Cute Video :)

Oh, it's soooooo cute!!!!! :wub:
When the kid grabbed the hat and put it on...... :lmao: :lmao:
I kept smiling through the whole video..... Thank you so much for posting this! :flowers:
That was just too cute! Adorable little boy! It put a big smile on my face! Thanks for sharing Calotte12!
That is the most adorable thing I've ever seen!! So amazing that a whole new generation of MJ fans have just started to discover him.
There will always be a new generation of MJ fans.

As long as babies are born there are more MJ fans to come.

MJ is Forever.
omg the little boy is so cutie..hehe the end was so funny "why..why..why". One of the sweetest videos I've ever seen..thanks for posting. :flowers:
I almost giggled seeing this. He's mini Michael fan. Michael'll go crazy to see this.