D.M.C. (from Run-D.M.C.) talks about first meeting with Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
We still can't embed videos on the forum, so here we go :)
I think the moment he's talking about is when they worked on the anti-crack song.
He talks a bit about Bubbles and what Michael meant to him, only kind words.

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LOL this was cute. Thank you for sharing it. I just wish it came through better for me. It was really choppy and slow loading for me so it was hard to listen to. I wish I could hear it without that happening. I love what he says about never be another Michael Jackson, don't even go there.. etc. So true.
LOL this was cute. Thank you for sharing it. I just wish it came through better for me. It was really choppy and slow loading for me so it was hard to listen to. I wish I could hear it without that happening. I love what he says about never be another Michael Jackson, don't even go there.. etc. So true.

Well said :yes: :yes:
I just wish it came through better for me. It was really choppy and slow loading for me so it was hard to listen to.

Does it say "HD is on" to the right in the video window?!
If it does then press on it so it says "HD is off" - hopefully that will help you out! :)
omg the Bubbles story was soooo funny I think what he was trying to say is that mj was like a kid in so many ways but I would've payed any thing to see mj act gangster lol
That was a good video! DMC talking about Jay's eruption with Bubbles and the chain was hilarious!
Oh wow that was great. I know I feel exactly as he feels at times, he shouldn't die. He have always been immortal.

Great interview. Thanks, I love it.