de


Artist John Uilenberg is from The Netherlands and has done several Michael Jackson paintings. Recently he updated his website with new paintings of Michael and ‘Making of’ videos on You Tube.
Click on the link below to view an example:-
Click on the link below to visit his website:-


Hollywood, Florida’s Hard Rock Concert venue, at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino will celebrate the 70’s sensation of Disco. It will take place on February 25th and will include a long list of big name musical acts spanning multiple generations.
The show also will feature a dance tribute to Michael. The dance group, Iconic, featured on the MTV show ‘America’s Best Dance Crew’ will perform in honour of Michael.
Tickets for Disco Ball went on sale last month with prices ranging from $45.00 to $95.00 and tickets can be purchased via the Hard Rock Live Box Office or Ticketmaster.
Source: All Headline News
Michael Jackson - 'Dangerous' Will Cost You

A composer who worked on a variety of Michael Jackson projects -- including "Black or White," "Dangerous: The Short Films," and "Ghosts" -- has filed a creditor's claim against Michael Jackson's estate.

Bradley Buxer, who played keyboards for Jackson on "The Dangerous Tour," wants $47,839.73 for "music development, production and performance."

here is link:http://www.tmz.com/2010/02/10/micha...rs-claim-bradley-buxer-black-or-white-estate/

Michael Jackson's Physician Pleads Not Guilty

Dr. Conrad Murray pled not guilty to the charge of involuntary manslaughter of the late Michael Jackson in a Los Angeles court on Monday.

Murray was charged with killing Jackson after a lengthy investigation found a lethal cocktail of drugs in the singer's body when he died last year.

Murray was heckled by Jackson fans chanting "murderer" as he entered the courthouse.

Several members of the Jackson family attended the proceedings, including Jackson's parents, brothers, and sister LaToya.

The doctor remained indifferent in court and when addressed by the judge, he spoke softly.

Murray posted bail of 75-thousand (USD) dollars and was allowed to leave.

To reach a guilty verdict for involuntary manslaughter, jurors must find that whatever the doctor did to Jackson was beyond an accident and was criminally negligent.

[Ed Chernoff, Murray's Lead Attorney]:
"He's is in good spirits. He was prepared to make bail. The bail in this case, considering the circumstances, considering the fact that the district attorney's office was looking to raise the bail almost twelve times the standard, the bail amount, considering that the bail is reasonable, he's going to make it. And, he'll be back home with his family and back to his medical practice this week."

56-year-old Murray faces up to four years in prison if convicted.

here is link: http://english.ntdtv.com/ntdtv_en/ns_na/2010-02-10/046865030831.html


More MICHAEL JACKSON news. The JACKSON family will sue media for publishing photos of MICHAEL JACKSON when he was deceased. You all remember the photo of the expired legend in the back of the ambulance trying to be resuscitated? Father JOE JACKSON has filed papers with lawyer BRIAN OXMAN to petition estate judge for access to medical records. JACKSON is asking a court to recognize their rights to sue news outlets for publishing photos of MICHAEL JACKSON when he had expired. There is no word yet about which new outlets will be sued. I do remember seeing the photos and asking myself if that was legal. And if it is legal at least the morality of it all is left of center. Story developing.
From: www.flystylelife.com

More MICHAEL JACKSON news. The JACKSON family will sue media for publishing photos of MICHAEL JACKSON when he was deceased. You all remember the photo of the expired legend in the back of the ambulance trying to be resuscitated? Father JOE JACKSON has filed papers with lawyer BRIAN OXMAN to petition estate judge for access to medical records. JACKSON is asking a court to recognize their rights to sue news outlets for publishing photos of MICHAEL JACKSON when he had expired. There is no word yet about which new outlets will be sued. I do remember seeing the photos and asking myself if that was legal. And if it is legal at least the morality of it all is left of center. Story developing.
Category: Uncategorized Tagged: celebrity deaths, FlyStyleLife.com, Jakson family to sue media for publishing photos of Micheal Jackson Dead, Mecca Donna, Michael Jackson

here is link:http://globalgrind.com/channel/musi...LISHING-PHOTOS-OF-A-DECEASED-MICHAEL-JACKSON/
Last edited:
Thank you for the news.

1993 - Oprah Winfrey interviews Michael Jackson on her prime-time special on ABC-TV. Michael Jackson Talks to Oprah, a 90 minute long interview, was broadcast LIVE around the world from Michael's Neverland Valley Ranch in California. The live telecast attracted about 85 million viewers in US alone, and was the 4th most watched TV event in history. It was the most successful ABC entertainment special ever. In the interview, Jackson claims that he has a disorder that destroys the pigmentation of the skin. He also claims he's had very little plastic surgery. Elizabeth Taylor made a surprise appearance during Oprah Winfrey’s primetime interview with Michael Jackson. Elizabeth, who at first didn’t intend to appear on the program, set the record straight about her friendship with her friend Jackson and the controversy surrounding him.

A very important day in my Michael Jackson fan history. This interview made me Michael's fan. Although for me it happened several months later because I watched the interview on VHS.

A friend gave me a tape to watch and when the interview ended I rewound the tape, watched it again and went to my mom who was in the kitchen and told her that "from now on I have a new idol - Michael Jackson!" It happened in Summer 1993. I remember it as though it happened yesterday.
Thank you for the news.

A very important day in my Michael Jackson fan history. This interview made me Michael's fan. Although for me it happened several months later because I watched the interview on VHS.

A friend gave me a tape to watch and when the interview ended I rewound the tape, watched it again and went to my mom who was in the kitchen and told her that "from now on I have a new idol - Michael Jackson!" It happened in Summer 1993. I remember it as though it happened yesterday.

your walcome :flowers:

that is great :clapping: